Now - on the outskirts of Bangkok -

Zhou Ye has brought Xiaolu to the vicinity of Interpol's safe house in Thailand...

This safe house is also located on the outskirts of Bangkok... next to the Chao Phraya River, and even a direct current was dug on the Chao Phraya River, directing the water of the Chao Phraya River into a large artificial lake...

Seven or eight buildings with traditional Thai characteristics form a large villa area... From the outside, it looks like other villas of local Thai tyrants - but inside, it is filled with various Communication facilities and explosion-proof devices.

"Darling... how about I take you in??" Xiaolu asked worriedly, looking at the guard at the door with a gun on guard. The ability she was given by Zhou Ye's mutant gene was invisibility, and she could be invisible together with whatever she touched.

This ability is simply magical for killers.

"Don't be so troublesome..." Speaking of which, if Zhou Ye wanted to kill them, it wouldn't even take a second... But, there's no need... Normally, Zhou Ye doesn't like killing people very much.

And—these policemen put it plainly, they have nothing to do with Zhou Ye, just their duty... So Zhou Ye decided not to kill anyone and walked in directly.

There are so many ways to walk in without killing people, and Zhou Ye chose the easiest way—that is—using the magnetic field of his mind to become invisible in front of others... This kind of ability is similar to Emma the White Queen. But Zhou Ye, who owns the Soul Gem, is just as handy to use.

"You can go directly to the monitoring room in a while... I'll find that pony..." Zhou Ye ordered.

"Well...then I'll go first..." Xiaolu said, disappearing into the air...

Zhou Ye just watched Xiaolu walk into the so-called heavily guarded [safe house] like a stroll in the courtyard...

After estimating the time, Zhou Ye also stood up and swaggered towards the villa... scratching his tongue? No need... Zhou Ye just glanced at a certain guard, all the memories in his mind would appear in his mind... Where the pony was, he found it in an instant...

Zhou Ye took it easy and walked towards the room where the pony was imprisoned as if he was strolling through his back garden... He didn't pay any attention to the surveillance cameras scattered all over the corner... He knew that Xiao Lu would take care of them...

And on the other side——in the monitoring room of the safe house——

A beautiful girl in a black lady's suit is sitting in front of the surveillance screen, drowsy... After all, this is her first time on a mission...

In fact, Julie was originally a police officer in Hong Kong, but she only has the identity of Interpol. This incident happened suddenly, and she came from Hong Kong overnight... She was exhausted all the way, how could she not be sleepy?

Besides, it's a little after four in the morning, and it's the time of night when you're most prone to fatigue... She's a ghost if she's not sleepy.

Just when Julie's little head slammed a little, as if another cold air was coming out of her back, she shivered unexpectedly, and her whole body was instantly sober...

While she was used to looking up at the monitor placed in front of her, she reached out to pick up the already cold coffee on the table...

Just when she touched the coffee cup with her hand, she suddenly froze there... In the monitor, a handsome young man she had never seen before was walking towards the room where the protected target was located... This young man, Julie, was sure that she had never seen it before, because—this young man was too handsome, and with such an obvious appearance, Julie was sure that if she had seen it, she would definitely remember it.

"Not good... someone is going to rescue the pony..." Julie snorted, and patted the red alarm bell button by the table... However, at this time, a cold female voice whispered in her ear Said: "If I were you, I wouldn't press that thing..."

With this female voice, Julie only felt the chill between her neck, a cold feeling brought by metal products filled her brain... Julie knew that this was a dagger... Even through the dagger She could feel how sharp the dagger was from the skin on the neck where the cold edge of the blade touched.

"You can't escape..." Julie raised her hands high, indicating that she would follow the instructions obediently, and whispered to the little green behind her. "It's going to be a shift change soon...and, with the ponies, you absolutely can't run away..."

"Shh! Don't talk... Just watch it..." Xiaolu interrupted Julie's words directly. To her—Julie's words are all nonsense... without any value...

Can't escape? Just kidding... She can come and go as easily as this more heavily guarded military base in the United States. Her stealth ability is derived from the genetic medicine that has been improved by Umbrella technology... It can be said that it is a combination of the X world and the century war element world. The advantages of two stealth abilities...the ability to lower your body temperature to escape thermal induction.

The infrared body temperature detectors used to deal with the imaginary invisible people in the past did not work for her at all... Because she could adjust her body temperature while being invisible.

Chapter 1002

Listening to the unceremonious words behind her, Julie reluctantly sneered. She hates kidnappers who refuse to communicate. If she is willing to communicate, there is a possibility of communication. The possibility of communication means that she is alive. more likely...

Being bored, Julie could only put her eyes on the monitor again - at this time, she noticed a trace of strangeness in this handsome and outrageous young man...

He actually walked forward swaggeringly, not concealing his actions at all, completely ignoring the patrolling guards passing in front of him...

