"It's boring..." Zhou Ye sighed and said, "Okay, the game time is over... Tell me where the 15 billion is??"

"Did I say you'll let me go??" Xiaoma gave Zhou Ye a blank look with the look of you being an idiot, "I wouldn't be that stupid..."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you say it or not..." Zhou Ye patted Zha Zhahui's shoulder and said, "Anyway, I already know where you put your things... um—you bastard, you actually stored one hundred and fifty The one-billion-dollar USB flash drive was stuffed there... Could it be that you're gay??"

"...How do you know??" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Zha Zhahui's face was horrified—his last life-saving charm was found just like that...

"Forget it, die early and take care of life..." Zhou Ye said, using his telekinesis...

The pony only felt that his heart was being held tightly by an invisible big hand. Where is the heart? It is a pump for the whole body's blood, and blood is a porter for transporting oxygen and various nutrients needed by the human body... The heart suddenly stops beating, and the final result can only be - death.

"By the way, your ex-wife and daughter have been caught..." Zhou Ye smiled and whispered in the ear of the terrified scumbag: "This—this is the fate of the traitor... whatever your No matter how lofty the reasons are, you can't get rid of the traitor hat on your head... So, I accept your ex-wife and daughter rudely, and I will raise your daughter... You can rest assured... "

"You...you...please...please..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Xiaoma grabbed Zhou Ye's sleeve with a terrified expression... However, in the end—his arm was still drooping helplessly...

Zhou Ye grabbed a list at random, and then used his telekinesis to put the USB flash drive covered with that stuff into the list and wrap it up... After making an evacuation gesture toward the camera head in the corner of the room, Shi Shiran left. Room……

Chapter 103

Early morning - 6:32 - on the outskirts of Bangkok - in a guest room of Zhou Ye's villa

Julie slowly opened her eyes, the sharp pain on the back of her neck reminded her how she got to this place... With a frown, Julie habitually wanted to touch the back of her neck, See if the skin is broken there... However, she found that she couldn't move at all - because her hands were tied behind her back with a pair of handcuffs.

"Here... where is it??" Julie looked at the furnishings in the guest room, and in her mind - the scene in the last scene was that she saw the handsome boy on the monitor make a gesture to the monitor, and then She felt a pain in the back of her neck, and then completely lost consciousness.

When I woke up again, I was already detained in this room...

The furnishings in the room look very ordinary. If there is any difference - I am afraid that the decoration of the whole room is very low-key and luxurious...

After looking at the whole room, Julie found that there were no items in the room that could help her current situation... Those small metal items have been deliberately put away... At least Julie didn't find it. There is something in this room that can help you open the handcuffs on your hands.

After searching for a long time, Julie finally gave up the idea of ​​finding something small to open her handcuffs and escape from here. But Julie is not discouraged...because she has one last trick! ! !

"Help!!!! Is there anyone there...!!! Help!!!!"

That's right, Julie's last trick is to scream for help! !

After a while... there were brisk footsteps, and with a click, the door to the guest room was opened... A girl in a long black dress walked in. Julie looked at the girl's face, she didn't know what to do. Don't know this girl... "Who are you? Where is this place? What do you want to do to me??"

"Who am I?" Little Green walked up to Julie with an expressionless face and asked, "Can't you hear my voice??"

"Are you the gangster who held me hostage??" As soon as Xiaolu spoke, Zhu Li could hear her voice. After all, Xiaolu used a dagger to force her to watch Zhou Ye move freely in the safe room. .

"That's right!" said Xiaolu, holding Julie's shoulder and turning her from lying to sitting, "Let's go, someone wants to see you..."

"...Who wants to see me?? What are you going to do with me??" Julie asked with a bewildered face, but—Little Green didn't give her any answers to these questions, she just walked out of the house with her. ...

Julie, who followed Xiaolu out of the house, looked at the environment in front of her. It looked like a villa. The hand-made Persian tapestries on the walls were expensive. Coupled with these luxurious decorations, Zhu Li. Li came to a conclusion - the owner here should not be short of money.

Could it be Mr. Gao from the doa group? ?

Julie followed Xiaolu into a side hall with questions in her head...

As soon as she walked into the side hall, Julie saw a person who surprised her... It was none other than the handsome young man she saw on the monitor who came and went freely in the safe room. "why you??"

"Why can't it be me??" Zhou Ye raised his head, glanced at Julie, and waved to her with a smile...

"Hey - do you know that you are committing a crime by illegally detaining you like this??" Julie stood there, without any intention of going over. "Hurry up and let me go, maybe you can fight for leniency..."

