As Zhou Ye said, he took out a stack of US dollars from his pocket and put it on the table. The stack of US dollars was at least 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, and if it was changed to Thai baht, it would be as much as 100,000...

Hundreds of thousands of baht... This is quite a temptation for sania... But, she knows better that the more money... sometimes the more it burns... She couldn't help but ask timidly: "Guest, what are you doing??"

"You just have to seduce him... As long as you go to his window, the $30,000 will be yours... Besides, if you go to him... Hey, I'll double the price for you..." As Zhou Ye said that, he took out another stack of US dollars and threw it on the table.

"......" Sania is fighting in her heart... Obviously, this is a malicious joke... But, with this money... She won't have to work for at least a year...

Looking at the hesitant sania, Zhou Ye said leisurely: "Think about it... Actually, I'm not too optimistic about you, because I'm afraid that guy will recognize you, it will be boring... So, if you don't want to do it , I won't force you..."

"I've done it..." Sania gritted her teeth and put her hand on top of the dollar bills on the table - money moves people's hearts, she has no reason not to do it, it's just the last man, it's not that she hasn't sex before...

"Haha..." Zhou Ye wasn't surprised at all about Sania's choice, he just gave Sania a vaccinated jab, "After taking my money, I have to do things well... You can also try it. Try to take money and do nothing... As long as you are confident that you can escape the pursuit of the battle axe, you can take money and do nothing..."

Zhou Ye said, he ignored the tangled face of Sania, grabbed his own woman and walked out... When passing by Tang Ren, he added a little bit to Tang Ren's wine glass, so that he could be today I can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south at night...

Looking at Zhou Ye's back - sania put away the dollars on the table with a tangled face, she knew - from the moment she took the money, this matter - she had to do it. , I have to do it if I don't do it... Tomahawk - she can't afford to offend...

Putting the banknotes in the Kun bag that she carried with her, she felt the weight of the banknotes - her entanglement was no longer there... Even if she made money, she was still struggling. In other words, even if Zhou Ye didn't give it to her just now For a penny, as long as the tomahawk sign is brought out, she will do it too.

It's just that what he did was not so willing, not so dedicated... So, for the sake of the $60,000, sania decided to entertain Tang Ren... It made him deeply feel that he was better than a woman side of...

As for sania's psychological activities, Zhou Ye has no way of knowing... He has already accomplished his goal and gave Tang Ren an unforgettable surprise... The rest of the time, of course, is the two-person world between him and his own woman... …

Zhou Ye took Ji Qi around the night market in Bangkok... The two of them were just like ordinary couples, walking all the way, eating all the way... no matter whether it was snacks or fruits...the two of them had never been idle.

After the two were completely full... Zhou Ye drove Ji Qi back to his villa in Bangkok - it was a sleepless night, Ji Qi fulfilled her promise - she really came for Zhou Ye A custom table dance...

Zhou Ye's blood boiled... That night, Ji Qi found that she had miscalculated... The difficult task of fighting her own man alone, even with her super physique, was a little bit unbearable...

Chapter 1000

Bangkok at three o'clock in the morning... The noisy and lively nightlife has gradually subsided. Occasionally there are a few drunk unconscious people on the street. They are either Europeans who come to Bangkok for vacation, or work in bars. The escort lady... Maybe their identities and statuses are different during the day, it can even be said that they are very different, but on the street - they only have one name, that is - drunk.

In the villa on the outskirts of Bangkok, Zhou Ye slowly opened his eyes... Looking at the seemingly empty space by the window, he whispered, "Come out, little green..."

"I'm sorry, master... Xiaolu didn't mean to disturb your rest." With a timid voice, a slender figure in a black dress slowly appeared by the window out of thin air...

"I know...I don't blame you..." Zhou Ye looked at Xiaolu's timid and pretty face, and rubbed his eyebrows with some headache.

This girl is actually Mo Chou's team with Ji Qi and a group of people who were trained by the Baidi clan. The only difference from Ji Qi is that Ji Qi was trained as a spy, while Xiaolu was trained as an assassin. train.

To put it simply - this girl is a killer...

Maybe it was because Zhou Ye was a little too rude when he took Xiao Lu for the first time. Although Xiaolu can be called a murderous character, when facing Zhou Ye, she looks pitiful like a bullied little girl...

I have to say, being cold to the outside world and being soft to him, Zhou Ye always has the urge to bully and bully him—he felt that way, and he did it...and it turned out like this— - Every time Xiaolu sees Zhou Ye, she always looks timid.

"Come on..." Zhou Ye looked at Xiaolu's Xiaoshou-like expression, and his trembling heart woke up again... He patted his leg, as if you understood.

"Yes..." Seeing Zhou Ye's actions, Xiaolu moved in front of Zhou Ye with an aggrieved look on her face, gently straddled Zhou Ye's lap and buried her face. On Zhou Ye's shoulder, he was reluctant, but he didn't dare to resist.

"Crack..." Zhou Ye unceremoniously slapped Xiaolu's dolphin.

, said: "What am I doing here so early??"

"Hmm—!" Xiaolu felt the tingling sensation there, and there was a tingling sensation along with the tingling pain, which made her involuntarily let out a low hum, hugging her. Zhou Ye's arms tightened involuntarily. "Mother Mochou said...said...let you go back early...don't play too crazy..."

"...Speaking of which, that matter should have been done sooner..." Zhou Ye hugged Xiaolu and said to himself, "It's just right, you're here...then, Xiaolu, go with me. All right……"

"Okay..." Little Green nodded obediently...

