"Are you sure you hit me??" Zhou Ye ran calmly while continuing to provoke a certain kitten...

"Don't run away..."

"Don't chase..."

"I won't chase if you don't run..."

"You won't run if you don't chase me..."

One of them ran, the other chased... Unconsciously, they had left the lively area by the artificial lake, and at some point, they came to the side of a small forest... Zhou Ye dodged and went straight in.

Felicia followed without hesitation into the woods, but... Soon, Felicia's exclamation came from the woods... "What are you doing...?"

"Don't be like this...you...you're Gwen's boyfriend..."

"Mmmmm...we're...it's wrong...stop...we're so sorry for Gwen..."

"Ah!!!!!!" With a scream of pain————Felicia's refusal voice gradually subsided, replaced by a sound like a meow...

Two hours later————

When the two walked out of the woods again... Felicia was carried out by Zhou Ye... She buried her little face in Zhou Ye's arms, and did not dare to raise her head at all, afraid to look at It would be embarrassing to get to Gwen...

However - she thinks too much...

Not long after Zhou Ye carried her back to the party scene, she didn't know what it means to be insignificant... Someone was at the party scene, the sky was the quilt, the ground was the bed, and some indescribable party was opened. ...

"That...Gwen - I'm sorry...I..." Felicia said with some guilt, looking at Gwen Stacy, who was lying beside her, unable to move like herself.

"No need to apologize..." Gwen said lazily, "Did you see it? Our man is not an ordinary person, which man can think of him like this?? So... welcome to join Ye's harem!"

Felicia looked at Zhou Ye, who was working hard behind the maids who were lining up in a row, and reluctantly looked away, "Okay... I admit, this guy is a devil..."

"But you can't do without this devil... can't you??" Gwen smiled slightly. As someone who has come before, of course she knows Felicia's entanglement, the feeling of wanting to monopolize but being afraid of being unbearable. There have been.

"Yeah... I've already fallen into the hands of this devil, and I can't run away..." Felicia sighed and murmured, "Also, I don't want to run away..."

Chapter 1017

The fact that Zhou Ye, a first-year transfer student, actually stepped on three boats caused an uproar in the entire Zhongcheng Science and Technology High School...

Hearing this news, the girls' reactions were all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, and the words they said were sour.

"Those three guys are really disrespectful... They actually dated a boy at the same time, and they weren't jealous, and they got along like friends..."

"Come on, Rowling... That handsome Chinese guy is so handsome and so rich, you can't do it if it's you... Didn't you see that those three guys get out of school every day and they are picked up by car? And the clothes on them Isn't a day the same??"

"But three people can't be with one person at the same time..."

And the boys' reactions were nothing but envy... Except for a certain little spider, of course.

"Peter... I think it's useless for you to be like this. It's their business. You have no position to say anything about others..." Peter's best friend, the fat little Ned, persuaded his friend to make him feel bad. He retreated, "And Zhou Ye is not easy to mess with. The captain of the school basketball team found him a few days ago and wanted to teach him a lesson..."

"The result??" Peter said as he walked towards the roof of the school... He knew that his friend was doing it for his own good, but so what? ? He stole his secret lover, but didn't cherish it, and now he is still on three boats... He could see Liz's heartbroken mood under her smiling face.

"As a result, the entire basketball team was taught a hard lesson by that guy... One hit ten, I guess he must be able to kung fu, just like Bruce Lee..." Ned tried hard to persuade his best friend.

"No, Ned...you don't understand..." Peter kept walking, "I didn't go to him to fight, I just told him to cherish other people's feelings...don't treat women as playthings..."

"...Okay...I'll stand behind you to give you courage..." Ned sighed, he knew that his best friend seemed to have decided that he was going to trouble Zhou Ye.

Right now - on the school balcony.

Zhou Ye is taking Gwen, Liz and Felicia to lunch here——

Although it is said that there is lunch in the school's cafeteria, Zhou Ye only ate it once on the first day of the transfer, so he was no longer interested in eating the food here... So, he just let his two maids have lunch at noon. It's time to bring food to myself.

In the middle of the school balcony, a large tablecloth was laid on the ground. Qiu and Zi put their lunches one by one on the tablecloth from the food boxes they were carrying... Lunch, dessert and afternoon tea.

"Qiu, it's great to have you here..." Felicia said with a smile: "I like the Earl Grey tea made by Qiu the most, especially when I drink a cup after dinner, my whole person seems to be sublimated... "

"It's my honor that you like it..." Qiu smiled slightly.

"By the way... Fili, at noon, the school pulls

What did the cheerleader want you to do? ? " Liz asked casually while helping set up the lunch.