"Really? Be lenient when confessing, sit in prison, resist being strict, and go home for the New Year... Isn't this a popular phrase in Interpol?

? Zhou Ye said, and waved his hand again, "Don't talk about other things first, come and watch something interesting with me first..."

"I just..." Zhu Li just wanted to show that she would rather die than give up, but the huge thrust from behind made her sit on the sofa beside Zhou Ye without staggering...

"If you really have the guts, you should press the alarm button in the monitoring room..." Xiaolu's voice sounded faintly. Her words did not leave any affection for Julie, and Julie suddenly struggled hard. stand up. "I... I fought with you..."

"嘁——!" Xiao Luli ignored Julie, in her opinion, it was just the wailing of a lost dog in life - Xiaolu ignored Julie's clamor, and Shi Shiran walked over to his own man The other side sat down, and then snuggled into Zhou Ye's arms obediently.

"...I didn't expect you to be male and female robbers..." Zhu Li said in a sour tone as she watched Xiaolu snuggle in Zhou Ye's arms.

I don't know why, but she just didn't want to lose face in front of Zhou Ye...Especially when Xiaolu lost her face...

"Shh - don't make trouble, just watch this interesting show with me obediently..." Zhou Ye was a little annoyed by Zhu Li, so he stretched out his hand to wrap Zhu Li's slender waist...

Zhou Ye's body made Zhu Li feel weak in an instant... Especially the faint smell of good smell coming from Zhou Ye's body made her feel like a deer in her heart...

Julie——You can't be beaten by the enemy's sugar-coated cannonballs... I won't give in to the handsome man's plan... As Julie cheered herself up inwardly, she raised her head and looked at the person in front of her. Large projection screen...

The content on the screen made her a little stunned... What's the situation? ? In the early morning, you actually see such a heavy taste? ? ?

"Hey—you, aren't you a pervert??" Zhu Li lowered her voice and whispered beside Zhou Ye.

What exactly is playing on the screen? ?

On the screen, a sweet-looking... woman was at the window, kissing affectionately with a black-looking and wretched little man, and the little man also had an awkward look, half pushing and half enjoying it... …

The two were none other than Tang Ren, the dark-skinned little man was Tang Ren, and the sweet-looking woman was the one who received Zhou Ye's money... shemale sania.

Hearing Zhu Li's words, Zhou Ye didn't say a word... Instead, he continued to stare at the screen... He was waiting for the final moment...

Soon, the two finally reached the last step - but, this posture is a bit strange, Tang Ren is lying on the bottom, Sania is pressing on top of him... With Sania's movements, Tang Ren's face leaked a pain and happy tangled expression...

"Hahaha..." Zhou Ye turned off the screen with a big laugh. He didn't really like watching this kind of film... He just wanted to see how the surprise he gave to Tang Ren worked. By the way, let's take a look at Tang Ren. That's a super funny expression...

Now it seems that the effect is outstanding. Isn't this guy Tang Ren really broken? ? Zhou Ye touched his chin and thought.

Chapter 104

BANGKOK, Thailand — In Chinatown, a two-story building that looks a bit rundown.

In a room on the second floor, Qin Feng was woken up by a sound like the howls of ghosts and wolves. He shook his head, trying to wake himself up... By the way, the messy ghosts and wolves in his mind were howling. sound to drive out.

However—Qin Feng’s efforts had no effect at all, because—the screams like ghosts and wolf howls didn’t come from his mind, but the reality—

Qin Feng staggered up from the young single Simmons, followed the sound and touched the back room...

This is a not very big room, the size of which is more than 30 square meters, and it is divided into two rooms inside and outside by a curtain. Except for the small bed Qin Feng just slept in, the outer room is divided into two rooms. It has already been piled up with debris, leaving only a small place...

And the sound came from the back room separated by the curtain... Qin Feng opened the curtain curiously... The scene inside made him feel hot...

I saw a small bed in the back room, his cousin Tang Ren was lying on top of it, and a sweet-looking woman was galloping behind him... That sound like a magic voice was coming from Tang Ren's mouth... …

"I'm sorry...I didn't see anything!" Qin Feng hurriedly put down the curtain...turned his head and walked out of the house...but he suddenly stopped his steps...

Wait - why is Tang Ren lying on the bottom? ? That pose is supposed to be like that, right? ? I have little physiology and hygiene, so there must be some difficult movements that I have never learned before, right? ?

With a question in his head, Qin Feng walked out of the house... After washing his face and brushing his teeth in the public washroom, he took care of his physical hygiene... and returned to the house again...

At this moment, there was no more noise in the house... Tang Ren had already dressed and was sitting on the stool outside. Looking at his appearance, he was waiting for him to come back...

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