Zhou Ye gently put Little Green down, and then turned around to help Ji Qi, who was still asleep, tuck the quilt. Although Bangkok was hot, the air-conditioning in the room was strong... and Ji Qi was a little tired. It was too much. Even though Zhou Ye and Xiaolu were making such a fuss, she didn't wake up - one could imagine how intense the battle between her and Zhou Ye was last night.

"I'll help you get dressed..." Seeing that her male host came to the bed, Xiaolu hurriedly took out a black casual outfit from her space bracelet and put it on for Zhou Ye...

The space bracelet is the standard configuration of Zhou Ye's women, and each of their bracelets is basically equipped with all kinds of cosmetics, clothes, and various snacks that they like. I got my man's clothes...

Maybe Zhou Ye had never seen those clothes once, they bought them according to their own ideas, but—if there was a chance, they would definitely let their men dress up according to their own intentions.

After helping his man from head to toe in a new outfit, Xiaolu took two steps back and looked up and down with satisfaction at the new Zhou Ye, "Master is indeed the most handsome..."

"Don't talk about the things that people on earth know..." Zhou Ye was joking, holding Xiao Lu's right hand, his figure flashed, and he planned to leave here...

"Master..." At this time, Xiao Lu, who was always timid, unexpectedly spoke up, "Can you not use your abilities... I-I want to walk with you..."

"..." Zhou Ye turned his head to look at Xiaolu, he knew...Xiaolu wanted to spend more time alone with himself, and smiled slightly: "Okay...then let's walk slowly... ...there's a lot of time anyway..."

"Thank you, master..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xiaolu wrapped her hands around Zhou Ye's neck with a look of surprise, and gave a thank you.

The two just held hands and walked out of the villa - even Zhou Ye didn't even drive the car...

Xiaolu snuggled up next to Zhou Ye, and from time to time, she secretly glanced at Zhou Ye... It looked extremely cute. If it wasn't for the time and place, I'm afraid Zhou Ye would have turned into a beast...

This dark night was actually no different from the countless dark nights that Little Green had experienced when she was on a mission...dark and silent.

However - Xiao Lu, who was alone with Zhou Ye today, somehow felt that the night was so warm... She was so warm that she didn't want to kill anyone.

"Master..." Xiaolu held Zhou Ye's hand and said in a low voice, "Didn't you once ask me...why do you feel no fear at all when you kill people, as if they were not of the same kind??"

"Huh??" Zhou Ye didn't understand why Xiaolu suddenly brought up this topic from a long time ago, but he still nodded, "Yeah... At that time, when Xiaolu faced other people, it seemed that he didn't exist at all. It's the same feeling..."

"Because... Xiaolu's heart is very small..." Xiaolu's answer made Zhou Ye a little confused...

"Does this have anything to do with being careful??" Zhou Ye was very curious...

"Of course it has something to do with..." Xiaolu stopped her steps, then raised her head to look at Zhou Ye, and said with an unprecedented serious expression: "Because Xiaolu's heart is very small, so Xiaolu's feelings are also Very few... All the feelings and hearts of Xiaolu have been put on the master... So... So... when Xiaolu faces other people, he has no feelings... For Xiaolu, They are no different from things..."

"..." Zhou Ye was silent for a while... He admitted that he was moved by Xiaolu... There were no gorgeous rhetoric, no vows... It was just a statement like a statement, but Zhou Ye felt that this was It was the most touching love story he had ever heard in this world. "Little Green...don't call me master from now on..."

"Master doesn't want Xiaolu??" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xiaolu said anxiously: "If there is something wrong with Xiaolu, please tell Xiaolu...Xiaolu will change...will definitely. Changed...Master, don't abandon Xiaolu..."

"..." Zhou Ye looked at Xiao Lu's panicked face... After he couldn't help but sighed, he hugged Xiao Lu tightly and whispered in her ear, "Call me later. It's fine dear..."

"Dear, dear..." Little Lu's eyes were filled with mist involuntarily... Is this the owner's admission to him? Is this the owner of the house responding to his feelings? What Mistress Mochou said was right... Love is really not only to do, but also to say it out loud...

thank you...mocho mistress...

Chapter 1001

On the other side—in the cabin of the Great Emperor, Mo Chou was holding a glass of red wine and looking up at the stars shining in the night sky... A beautiful girl in a black and white maid outfit was standing behind her with her hands down, no one else. It was Sayuri Aoi.

"Aoi, don't you blame me for instigating Xiaolu to confess to my dear?" Mo Chou looked at Aoi who was standing behind him and asked.

"Of course not..." Aoi Sayuri said indifferently, "Instead, I would like to thank Mistress Mochou..."

"Thank me?? Why??" Mo Chou asked with a look on his face: "You know, with the character of my dear, who can't see his woman being wronged, he will definitely upgrade Xiaolu, then you will shout at that time. The little green mistress is here..."

"Hey - Xiaolu is just a disqualified maid... She was only tempted to change her course by some unimportant status. She is not worthy of being a maid..." Aoi Sayuri said with a look of hatred for iron. " She is still too tender... Compared with the hostess, the maid is closer to the master... There are so many women who call the master dear, but she and I are the only ones who can be called "Master"... She This idiot, to be so betrayed... But that's fine, since then I'll be the master's only maid... It's great."

"..." Hearing Sayuri Aoi's words, Mo Chou's expression was [You're so right, I'm speechless. 】 looks like... what is this? ? Only benefit theory? Or the wailing of shaking m? ? Forget it... The maid's worldview, she doesn't understand...

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