
The girls in Marvel, headed by the goddess Death and Asgard's queen, Hela - and the new sisters headed by Mochou and Baidi Yayoi have reached a package of cooperation agreements...

For example, we must resolutely resist our dear Zhou Ye and bring back a new sister, abstain from sex with him for three months... and a series of punitive measures.

However, both of them—these measures were later proved to be completely useless—

Not to mention, there is more than one traitor in their camp alone who sneaks up to talk to their own men...such as Ophelia, such as Pandora...

And what about Zhou Ye? He even brought his maids back to New York... Of course it wasn't because he was sulking or something. If Zhou Ye wanted to break this deadlock, it would be very easy... There is nothing between husband and wife that can't be solved just once. Yes, if once hehehe can't solve it, then twice...

Zhou Ye just took this opportunity to go to New York... He completely took down Little Spider's first love, Gwen Stacy, in advance...

How could Gwen, who had just entered high school, resist Zhou Ye's various attacks? She resisted for less than a day in total, and she fell completely and completely... It's not that our army didn't work hard, but the enemy army has a plug-in.

"The Red Queen..." Zhou Ye narrowed his eyes and began to summon his caring little housekeeper.

"Master... You are actually calling me at this time, you can't hold it anymore, are you planning to shoot at me??" The figure of the red queen wearing a long red dress was projected directly into Zhou Ye's retina, complaining. own master. "Is the race already unable to stop you? My great master?... Oh no, among the newly returned mistresses, there is actually a demon clan... It seems that the issue of race is not a problem for you for a long time? Yes? ??"

"...The Red Queen..." Zhou Ye looked at the Red Queen who was chattering in front of him, like a woman who saw her husband cheating but was helpless, and asked in surprise, "Aren't you jealous? Right? The red queen..."

"Who...who...who would be jealous..." The red queen looked shy, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

However, at this time, the style of the red queen changed and she said with a blank face: "Do you want me to be in this state??"

"...This is not funny at all... Red Queen..." Zhou Ye sighed, he knew what Red Queen was thinking... "I know, in the next world, I will go to the world of Transformers and get the At that time, combined with the cradle of life, it will definitely give you a perfect body exactly like a human..."

"..." After being silent for a while, Queen Red said, "Why is the next world... not the next world??"

"Because I already have a reservation for the next world..." After Zhou Ye explained it, he urgently changed the subject and said, "You help me find someone..."

"..., good master..." When she wasn't involved in business affairs, the Red Queen would tease Zhou Ye, but as long as she was talking about business affairs, she would immediately turn back into that loyal and reliable little housekeeper, "Please tell me. The name of the person you are looking for..."

"Carol Danvers..."

"Are you talking about her?" Following the Red Queen's reply, a photo of a girl appeared in front of Zhou Ye. "Captain Marvel in the comics??"

"Well, it's her..." Zhou Ye nodded and said.

"She has always been under our control..." Hong Hou introduced: "Her family has a little problem, her father is a patriarchal guy, although when she graduated from high school, her grades were three children in the family. The best out there, but her father insisted she drop out of school... So, we Umbrella Foundation found her, we funded her to finish college, and she worked for us after college..."

"Then where is she now?? She's still..." Zhou Ye didn't finish his words, but as a caring little secretary, Hong Queen already knew what her master wanted to ask, "Of course she's still a little girl... we She is so busy that she can't wait to split it into two parts in one minute, how can she have time to fall in love?? And... I also gave instructions to the shadow guards... So, I guarantee that she is still the master you want the most status……"

"Then where is she now??" Zhou Ye asked.

"She's now an astronaut with our Umbrella Aviation Group, um—she's supposed to be on a mission to Mars now, let me see when she's coming back... oh yeah, she's coming back on A year later in April..."

"Dear... Please be more attentive..." Gwen finally couldn't help her man being so distracted, when would it be like this... She couldn't help pinching Zhou Ye angrily.

"Oh... no problem, baby..."

Chapter 1013

Midh School of Science and Technology [midh school of science and y] is a private high school that focuses on cultivating science talents... Of course, this high school also has Umbrella shares, no recruits, rich and willful...

