Although this letter didn't say anything... But Fiona had a feeling that if she didn't act again, maybe her little Zhengtai would be robbed... This feeling drove her to customize with Zhou Ye. Good robes came to Leeds Castle.

"Damn...what the hell am I doing..." Fiona sighed in a self-pity, then stood up... walked to the window sill and looked out... At this moment, there were several maids in the manor on the grass Playful, beautiful women and beautiful scenery form a picture as beautiful as an oil painting.

At this moment, Fiona suddenly saw a strange cloud appear in the distance, saying that it was strange because the cloud was like a doughnut - in fact, it was just a normal sonic boom. Just a cloud.

With a blast that pierced the air... Fiona finally saw what it was with the help of magic...

I saw Bella standing on a strange flying object like a surfboard, rushing towards the castle...

"The little witch now can really play..." Although Fiona still didn't understand what the sonic boom cloud meant, she saw that the speed of the silver surfboard was definitely far beyond the fastest flying on the market. The flying broom...

As the flying surfboard stopped in front of the castle gate... Only then did Fiona notice that Bella was not the only one above, but also Xiao Zhou Ye and Isabelle standing behind Bella.

"How can you do this... Doesn't Bella know that this is very dangerous??" The moment Fiona saw Xiao Zhou Ye, her spirit immediately became tense... She couldn't bear this little cutie being put in danger. In the situation... Fiona couldn't help but quickly walked out of the side hall and walked towards the entrance of the castle's hall...

"Miss Blake, you are extremely irresponsible. What if there is an accident in mid-air..." Before Fiona could finish her words, she saw Bella and Isabel go soft and almost fell... If it wasn't for the two maids rushing up to support them, they would have fallen to the ground.

"...No, I'm sorry...Ms. Fiona...We're a little unwell and can't greet you...Let's let Xiao Zhou Ye entertain you instead of us...Excuse me!" Bella said to the maid. With the help of her, she was sent to her bedroom upstairs with Isabel.

Chapter 1035

"..." Fiona looked at the two girls who were being helped up the stairs by the maid with a confused expression. She couldn't figure out what was going on... She couldn't help but set her eyes on Zhou Ye. "What's the matter with the two of them??"

"Hehe...Welcome, Ms. Fiona..." Zhou Ye said politely as Gu Shi said... It's not that he doesn't explain it, it's really... I can't explain it.

Do you want to tell Fiona... I was in high spirits in mid-air, grabbed two little witches and had an air shock? ? Did they make their legs weak by themselves? ? ? Stop joking, that's what a fool would say...

"Thank you, cute little gentleman..." Looking at the cute figure of Risiyesi, Fiona couldn't help but put a soft smile on her face: "I have brought you the robe you ordered... Do you want to try??"

"Really? That's really great..." Zhou Ye's face had a hint of surprise on his face... In fact, this guy is just trying to be cute. As a guy who has lived for a thousand years, he has very few things. It can surprise him... at most, he just smiled indifferently, however, indifferent obviously does not match his current appearance... There is no way, just be cute if you are cute, shameful if you are shameful...

"It's best to find a room and try it on. If something doesn't fit, I can change it on the spot!" Fiona said, and took out a black magic item from the magic bag she carried with her. robe……

This magic robe was made exactly according to Zhou Ye's requirements... It's not much different from ordinary magic robes, but it has a distinct personality...

"It's a beautiful robe..." Zhou Ye took the custom-made robe from Fiona and sighed, "Ms. Fiona is indeed the number one designer in the wizarding world..."

"Haha..." Fiona felt very useful to Xiao Zhou Ye's praise. She picked up Zhou Ye's little hand and walked towards the side hall... "This is not a place to change clothes, I remember that I saw a small lounge in the side hall just now... I think it should be there. A nice makeshift fitting room..."

Zhou Ye looked at Fiona's natural movements, and there was a sinister smile in his corners... From the first time he saw this woman who looked like a ripe peach, Zhou Ye gave her a spiritual suggestion. ...

Otherwise, how could Fiona be so obsessed with Zhou Ye?

It seems... the harvest season is here - while Zhou Ye was spinning some bad thoughts in his little head, he followed this already familiar woman into the side hall...

When he walked into the door of the side hall, he quietly made a gesture to his maids not to disturb... The little maids lightly covered their little ones, snickering and nodding their heads. .

After following Zhou Ye for many years, how could they not understand what their master wanted to do?

"Do you need me to help you change your clothes? Cutie..." Fiona, who walked into the side hall, joked casually. To her... She is so different from Zhou Ye in age... She doesn't care about being young at all. The guy changes his clothes in front of him, and doesn't mind helping him change his clothes...

"If you can, then I'll trouble you, ma'am..." Zhou Ye didn't care about such a thing... Anyway, she couldn't run away.


When Fiona heard Zhou Ye's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly said, "What a spoiled little guy... But, there is nothing I can do..."

