Chapter 1038

"Mr. Evans, ma'am... I have brought you here, the rest is out of my control..." said the middle-aged man with the badge of the Ministry of Magic in front of the murderer, speaking to the owner of the hotel. Tom shouted, "Tom, they'll leave it to know how to do the rest!"

After the wizard finished speaking, he hurriedly left the bar without waiting for the Evans family to speak... After all, although there are not many wizards in the Muggle family, there are still quite a few... His task is still very heavy.

"Okay okay...I see!" Tom sighed and muttered as he tried to get out of the bar...after all, this was his contract with the Ministry of Magic, bringing those Muggle family backgrounds with him. children, guide them through the first procedure of entering the wizarding world, to put it bluntly, that is - take them into Diagon Alley, and then buy school supplies...

"Let me help you this time..." Zhou Ye drank the butter beer in his glass with a smile, then without waiting for Tom's answer, he dropped a gold Galleon, got up and stood there. Some overwhelmed family.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs.... My name is Ye Zhou, of course, you can call me Zhou... Next, I will replace Mr. Tom and lead you on a magical journey... Excuse me, are you ready?? "

"Of course..." The little guy in front of him, who made people feel good at first glance, relieved the anxiety and anxiety in the hearts of Evans and his wife. Mr. Evans smiled and stretched out his big hand. The cute boy who looked serious to him and pretended to be an adult said: "Hello, little one... I'm Ignaz Evans, this is my wife Karina, this is my daughter Lily... …”

"Hello Mr. Evans, Mrs. Evans..." After Zhou Ye greeted the couple with a smile, he turned to look at this cute loli who was a little shorter than himself and said, "Hello, Lily..."

"Are you also a wizard??" Unlike her parents, Lily was more interested in wizards. She looked at the handsome and lovely peer in front of her and asked, "Can you be a wizard at such a young age? ??"

"Although I really want to say that I'm a wizard...but in fact, I just received an admission letter from Hogwarts College this year..." Zhou Ye shrugged helplessly, "So...I can only To be called a trainee wizard..."

"Looks like we'll be classmates from the same school..." Lily Evans' eyes lit up when she heard Zhou Ye's words... Here, she could meet someone who also received an admission letter from Hogwarts College. Classmates, I'm really lucky... "I also received a letter from Hogwarts... They asked me to buy some things I need to bring to school..."

"Then it's absolutely right to follow me... I'm very familiar with this place!" Zhou Ye smiled and took Lily's little hand without any hesitation, and walked towards the backyard of the bar...

"It looks like Lily has made another new friend..." Mr. Evans joked with his wife with a smile: "It seems that our precious daughter is just like you, and she is very charming... How could this beautiful girl be taken so quickly? The little guy is fascinated by..."

"Of course..." Mrs. Evans smiled slightly, took her husband's hand, and followed in her daughter's footsteps, "I like this little guy named Zhou...he looks dirtier than that hair. The little guy named Snape is much stronger..."

"Although I really want to tell you that it's not good to judge people by their appearance...but, in all fairness, I don't like that guy very much..." Mr. Evans strongly agreed with his wife's point of view. For an adult, although It is inevitably biased to criticize a person based on appearance, but—compared to the neurotic-looking kid named Snape with dirty hair, he prefers the polite and handsome little guy in front of him.

The consensus reached by the husband and wife, Lily Evans, who was walking in the front, was obviously not clear at all... For her, Snape was the first friend to tell her about the magical world, and Zhou Ye was the first. A friend who leads her to the magical world.

Although in her heart, Lily felt that the two of them were her own friends, but if she had to divide the priorities, her heart would involuntarily favor Zhou Ye... No way, having a beautiful appearance means you are on the starting line. , From this point of view, Snape is far worse than Zhou Ye.

"Do you know magic? What are wizards like??..." Along the way, Lily kept asking Zhou Ye like a hundred thousand whys. The witty answer made Lily giggle non-stop. The argument is to teach Loli, who hasn't Zhou Ye been convinced yet...

Looking at the very harmonious little pair in front of them, the Evans couple standing behind them couldn't help but let out a smile.

Soon, Zhou Ye took the Evans family to the backyard of the Leaky Cauldron. Under the surprised eyes of the Evans family, they opened the passage leading to Diagon Alley...

"Welcome to the largest wizarding mall in Europe..." Zhou Ye interrupted the Evans family's sigh with a smile, "Then first of all, in order to buy school supplies, we need to go to Gringotts Bank to exchange some currency, after all— - The wizarding world doesn't recognize sterling!"

"Of course..." Mr. Evans said with a smile. "It's like going to the United States and needing to exchange dollars? Right?"

"That's right..." Zhou Ye nodded with a smile, took Lily's little hand, and led the Evans couple to Gringotts Bank...

After the Evans family used British pounds to exchange enough gold Galleons, Zhou Ye took them non-stop through the shops in Diagon Alley, buying all kinds of things they needed to use when the school started...

Wands, such as pets and robes.

Of course, Zhou Ye could also give all the money to the Evans family, but... paying someone else's bill for no reason may not be gratitude, but vigilance... After all, there is a saying: Words are also used in Europe with proverbs that agree with the meaning.

It wasn't like Zhou Ye didn't do anything. He directly bought a lot of magic candies from Felix's Wonderful Candy Store and gave them to Lily as gifts... Although those candies seemed to be a lot, they were actually less than needed. One gold Galleon.

Of course, the Evans and his wife would not say anything about these low-value gifts... and Lily was surprised. After all, the chocolate villain who could run away by herself, the wine candy that could sing, and so on were very novel. , she likes it very much.