"Hey, how was everyone's weekend? I had a terrible weekend..." The instructor of class A was chattering about his tragic weekend experience, which was simplified into one sentence - he was beaten by his wife Forced to give up his favorite baseball team's game to attend a relative's funeral...

"Mr. Roy... I think if you keep saying this, we may be late soon..." Liz Allen had to stand up and reminded directly, there is no way... Who told this instructor to be a word What about chatter? If you ignore him, he can say here that he will not be the same for a day...

"Ah... I'm sorry... Ellen, I almost forgot the most important topic today!" Roy said, and waved to the outside of the classroom, "Zhou, you can come in... I'll introduce you to one today. A new classmate...Student Ye Zhou, he just transferred from Washington... Please warmly welcome the new classmates to join us!"

"...Wow—what a handsome guy..."

"I'm willing to spend ten years of my life - as long as I can sleep with him for one night... just one night... God..."

"I think I'm starting to believe in love again..."

"I think I'm in love with this guy..."

"Didn't you just say you love the big football captain of the school? That his muscles fascinated you so much??"

"That's just the confusion of youth and ignorance, Zhou is my true love..."

Looking at the buzzing discussions of the girls in the audience... Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Ye, of course... According to the English reading method, you can call me Ye Zhou... But my personal preference is You call me Zhou..."

"Why can't I call you Ye?" Liz Allen raised her hand and asked curiously. She is also full of curiosity about Zhou Ye... No way, most girls of this age are face control... For them, as long as they are handsome, nothing is unforgivable.

"...Because, only my girlfriend can call my name..." Zhou Ye blinked at Liz and said with a smile, "Of course, if this classmate is willing to call me Ye, I will Very happy too..."

Zhou Ye's implication, of course, is - as long as you shout, I will acquiesce that you are my girlfriend...

"Of course there's no problem... Ye!" Could Liz Allen be frightened by Zhou Ye's remarks? She directly called Zhou Ye's name with a smile on her face... "My name is Liz Allen... You can call me Liz!"

"Haha...Since you two get along so happily, then the new classmates will be taken care of by you, Allen..." The instructor said, and randomly assigned Zhou Ye to Liz Allen to take care of him. His words Caused the wailing of the girls in the audience...

"Why is this..."

"It's not fair..."

"Does Zhou like chocolate beauties??"

Instructor Roy didn't pay any attention to the remarks of the girls, but said casually: "I'm just telling you, you have to be the first to take action when you see something... The one who eats the crab first is the winner, and the one who eats the crab later is just a diners. Well, I have other things to do, see you later..."

" girlfriend..." Zhou Ye walked to Liz's side unceremoniously and greeted her with a smile.

"What's the matter? Boyfriend??" Liz said with a smile—

In fact, Liz was not the kind of girl who would take the initiative to pursue boys, or it should be said... In this country where she lost that kind of thing at the age of fourteen or five, she still maintains a pure body is simply an anomaly...

This has something to do with her parents being Protestants, but the biggest relationship is that she herself is a bit insensitive to feelings...

However, the first time she saw Zhou Ye, her heart was like a beast roaring, he was mine...he was mine...

So——she chose to follow her inner thoughts, and directly set up a relationship with Zhou Ye in a seemingly joking manner...

"This classmate, I think I have something to talk about with my new girlfriend. Can you give me your position??" Zhou Ye smiled at the girl next to Liz...

"Yes, of course it's fine..." The girl with glasses blushed instantly, there was nothing she could do—for an introvert like her, Zhou Ye's smile was too lethal.

Zhou Ye just stood there, waiting for the girl to pack up her things and leave the seat, then sat down beside Liz...

"You're not allowed to laugh at other women in the future..." Liz didn't know why, seeing Zhou Ye smiling at her roommate, she actually felt an indescribable uncomfortable feeling in her heart, as if her favorite thing was being taken away by her. Others stole the general.

"Why??" Zhou Ye said, grabbing Liz's little hand, "Can't you just laugh like this??"

Zhou Ye said, and smiled at Liz again... Seeing Zhou Ye's smile, Liz felt her heart beating thumping. It was the first time she had that kind of heartbeat... and this feeling so strong. "...No, that's right...Don't smile at others in the future..."

"I'll smile at you from now on..." Zhou Ye gently leaned into Liz's ear and bit her earlobe...

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