From Fiona's point of view, so many maids in the castle are obviously not decorations... Yi Lai stretches out her hand to eat and open her mouth - this is the normal life of this little guy... After all, this is how house-elves serve their masters in the wizarding world. , but in the little guy, he became a maid.

While thinking, Fiona crouched down and began to take off Zhou Ye's clothes... However, just when she had just unbuttoned Zhou Ye's clothes...

Zhou Ye suddenly stretched out his little hand and cupped Fiona's cheek... Then he lowered his head and said nothing...

"Well ..." Fiona was shocked by a sudden attack ... She couldn't help but widened her eyes ... herself was -was given by this little guy ...

However... Zhou Ye's actions below made her even more stunned... He actually caught her there... God...

"Hmm...don't be like this...Little's a little too early for you..." Fiona seemed to refuse to greet her, not resolutely avoiding Xiao Zhou Ye's attack. He said weakly.

"It's getting late..." Zhou Ye said while pulling forcefully... Fiona's dress instantly turned into a butterfly and flew away from her body...

"Oh... God... I must be crazy... uh..." Fiona's resistance was so weak, almost as weak as no resistance... In the end, when Zhou Ye's troops came under the city, she only had time With a loud cry, he was completely pulled by Zhou Ye and fell into the abyss...

Two hours later ——————

"I must be crazy... I will definitely go to hell..." Fiona whispered to herself, while holding the little Zhou Ye in her arms tightly, and she would not let go... She had all Everything was completely taken away by this little devil, and both body and mind have completely fallen into his body...

"It's okay... I'll accompany you to hell..." Zhou Ye lay lazily in Fiona's arms, and I have to say, this pillow with e+ is really great...

"...Well...if I really go to hell, I'll have you with me...Hell is not so scary anymore..." Fiona lay on the thick woolen carpet, holding Zhou Ye in her arms, this For a moment - she felt like she had the whole world...

She no longer has to worry about how she feels about this little cutie...because, she has done what she should do, and she understands what she should understand...just need to follow her inner voice...

Besides, she can't do without this little monster Zhou Ye now... Whoever dares to let her leave Zhou Ye, she dares to fight with anyone... Even the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic can't stop her from being with Zhou Ye... …

Chapter 1036

Autumn goes to winter—spring goes to summer solstice, and before you know it, Zhou Ye has come to this world for almost a year.

"Darling... I'm going to work in the store in a while... Do you want to come with me?" Fiona elegantly took the after-dinner black tea, took a sip, and asked her little man with a smile .

"Don't go... Diagon Alley is no fun anymore!" Zhou Ye said while eating breakfast, "I'm waiting for the admission letter from Hogwarts... That damn guy, didn't he forget to give Did I mail the notice??"

"Don't worry, dear... You will definitely receive an admission letter..." Bella put down the tableware in her hand and comforted softly.

"Yeah... dear." Isabelle also nodded, then thought for a moment and said, "But even if you haven't received the Hogwarts notice, dear, I can help you get Ilvermorny's The notice... Two days ago, Jill also asked me, when are you going to visit him in the United States... I think as an elder, he should be very willing to help you get Ilvermorny's notice..."

"Forgive me... It's better for Jill..." Hearing Isabel's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Jill is Isabel's father and Honorary Dean of Ilvermorny College...

In fact, this old guy is an old man who has a very good appetite for Zhou Ye. On some things, they have a surprisingly unanimous opinion... For example, the use of charm spells to pick up girls...

That old guy is a scum of the wizarding world... However, in the wizarding world in the United States, it is clear that everyone pays more attention to strength... So this old guy was not eliminated by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

When Zhou Ye and Jill Bigelownai met for the first time, a fight broke out between the two... Needless to say, of course, Jill was crushed by Zhou Ye in all directions... But there was nothing I could do about it. , Although Jill himself is a typical playboy, he obviously cannot see that his son-in-law is also a playboy...

But after being beaten up by Zhou Ye, Jill had to recognize the reality...

After Jill was forced by Zhou Ye to sit there, and calmly negotiated with the little bastard who kidnapped his good daughter, he found... this little guy had an unexpected temper towards him... The two ended up in the end. , but got along very well.

Jill even shared with Zhou Ye his experience of how to abduct those Muggle women... The angry Isabelle almost killed her relatives.

"I also think it's better, my dear, not to go to Ilvermorny College where your father is!" Fiona picked up her morning tea, took another sip and said, "If my dear enters Ilvermorny, I will I am afraid that after the end of the first semester, my dear will

Bring back a group of little loli... Although no parents of little loli will come to the door, but..."

"Fiona, why are you so sure that no parents will come?" Bella asked curiously.

"Because that old guy Jill will help my dear to get them... If those little loli's mothers are beautiful, the old guy might even make a move by the way..." Isabelle said feebly, with a super uneasy feeling about her own. A reliable playboy father, she has been deeply desperate.

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, three women in one play, what are three witches? ? The three witches are a magical drama... When they talk, they can't get involved at all...

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