This action made Liz feel like she had been electrocuted all over her body... She was ashamed to discover that she actually had a physiological reaction... This was an extremely unfamiliar feeling to her... She was a little scared. "Don't...don't be like this..."

"Don't what...??" Zhou Ye happily teased this little beauty...

It wasn't until the teacher walked into the classroom that Zhou Ye stopped his actions... At this time, Liz was blushing to the point of her neck. Fortunately, her complexion was a little dark, so she didn't look so obvious...

Two classes in a row... Zhou Ye was teasing this black beauty without a trace, and Liz had already been teased by him—every time after class, she rushed to the for why...everyone can Diverge your thoughts and imagine.

Chapter 1014

Morning - after the third class -

It's a one-hour break between classes... for the students to eat and nap, of course - a lot of the time, the students don't go to nap, either playing ball on the playground or picking up girls...

As for Zhou Ye, he was picking up girls.

"Ye...what are you taking me to the sporting goods room??" Liz followed Zhou Ye into the warehouse where sporting goods were stored, and asked strangely...

In fact, she has almost guessed Zhou Ye's purpose... Although she is not that kind of girl, there are various legends circulating among girls... Among them is this legend about the sports goods warehouse... Here, there are How many girls lost their first time...

"Of course, let me check..." Zhou Ye locked the warehouse door and hugged Liz... He whispered in her ear, "Let me guess... a certain Bad guy, it's been a class time downstairs..."

"How do you know..." Before Liz could finish her words, she only felt that a big hand slipped along the skirt to a certain forbidden area... She couldn't help but softened and completely leaned against Zhou Ye's body. . "...still...not yet...because of you..."

"Do you blame me??" Zhou Ye smiled evilly, "Then I'll be responsible for helping you deal with her..."

"Don't...uuuu..." Before Liz could finish her words, she completely lost her first words...With no experience, she quickly became addicted under the leadership of the old driver...

And just when the two were about to have a negative distance contact... There was a chatter outside the sporting goods warehouse...

"Ned, are you really sure that Liz came here with a handsome boy??" Peter Parker's voice came from outside the wall...

Then, another naive voice said: "Yes, I saw with my own eyes your crush Liz and a handsome boy walking over here..."

"...Will they just pass by here??"

"......Don't lie to yourself, Peter... Your dream lover has become someone else's woman... So, listen to me, forget her, and find another..."

"I... forget it... let's go..."

Zhou Ye listened to the sound that was gradually receding from the outside, and his horns pulled out an evil arc. At this point, the little spider was just a dick, and he had not been bitten by a spider... But, this kind of feeling of dividing the wall. It's not bad too... Thinking of this, he pierced some kind of obstacle with force... With a muffled groan, Liz completely became someone's property.

after an hour----

With Zhou Ye's support, Liz limped out of the sporting goods warehouse... The rosy face on her face made it easy to guess what happened in the past hour...

In fact, one hour outside, three hours inside... Liz once thought that she had been spoiled by this bad guy around her, and she actually started skipping classes...

"It's all your fault...I said have to..." Liz slapped Zhou Ye's arm in a sullen voice, with that strength, it is estimated that not even a mosquito could be killed... "This time we are finished... the classroom. Those Bichis in here saw that I missed two classes with you...I'm afraid they've guessed everything..."

"Okay... It's all my fault..." Zhou Ye didn't refute it either... He'd eaten up all the people, and he's done what he had to do, so what's wrong with letting people complain twice? I won't lose two pieces of meat...

He smiled and supported Liz as he walked towards the classroom... It wasn't long before the two bumped into a thin boy... It was none other than Peter Parker... The little spider in the future, the current one is angry Bag.

"..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded at Peter Parker... while Liz lowered her head slightly blushing.

Liz blushes not because she feels guilty about Peter's because someone forcibly opened her tee on the excuse that Liz had a crush on her...that's why she remembered when she saw Parker The scene when I was surrounded by my own man... so I was just a little shy.

Seeing Zhou Ye who was helping Liz out... Peter Parker's mind went blank - he felt as if his world had changed in an instant...become fragmented...

Not to mention the battered little spider, let alone Liz who followed Zhou Ye into the classroom...

She originally thought that it was either the end of school or the break of the fourth class... In the end, her friend told her that it would take five minutes before the fourth class... This made her spartan in an instant. .

