Therefore, the world doesn't need superheroes... Zhou Ye thought so.

One thousand and eighteen chapters

The world of Harry Potter—in an old castle on the outskirts of Leeds.

Leeds Castle has become the most beautiful castle in England. It has also become the queen of castles in England. In the huge manor, an ancient castle is built along the river. The entire Leeds Castle is divided into two parts, one part is built on the shore, The other part is built in the middle of the river, and the two main buildings are connected by a two-story arched fully enclosed corridor in the middle.

Once owned by the royal family, Leeds Castle became privately owned by Henry VIII of the Tudor dynasty. It was not until today, more than 500 years later, that Leeds Castle was bought by an unnamed super-rich at a price that the castle owner could not refuse.

early morning--

The morning light illuminates the tranquil lake in the Kent countryside, and the beautiful Leeds Castle is like the awakened queen, graceful and elegant. With the slender figures walking through the castle one by one, the entire castle was rejuvenated with new vitality.

"This piece of furniture is placed here..." Qiu smiled and directed the maids energetically to arrange the furniture in the castle.

Of course, she has reason to be happy. This time her master came to this world, and she brought no one with her. She only brought two personal maids and dozens of maids. How could Qiu be unhappy?

"That's right, this is here... In winter, the owner likes to sit by the fireplace and rest..."

"Put that in the bedroom, the master will use it..."

"Where is this carpet?? This kind of rough workmanship is completely unqualified... Change one..."

"Is the small nuclear fusion generator set in the basement?? What? The basement is too dirty? Need to be cleaned? Then hurry up and clean... The master will come tomorrow, don't let the master see the mess here, this is us Shame on the maids!"

Not to mention the busy autumn in the castle, just talk about Zhou Ye...

At this moment, Zhou Ye was walking on the streets of Liz City, holding his little hand by the smiling Zi... Looking at the crowd, women who were full of motherhood rushed to Zhou Ye from time to time and squatted down. , to say hello to Zhou Ye... Zi's horns could not help but tilt upwards slightly.

"Zi, why do I feel that it was a wrong decision to come out with you??" Zhou Ye took a lot of effort and finally sent away the expectant mother with long blond hair, raised his face and looked at it dissatisfiedly. asked his own maid.

"That's your illusion, dear little master..." Zi smiled like a fox that stole a chicken. After his own master became small, he was so cute... I really want to... I really want to hug him and rub against his master. little face...

"Hey, whatever you want... I'm almost used to it anyway..." Zhou Ye said with a sigh.

Back in time to three months ago————

In the Marvel world, Zhou Ye's women finally found that the so-called sanctions could not make their men restrain themselves, but Zhou Ye was more like a duck to water and had more fun... They finally had to give up the so-called sanctions plan , one by one obediently ran to their men for comfort...

After all, after sanctioning Zhou Ye for three months, some people endured it for three months...

After announcing their surrender, the girls made another request that was not a request... They no longer care about which world Zhou Ye goes to, and how many girls they want to accept, they just want to know... which world Zhou Ye will go to , it's just like - say hello before going out and say where you've been.

Zhou Ye was still able to satisfy this request... So he accidentally said his plans for the next world——【Harry Potter】

As a result - the girls encouraged him to look like a child... and their reasons were very good - that is: "My dear, since you are planning to go to the world of Harry Potter, you must be there Magic needs to be learned systematically, right?"

"That's right..." Zhou Ye nodded, he didn't deny this.

"Then to learn magic, what else can be compared to going to the magic school to learn quickly and openly??"

"That's the truth!" Zhou Ye nodded again.

"Since you're planning to go to a school of magic, then whether it's Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, or Durmstrang, dear, you're definitely not good at your age now? Right? ?"

"Okay alright...I know what you mean..." Zhou Ye sighed...he understood the meaning of his women's roundabout words in seconds, didn't he just want to see what he looked like when he was young? ? ? This is not difficult for him... "It's good to satisfy your wishes..."

Following the words——Zhou Ye's stature became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a little Luotai carved in pink and jade... Why is it called Luotai? ? Because the cuteness of the young Zhou Ye is no longer distinguishable between men and women, and they are all killed...

Looking at the man who had become much smaller... The girls were strangely silent... After a while, Death was the first to charge up, hugged Zhou Ye, and rubbed his face against Zhou Ye's little boy desperately. Face... "Ah... No way... It's so cute, I really want to sleep with Ye like this..."

"Don't eat alone..." Athena also rushed over and snatched Xiao Zhou Ye from the arms of death...