"That guy wants me to join the cheerleading team... I said I'm not interested..." Felicia has a pair of proud long legs, plus that gorgeous face... It's not surprising that it will attract the attention of the cheerleaders.

"Who would go to that kind of thing..." Gwen said as he picked up a beef ball and put it in his man's mouth, then picked up a piece of broiler chicken and put it in his own, chewing and saying: "The cheerleaders are full of Bitchi... This is recognized in the school, especially the cheerleader, with the captain of the football team today, with the captain of the basketball team tomorrow... It's just Bitchi in the blue, Fili, you didn't join the cheerleading team It was the right choice!"

"I didn't think about it that much..." Felicia followed Gwen's example, picked up the teacup in front of her, put it gently on the side of her man, and watched Zhou Ye drink from her cup with a smile. Earl Grey tea, said: "I just know that my dear doesn't like his women doing that lap dance in revealing clothes in public..."

"Baby Feili is getting better and better..." Zhou Ye smiled and patted Feili's cockroach... In exchange for Felicia's eyes that looked like a cute girl and annoyed.

After Qiu and Zi were busy, the lunch was finally set up... Just as Zhou Ye and the girls were about to start their meal... Suddenly, the iron door on the balcony was opened.

"I think, I should talk to you... Ye... what, what, classmate Zhong??" Peter Parker stood in front of Zhou Ye and looked into Zhou Ye's eyes without hesitation... It seemed that he was more imposing. generally.

"..." Zhou Ye sighed and put down the chopsticks in his hand... Looking at Peter Parker, he said, "First, I don't know you, and second, calling someone else's name is a form of contempt and insult... ...So, I hate you very much now, and I don't think I have anything to talk about with you, please leave..."

"Of course we need to talk..." Peter Parker said, raised his finger to Liz, and said, "Why do you still have to associate with Stacy and Hardy even though you have Miss Allen? This kind of people we generally call scum... you know??"

After scolding these words, Peter felt that his mood was a lot easier... If Zhou Ye just stole his dream lover, he wouldn't be so angry. What he was most angry about was that Zhou Ye actually stepped on three boats. ——

"I can understand that jealousy is interfering with your IQ..." Zhou Ye looked at Peter in a relaxed manner. To be honest, his opinion of Little Spider was neither good nor bad, but—there is a saying that Having said that, there are only friends and enemies standing in front of me—obviously, the little spider can't be called his friend... Then, there is only one identity, and that is the enemy. "I don't want to see him again... Autumn!"

"As you wish, master..." Qiu smiled slightly, bowed towards his master gracefully, and then suddenly disappeared beside Zhou Ye...

"This..." Peter Parker was shocked when he saw this bizarre scene... However, before he could speak in a hurry, he heard a voice behind him, "My master doesn't like to see you. , So, Mr. Parker, can I ask you to die once?"

As the voice came... Peter Parker and his best friend Ned disappeared in place in an instant...

"Okay, the troublemaker is gone... Let's start our happy lunch..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

The three girls raised the cups in their hands with a smile and toasted with their men... They didn't know the future little spider, they were just an unfamiliar classmate...

Moreover, for the three women, they have long been accustomed to the domineering style of their own men... He doesn't provoke others, it is already the result of others burning high incense, and there are still people who come to provoke him? ? That's really the toilet lighting, courting death... To sum up, they don't think there is anything wrong with their men doing this.

After a while, Qiu's figure appeared beside Zhou Ye again.

"Qiu, where did you leave those two guys??" Felicia asked curiously.

"I took them to enjoy the colorful scenery of the center of the earth for free... I hope they can endure the high temperature of the center of the earth..." Qiu opened her eyes and talked nonsense. To be honest, after she put the little spider with his The moment the best friend was thrown into the center of the earth, the two of them gasped, and they didn't even scream.

Zhou Ye is still quite satisfied with this result... Since he is opposed to him, then he will kill him, or else he will wait for him to get the power of Spider-Man and make trouble for himself every day? To say that the Umbrella Group is clean from beginning to end is nonsense... How could Umbrella's clean Umbrella control the entire United States? ?

Especially this guy with an excessive sense of justice, Zhou Ye especially hates... So, killing him early is a good way to deal with it. Anyway, now those so-called villains are honestly dying...

In the underground world, the Umbrella Sweeper unit is much more deterrent than S.H.I.E.L.D. The most people caught by S.H.I.E.L.D. go to jail, but if you are caught by the Umbrella Sweeper unit, then congratulations, you have won the lottery , or become a guinea pig in the Umbrella biotechnology laboratory, contributing to the rise of the Umbrella Group's technology tree, or directly kill the whole family, once it's over, it's more straightforward.

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