"Bad... tell me...why the time passed is different from what I thought..." Liz sat in her seat, holding Zhou Ye's soft waist with her small hands

, there is a lot of posture that you will look good if you don't say it...

"This is probably the so-called theory of sensory relativity..." Zhou Ye explained in a serious manner: "When you are experiencing something that makes you feel very happy, you will feel that time flies so fast... But you will also Realizing this, I will deliberately adjust my biological clock... As a result, I found that... time passes much slower than you think..."

"......I believe in your ghost..." Liz bit her silver teeth and wanted to give Zhou Ye a taste... What kind of martial arts stunts like chasing souls and killing them? , is what women are born with, it is inscribed from the DNA gene chain...

However - gritted her teeth, she was finally reluctant to exert herself... In the end, she had to lightly hammer Zhou Ye twice...

And at this moment, where is Gwen, who was supposed to go to school with Zhou Ye? ?

In another classroom - Gwen Stacy was whispering and laughing with a silver-haired girl.

"Fili... I have a party at my house tonight, do you want to come??" Gwen asked in a low voice.

"Is it not a good idea for me to go to your family party by myself??" Felicia Hardy asked hesitantly, "If I meet your parents..."

"It's okay, I don't live with my parents now... I live with my boyfriend..." Gwen said, "My family is very big... In addition to my boyfriend and me, there are many maid sisters Together... very lively... my manor is really beautiful..."

Originally heard Gwen say that when she lived with her boyfriend. Felicia still doesn't really want to go... After all, she doesn't think she likes making light bulbs very much... But when Gwen said that there are still many maid sisters, she felt less embarrassed.

For example, when a woman confronts a group of men, the woman will definitely be molested... But when a group of women confront a man, the result will be reversed, and it will definitely be the man who is molested. ...this is the legendary group of courage...

"Well then...I'll go..."

"That's great... Felicia..." Gwen almost jumped up when she heard Felicia agreed to her party invitation... She finally completed the task her man set... the next few days, you will be able to do activities with your own man.

This kind of suffering of being in a school but not being able to meet... Gwen has had enough...

Chapter 1015

Felicia Hardy looked at the view of Long Island Manor outside the car window, her whole body was in a state of sluggishness.

She did accept her new friend's invitation to come to her house for a family party, and she was sure that she was mentally prepared to face a super-rich manor... However, she thought she was mentally prepared when she arrived. It became a joke when they were at Long Island Manor.

"Okay, so beautiful..." Felicia looked out of the car window, the view was extremely beautiful, and couldn't help murmured, "It's as beautiful as a fairy tale world..."

"Yeah..." Gwen Stacy said in agreement with Felicia Hardy's gaffe, "I was surprised for a long time when I first came here..."

Gwen thought that when she first came to this manor, she was not as good as Felicia at this time... According to her man Zhou Ye, at that time her covet was very big, and she could swallow a big one. Ostrich egg……

Of course, the so-called swallowing an ostrich egg is just a joke - but it also proves that Gwen was really surprised at the time.

"Gwen...what does your boyfriend do?? How rich is it??" Felicia is really interested in Gwen's boyfriend, you know...this is Long Island, New York, not New Jersey Not even Ohio... In this place where every inch of land is so precious, the value of having a manor with such a vast area is simply unimaginable.

Moreover, just what Felicia saw and heard along the way... After she crossed the Long Island Cross-sea Bridge, she saw the sign [Private Domain, Do Not Enter], which gave her the feeling that this manor had already occupied the entire Long Island. the illusion.

"My boyfriend..." Gwen hesitated, not knowing what to say... After all, she couldn't say that her man was the biggest behind-the-scenes boss in the world, right? ? Isn't this causing trouble for my man to pick up girls? ?

After thinking for a while, Gwen asked back: "Do you know the Umbrella consortium??"

"My God——!" Felicia was shocked when she heard Gwen's words. The Umbrella consortium can be said to have occupied most of the business in the United States. Over the years, the federal government has launched anti-monopoly investigations against this behemoth no less than a dozen times.

The Umbrella consortium can be said to be a super consortium familiar to every American...

Someone once said jokingly: "In the United States, from your birth to your can't live without a name, Umbrella..."

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