At this moment, the sound of a bird creature flapping its wings suddenly came, and then, an owl appeared on the window sill of the restaurant...

A maid walked over quickly, took an envelope from the owl, and fed it some snacks made of dried lizards...

Because there are three witches in the house, the maids are getting more and more accustomed to the existence of these little things... When they first came here, they couldn't help but want to kill them when they saw the owls that suddenly appeared. Now— They will treat these cute little messengers with some prepared snacks.

"Master, I don't think you need to consider going to Ilvermorny College..." Zi took the letter from the little maid, looked at the wax seal with the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry emblem on it, and said with a smile: " Your acceptance letter has arrived..."

"That's really good news..." Hearing Zi's words, Fiona first congratulated her little man: "My dear, it seems that you can't go to Ilvermorny..."

"It's better not to go to Ilvermorny..." Isabel said with a smile, she really didn't want her unreliable father to ruin her little man... Although the little villain is bad enough , but if there is a little villain and an old bastard, what kind of magical reaction will the two have together, the ghost knows...

"In the future, my dear, you will call me senior..." Bella also said with a smile.

"Let me take a look at my admission letter..." Zhou Ye took the letter from Zi's hand, and tore the envelope at random... He took out a piece of letter paper from the inside - it was written in gorgeous style. :

【Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizarding Society, First Class Wizard of the Order of Merlin)

Dear Mr. Ye Zhou:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1. We will be waiting for your reply from your owl by July 31st.

Vice-President: Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall]

After reading the admission letter, Zhou Ye took a look at the list of various items that the first graders needed to bring along with the letter. There are a lot of things that need to be bought, but there are also a lot of things that don't need to be bought...

But if you think about it carefully, since you're going to school, it's better to buy all new ones... Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Fiona, I'm afraid I'll go to Diagon Alley with you... …”

"That's really good news..." Fiona looked surprised. If she went with her little man, she wouldn't have to use Floo powder... "Are we going now??"

"Do you need us to accompany you??" Bella asked.

"No need... I'm just going to buy some things for school, I don't need everyone to go together, I'll be back soon..." Zhou Ye said, pushing the plate in front of him, "Wait for me to go. Just change your clothes and you'll be fine..."

"Of course no problem..." Fiona was happy to wait for her little man to be with her.

"Sigh..." Isabel couldn't help sighing as she watched Zhou Ye's back going upstairs.

"What's wrong? Isabelle?" Bella asked strangely. She was more concerned about Isabelle being both a friend and a sister.

"It really seems to be going to school with my dear..." Isabel lay weakly on the dining table and sighed: "I feel so uncomfortable when I think of being separated from my dear for so long...for several months. …”

"Yeah..." Bella also said feeling a little depressed, but she suddenly remembered something, her eyes lit up, "Maybe... it's not impossible to go to school with my dear..."

Chapter 1037

London - Diagon Alley - Inside the Garment Store.

In the clean and bright store, Miss Nancy, the parrot in front of the counter, is standing on the bird stand and dozing off... For her, the best time of the day is the early morning...

In the past, when her master didn't meet the little devil Zhou Ye, she would always get up very early, so that she couldn't even sleep late... But since she met the little devil, her master seemed to I'm more lazy than before... I don't come to the store until about ten o'clock every day...

This gave Miss Nancy an indescribably strange sense of that little devil... say thank you? How could that little devil be grateful to him for doing so many unforgivable things to himself? ? Say anger? Without him, it seems that I can't sleep so comfortably back to the cage... Hey, I'm really worried about the dead bird, I'd better sleep...

Just when Miss Nancy was about to close her bird's eyes and continue to sleep, a circular portal shone with golden light suddenly appeared in the middle of the shop... As the circular golden portal grew bigger and bigger, until When a person was tall, a graceful figure in a blue dress walked out, followed by a small figure.

"Good morning, Ms. Fiona..." Seeing the two figures, one big and one small, Miss Nancy was shocked and greeted.

"Good morning, Nancy..." Fiona smiled slightly, she was quite satisfied with Miss Nancy, she was more of a pet she had raised since she was a child...

"Good morning, Nancy..." Zhou Ye also greeted Kanban Bird with a smile.

"Humph!" Faced with Zhou Ye's greeting, Miss Nancy shook her head and turned her bird's head to the other side... She didn't want to talk to this little devil.

"Hey, Miss Bird... you are

Want to try that feeling again? ? "Confronting this arrogant bird, Zhou Ye has a unique technique for amusing birds. He directly approached the arrogant parrot and said in a low voice, "Or have you forgotten the evidence in my hands?" ? Do you want to hear your own beautiful singing voice? ? "

"I'm sorry little master... Please forgive your humble servant's little disrespect..." Zhou Ye's words were like a curse, and the kanban parrot lowered his proud head in an instant.