"Stupid - hurry up..." When she blurted out these words, Julie immediately covered her little scorpion... How could she be worried about her enemy? She shouldn't be expecting that idiot to be discovered by the patrol and then caught... Maybe she still has a chance.

There was a murmur of unknown meaning behind her, which made Julie feel ashamed... But at this moment, Julie saw that on the monitor, the handsome young man smiled slightly at the camera and gestured with her Completely incomprehensible gestures...

Of course she couldn't understand this gesture - Zhou Ye didn't gesture for her, but gestured at the little green behind her... There was only one meaning [take this little girl away...]

Zhou Ye was not at all worried that Xiaolu would go against his will... He knew that - Xiaolu would satisfy all his thoughts, even if she was shy and shy, she would sob with aggrieved expression... ... In fact, sometimes she still enjoys it... Maybe that's what she said, but her body is very honest.

After saying hello to Xiaolu in the monitoring room——Zhou Ye continued to walk towards the room where the pony was imprisoned. It has to be said that the security here is really strict... After a while, Zhou Ye had discovered ten There are several bright and dark posts and two patrols.

However, this is completely useless to Zhou Ye... He just opened his mind and his whole person disappeared in the eyes of those guys... This villa area is really not very big, Zhou Ye will leave soon At the door of the room where the pony was held...

Zhou Ye stood at the door of the room and gently twisted the doorknob of the room... The door was violently opened by Zhou Ye, and he stepped to the edge of the couch... Zhou Ye grabbed the sleeping guy on the couch and threw it on the ground. ...

This is a young man who looks to be in his twenties, obviously - he's not a pony...

Even though this guy had been thrown to the ground by Zhou Ye, he still couldn't wake up, and he looked like he was sleeping soundly... He wasn't pretending to be, he was really sound asleep...

There is no way, under the control of his spiritual position, Zhou Ye can play with him at will, but he can't wake up... Of course, this does not mean that Zhou Ye is interested in this guy... He is not interested in men... Zhou Ye's hobby is a woman.

Zhou Ye ignored the Interpol who was still sleeping on the ground. Instead, he lifted the bed board with all his strength... There was a man in deep sleep. It was none other than Zhou Ye's goal this time - Ma Jiahui...

Looking at the beautiful pony lying in front of him sleeping under the window, Zhou Ye had to admire this guy's wit... If it was an ordinary person, the pony's trick might really work.

If it is an ordinary person, even if he finds this place, he will only feel that he has been deceived when he sees the Interpol on the couch. At most, he will run away after killing the Interpol... He would never have imagined that this guy Xiaoma actually Hiding under the bed to sleep, this is the legendary dark under the lamp - people will always be blinded by the things in front of them, but cannot see the things behind them...

"It's a good plan..." Zhou Ye said and slapped the pony's face, "Don't sleep, wake up..."

The pony was woken up by the severe pain on his face, he opened his eyes and saw Zhou Ye's first glance, his face was panic, but he quickly recovered, "You are sent by the doa group... …”

"You guessed it right... Zha Zhahui..." For some reason, Zhou Ye thought of the playful Blue Moon when he saw this face - Gu x Lelu... Occasionally it's Zha Zhahui... It's just a brother Come and play with the blue moon and cut me...

Hmm——Although I didn't cut him, does it count as a slap in the face? ? Zhou Ye thought in a serious way...

"Zha Zhahui??" Xiaoma looked stunned... His name was Ma Jiahui, but the nickname Zha Zhahui is too insulting... But thinking of his own arrangement, he calmed down again... "You can't bring it. go my..."

"Why should I take you??" Zhou Ye glanced at him and said, "I just need to take the 15 billion from you...that's someone's private Just ran away like this, have you considered other people's feelings??"

"15 billion... so many zeros..." Xiaoma said and glanced at the Interpol on the ground: "Did you kill him??"

"No..." Zhou Ye looked at the pony and sighed: "Don't think that someone will come to save you, you can turn over and shout and try, if someone comes, I lose..."


Zhou Ye didn't speak, he just made a gesture of "please feel free"...

Xiaoma sank into his dantian without hesitation and shouted. "Help me------!!!"

"Clap—!" Zhou Ye slapped his face unceremoniously, and suddenly slapped the pony...

He covered his face and asked stupidly, "You said I could call for help..."

"But I didn't say I wouldn't hit you!!" Zhou Ye laughed, there was nothing he could do. In the movie, the dubbing of this guy was Star Lord's royal voice engineer. Hearing this cheap voice, Zhou Ye felt The palm of your hand is a little itchy... If you don't give him all at once, it will be difficult to understand.

"I'm cool... You can keep calling..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

The pony's head shook like a rattle, "I'm not going to bark... If it's really useful, someone should have come in that voice just now... I won't give you a chance to slap me in the face..."

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