After she was busy with everything, Lily was really reluctant to part with the friend she just met... Even, she made an appointment with Zhou Ye to go to Zhou Ye's house to play...

As for Zhou Ye, the Evans and his wife also like it very much. No one can hate a handsome, cute and knowledgeable little Zhengtai... They also sent an invitation to Zhou Ye, asking him to be a guest at home when he is free...

Zhou Ye readily agreed...

When the Evans family had to leave Diagon Alley, Lily waved at Zhou Ye reluctantly, "Be sure to call me... I'll wait for your call..."

"Well, I'll definitely call you..." Zhou Ye said goodbye to Lily with a smile... Just as the Evans family was about to leave, Lily suddenly broke free from her parents' hands and rushed to Zhou Ye again. In front of him, with a little foot, he kissed Zhou Ye's cheek fiercely, "Don't be rude, don't forget me, you must come to me during the summer vacation..."

After saying this, Lily didn't wait for Zhou Ye to reply, and rushed back to her parents with a blushing face... She took her parents' hands and walked out... "Ha, the first kiss of our lovely little princess was Did you give it away like that??"


"I think Zhou is very good, Lily has to work hard... I must grab him..." Mrs. Evans was also teasing her daughter...

Zhou Ye listened to the laughter and laughter of the Evans family in the distance, and Gu Jiao pulled out an indifferent smile... Just kidding, it would be strange if Lily didn't express it in the end, wouldn't the spiritual suggestion be in vain? ? What did you say? ? Is it too despicable to use mental cues to a little loli? ? Hey, can those things about picking up girls be called despicable? ?

Until the Elis family disappeared at the end of the road, Zhou Ye turned around again and turned back to the Leaky Cauldron... Today is really a good day.

Chapter 1039

Cockworth is an industrial town in the middle of England. Around the town, chimneys rise from the ground, a river runs through the south of the town, and there is a railway on the bank, and trains come and go. The products produced in the factories in the town are continuously shipped out, and then the raw materials from the outside are continuously shipped in.

This is the town where the Evans family lives--

When the Evans and his wife walked out of the station in the town with their little daughter, a little boy with black greasy hair and a long gown that looked like a maternity dress had been waiting at the station gate for a long time.

"Hi... Lily..." Severus Snape greeted Lily Evans cautiously, he knew that her whole family, including her sister, didn't like him, but so what, for a life For the wizarding family in the Muggle world, it was rare for him to find a friend of the same age who had the same talent as himself.

This made him no longer feel that only he was special, and made him feel much less fear and fear. The word companion can often make people feel that they are no longer lonely and empower people.

"Hi, Snape..." Lily greeted her little friend happily, then looked at her parents with pleading eyes. "Dad... can I play with Snape for a while? I promise, just a little..."

"Okay, dear...but not too long..." Mr. Evans said after sighing after looking at the child he didn't like very much.

"Thank you Dad..." Lily happily picked out a few candies from the items her father was holding, and then said to Snape with a smile, "Come on, Snape, I'll show you something fun. thing!"

"..." Snape nodded timidly to the Evans couple, then turned his head and chased after Lily.

"Let's go, dear..." Mrs. Evans looked at her frowning husband and said with a smile: "Don't worry, dear, fate will make her own decision. For Lily, some people are destined to be just her life. Just a passer-by on the journey..."

"Okay..." After sighing, Mr. Evans followed his wife towards the house... He knew what his wife meant, and also knew that in the eyes of his daughter Lily, the little boy named Snape It's just an ordinary friend, and his daughter Lily is different for the handsome and lovely boy Zhou who left a deep impression on him today... There is a faint green love in it.

On the other hand, Lily has come to an abandoned factory next to the town. It used to be a steel factory, but it is now abandoned. In the wide factory, you can still see some of the glory days of the steel factory. appearance.

This has become a secret base for the town's children...

Sitting on the abandoned railway track, Lily picked out a few candies in her hands and handed them to Snape who came with her... "Here, this is the gift I received today..."

", you didn't today

Did you go to Diagon Alley? ? Snape carefully peeled off the candy, and a lively chocolate cat meowed, as if begging Snape not to eat himself...

However, Snape showed no mercy, he put the chocolate kitten into his mouth without hesitation... A shrill cat meow came from Snape's mouth, as if he was really dying Swallow like a kitten.

"...Snape, you're so cruel..." Lily glanced at him, but she was just talking... After all, she also knew that this was just a gimmick of magic candy, and there was no real cat in it... ...she can't wait to share her magical experience today with her friends. "I tell you... I went to Diagon Alley today... I met a boy as handsome as a prince in Diagon Alley..."

"...Yes, is it?" Snape's movements froze, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart... as if he was about to lose the most important thing.

"Yeah, yeah...that little prince is called Ye Zhou..." Lily didn't notice Snape's strangeness at all, or it should be said that Snape was a dead face since he was a child, and few people could rely on his expression. See how he feels at the moment.

"He told me a lot of things about the wizarding world..." Lily continued happily. She didn't know what emotion was when she was young. She just knew one thing. Just after leaving Zhou Ye, she missed him a little. "He also has a lot of great magic, and he gave me these magic candies... Are you listening? Snape??"

"I... I'm listening..." Snape agreed while thinking about it. Now that he spit out the candy in his mouth, wouldn't it count as eating something from that nasty guy? ?

Little Snape has a natural rejection mentality towards Ye Zhou that Lily said... But he still doesn't understand what kind of feeling this mentality is. He just doesn't want Lily to get involved with that guy named Ye Zhou. Together……

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