"That's good..." Zhou Ye patted the parrot's little head with a smile...

"What happened between you?? Why did Nancy treat you so strangely??" Fiona asked with a puzzled look.

"It's nothing, nothing..." Zhou Ye said with a haha, and the parrot Nancy also echoed: "Yes, nothing happened between me and the little master, Ms. Fiona, you are too worried..."

"It's so strange..." Fiona looked at this person and a parrot so tacitly, and her doubts became even greater... But now the most important thing is another thing... "Darling, I need me to accompany you to purchase items. ??"

"No need, I'm already very familiar with Diagon Alley..." Zhou Ye said, and pointedly pointed at the door of the store. The closed store door seemed to come alive and automatically retreated to the left and right... He walked out directly. After entering the store, he waved to Fiona. "I'll have lunch with you at noon..."

"Okay..." Fiona watched Zhou Ye's back disappear into the distance... She was also preparing for a day's work, but when she turned around, she saw Nancy the parrot, and the question that had just been prevaricate suddenly appeared in In her mind, "Nancy...what happened to you and my dear?"

"It's nothing, Ms. Fiona..." Although Nancy said that, she felt a burst of sadness in her heart. Do you want to tell her about the unpleasant voices that the little devil used to call out with spiritual magic? own master?

No, absolutely not... It's better to be taken to the grave with her... Miss Nancy definitely doesn't need such a dark history.

"Okay, whatever you want..." Fiona sighed and went straight into the room to get busy... Only Miss Nancy, a parrot, was messed up in the wind...

On the other side, Zhou Ye, who was already familiar with Diagon Alley and could no longer be familiar with it, had already started to travel back and forth between stores according to the list on the list, buying various school supplies... such as crucibles, such as dragon leather gloves, such as ...

It took less than an hour for Zhou Ye to buy all the utensils that were attached to the Hogwarts admission letter for the start of the school year...

He casually threw the various items he was carrying into his wristband. Zhou Ye walked directly to the exit of the Leaky Cauldron. It was still a little early. When he went back to find Fiona, she would complain that he disturbed her work..., go to the Leaky Cauldron for a wizarding specialty, butterbeer.

To be honest, the so-called butter beer is not an alcoholic beverage at all. Strictly speaking, it can’t even be called beer... At most, it is a dessert... The aroma of butter suppresses the bitterness of beer and can’t find it at all. There are also some herbs and other spices in it, and it tastes good.

Skillfully opening the wall connecting Diagon Alley to the Leaky Cauldron Bar, Zhou Ye walked into the bar from the backyard of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Hey, look who's here... Our little gentleman..." Tom, the owner of the bar, said with a smile when he saw Zhou Ye walking in for the first time, "Want a butter beer? gentleman……"

"Of course, I'm here for your butter beer..." Zhou Ye said, sitting in front of the bar unceremoniously... He is almost a regular customer here, and the whole Diagon Alley knows that he and Feo Na is related.

No way, even though Fiona is a witch, she still cares about other people's opinions, so... in Diagon Alley, she declared that Zhou Ye was the grandson of a distant aunt of hers, which means... on the surface Identity, Fiona is Zhou Ye's distant aunt.

Zhou Ye was noncommittal about this... After all, you can't just care about your own feelings, right? How much should you care about the thoughts of your own woman...

Of course, this thing has never been a fuel-efficient lamp... He even called Aunt Fiona maliciously at some point... Causing Fiona to lose consciousness because of being too crazy that night... Cough cough, accidentally violent Some hobbies of Zhou Ye were missed.

"Your butter beer... little guy!" Tom pushed Zhou Ye's butter beer in front of him, and asked with interest: "You haven't been here for a long time, haven't you? Why did you suddenly think of coming here today? What? Are you here to see your aunt??"

"I just received an admission letter from Hogwarts..." Zhou Ye said after taking a sip of sweet butter beer, "So, I came here to buy school supplies..."

"Wow, Hogwarts...that's the best wizarding school in Europe..." Tom said enviously, "I really envy you, if I had been admitted to Hogwarts, I'm afraid I would Now it's time to sit in an office at the Ministry of Magic and enjoy the flattery of subordinates, instead of being a bar owner in this dirty bar..."

At this moment, the door of the bar was suddenly opened... Three middle-aged men, two men and one woman, walked in from the outside, as well as a cute loli with dark red hair and almond-shaped green pupils...

Seeing these few people walking in, Zhou Ye smiled slightly... "It's finally here..."

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