"Athena, do you want to die??" Of course, death is not angry... She dared to take the little cutie from her own hands, even her sisters would never forgive her...

"Come on... let's fight... let's see if your cosmic gods are powerful or we hope

The gods of La are amazing..." Athena said without hesitation, and with her words, Hera and other girls from the Greek gods surrounded her... .

Although strictly speaking, there is only one death in the universe god system, and Tunmei is at most a demigod... but death is not at all the daughters of the Greek god system... For her, the Greek god system is just a demigod. Just scum. "You want to fight...then..."

Before the battle word was finished, Zhou Ye grabbed the key point... When his body softened, he couldn't say anything.

"Are you bold?? Do you think your men can't handle you like this??" Xiao Zhou Ye was suspended in mid-air and said aggressively to his group of women.

However, that kind of posture, combined with his pink-carved and jade-like face of Luo Tai, in the eyes of all the girls, it seemed to be extremely cute... The so-called imposing manner? ? nonexistent……

All the girls giggled and hugged Zhou Ye one by one. If you touch it, I will squeeze it... She doesn't look down on her man at all.

"This is what you guys forced me to..." Zhou Ye was in a hurry, and he forgot to get back in shape, so he used Luo Tai's body to whip the girls with love... The effect... It's amazing... This kind of The feeling of being pushed back by a child actually gave the girls a new experience...

As for why you said Zhou Ye's body became a child, where hasn't it changed? Would I say that Zhou Ye just controlled his body to become a child, and he also deliberately controlled himself not to become a child? As for why? ? Ahem...that's what the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

Chapter 1019

Looking at the outdated clothes of the people in the street... He couldn't help but sigh again. Of course, in Zhou Ye's eyes, the clothes that were already outdated were actually just a new trend in this era.

"Dear little master... If you sigh like this again, good luck will be sighed away..." Zi laughed and teased, you know, it is rare for my own master to have such an image of Luo Tai, so don't take this opportunity to play If you do, I don't know when I will see the image of my own master next time.

"...Can you not rub my face and say this..." Zhou Ye sighed, if it wasn't to avoid his group of crazy women, how could he have made a mistake in his busy schedule... He came dozens of times early. half-breed veela sisters...woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MY HAOMINhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MY HALF-BLOOD VEEL SISTERS...Whn't see y'all in a few decades...

"Be happy...Master!" Zi looked at his master's dejected appearance, and persuaded distressedly: "This may be a good thing, such as new prey..."

"A new gift?? What kind of beauties are there in this era... Except for Harry Potter and his mother..." Zhou Ye sighed and said here, suddenly stunned, "Yeah... and Harry Potter and his mother..." You can soak..."

Having said this, Zhou Ye hurriedly asked, "How many years is this year??"

"In 1970, my master..." Zi didn't expect to say this casually, and his master really found a new goal.

"In 1970...Lily Evans was ten years old, and she had not yet entered Hogwarts...she should not enter Hogwarts until next summer after the summer vacation...this is really good news. ..." Zhou Ye murmured, "We have plenty of time to arrange everything..."

"..." Zi smiled, watching his master mutter to himself there...

And Zhou Ye has entered the calculation mode at this moment... He is calculating what kind of impact he will have on the future after taking Lily Evans away... However, the future is unpredictable... It may just be an unintentional sentence , can affect the entire world in the future... So, even with Zhou Ye's brainpower, after a long time of calculation... there is no result.

In the end, Zhou Ye, who had no clue, laughed dumbly... He was really stupid, who cares what he will be like in the future? Could it be that the Dark Lord can still go to heaven? ? Could Dumbledore be transformed into Ultraman? In the end, all the changes are irrelevant to the out-of-spec self.

Only the weak are afraid of this and that... For fear that after changing the plot, they will achieve nothing without the advantage of foresight.

And the strong - no matter how the future changes, the strong is the strong... not afraid of change... or can I see a different Harry Potter world? It should be said - a Harry Potter world without Harry Potter...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "Zi, let's go home..."

"Okay, master..." Zi said, waved back, and a square Rolls-Royce stopped beside the two...

Zhou Ye looked at the ugly front face of the Rolls-Royce... There was a feeling that he didn't want to sit on it... But after thinking about it, he sighed helplessly... In this era, this car is already a popular model. ...let's just make it up.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye got into the back seat of the car that, in his opinion, was so ugly that it exploded in place.

"Return to Leeds Castle..." Zhou Ye waited for Zi to get into the car, and then directly ordered the maid who was driving.

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