Well - strictly speaking, it's a feeling that your best friend is about to be robbed.

However, no matter what Snape was thinking... Lily happily told her experience in Diagon Alley today. In her description, the guy named Ye Zhou was powerful, mysterious, handsome, Funny... almost all adjectives with positive meanings are not abrupt when put on him...

In the end, little Snape couldn't listen anymore... He stood up silently and walked outside...

"Snape? What's the matter with you..." Lily looked at Snape who left silently...stand up and chased after him...asked, "Are you uncomfortable? His face doesn't look very good..."

"I'm fine... I just want to go back to eat..." Snape walked forward without looking back... He felt that if he listened to it any longer, he could not help quarreling with his friend Lily...

"Oh...then I'll go back to eat..." Lily looked at the sky, the sun had already risen in mid-air, and it was almost time for lunch...

The two went their separate ways... But then again, it's still a little too difficult for two ten-year-old children to understand their relationship... Not every child is like Zhou Ye, but a A thousand-year-old monster...

A few days have passed... Lily has also called her new friend Zhou Ye several times... Every time Lily answered Zhou Ye's call happily, her sister Penny sat next to her with a cold face and stared at her. He looked at her as if he wanted to kill someone with his eyes.

That kind of eyes mixed with jealousy and unwillingness made Lily feel a little creepy... But, no matter what - Lily has made an appointment with Zhou Ye, and will go to Zhou Ye's house to play tomorrow... With this good news, Lily feels The look in his sister's eyes is not so unbearable anymore.

Chapter 1040

"Miss Lily, your robe..."

"Oh my god...I almost forgot about it...Thank you so much, Zi!" Lily Evans happily thanked Zhou Ye's maid Zi.

Before I knew it, it was time to start school...

Ever since Lily Evans was invited to Zhou Ye's castle, she has been overjoyed... There is a mysterious ancient castle here, three real witches here, and an amiable sister maid...

Everything here made Lily Evans feel so new... When the summer vacation was about to end, she couldn't help but act like a spoiled child to her parents, and wanted to go to Hogwarts with Zhou Ye...

After thinking about it, the Evans and his wife agreed... After all, with such a large manor, it is obvious that this little guy Zhou Ye has an unusual family background, and they also like Zhou Ye very much and are very happy to see it happen. His own daughter can follow him to the end.

So I agreed to my daughter's request...

In fact, a lot of things happened during Lily's stay in Leeds Castle... For example, once in a while, when she found out that Zhou Ye was still sleeping with those elder sister witches, she laughed at Zhou Ye without hesitation. I thought he was being childish...

In this regard, Zhou Ye just used some tricks to make Lily completely addicted to the feeling of sleeping with him... Although there is no real thing, but... there are still many moves that can let Lily appreciate the adult world in advance. That or something.

Of course, when facing her parents, Lily didn't say anything...

It can be said that the more than a month spent living with Zhou Ye in Leeds Castle was the happiest time for Lily... As for her little friend Snape? ? Forgot about it long ago.

And today is the day they go to Hogwarts to report...

Early in the morning, Lily had a feeling of being overwhelmed. Either she couldn't find it, or she forgot where she left it... If the maids hadn't prepared everything early, I'm afraid she would really be late...

"Are you ready? Lily..." Zhou Ye, who was holding a silver-gray shorthair cat, pushed open the door and asked.

"Well, okay..." Lily picked up her owl cage, grabbed Zhou Ye's arm, and said happily, "Let's go..."

For Lily, she has long regarded Zhou Ye as a special existence, no less than the existence of her own parents...

"Well..." Zhou Ye nodded with a smile, then put the box full of various school supplies behind Lily into his wristband, and then directly opened a golden portal and walked in with Lily...

"Isabel has already set off... It seems that I also need to go..." Bella looked at the golden portal that was closing in front of her, smiled slightly, then picked up a simple bag, walked into the fireplace, and grabbed a Floo powder, shouted: "Hogwarts..."

With a blue flame rising, Bella's figure disappeared into the fireplace.

"These two guys... I envy them a little..." Fiona looked at the somewhat empty hall and sighed... She said to herself, "Maybe I should write a letter to Dumbledore asking Does Hogwarts need a new magical dressmaking class... maybe it's a good idea, those little girls should like this class..."

Fiona murmured to herself as she walked into the fireplace, not Hogwarts, of course, but... Diagon Alley, after all—even writing for Dumbledore now Letter, and got consent, she also needs to take care of her storefront... After all, Tuofan clothing store is her hard work, and she is a little reluctant to give up.

and another

On one side - in King's Cross train station in central London...

At this moment, there are people coming and going in the train station—passengers to work and passengers catching trains are everywhere. Among this group of adults in suits and leather shoes, a pair of little guys like pink and jade are particularly eye-catching.

The little loli with long red hair was held by the cute Zhengta with black hair and walked towards the platform... Many adults extended a helping hand to them, for fear that these two cute little guys were with themselves. parents are lost.

"Thank you, beautiful lady, but our guardian is waiting for us on the platform... So no need..." Zhou Ye didn't even know how many times he had refused someone's help...

In short, the words he often faces are "cute little guy, are you lost with your parents? Do you need help??"

Or, "Is this your sister? What a beautiful little princess, do you need me to call the police here for you? I think you must have lost your parents..."

"..." To be honest, Zhou Ye didn't know why so many enthusiastic people came to care about him? Obviously in the movie, that Harry Potter is also a child... Why doesn't anyone care about him?

But if you think about it...it seems to be normal, after all—Harry Potter can only be regarded as a normal-looking child at most, far from being called cute, so it is normal to not attract attention... ...if he didn't have the identity of Harry Potter, I'm afraid he was nothing.

"There are so many good-hearted people, Ye..." Lily has been walking along with Zhou Ye holding her little hand. Facing the adults who came up to help the two, she had to sigh [there are so many good people]...

But obviously, now is not the time to talk about this, she took out two direct train tickets from London to Hogwarts from her pocket, and asked a little dejectedly: "Platform nine and three-quarters...that's weird. Place, does King's Station really have this platform??"

"Don't worry, I'll take you to that place..." Zhou Ye comforted the little loli softly. Zhou Ye still likes this little loli who is only one step away from becoming his own woman... ...

After walking through the crowd for a while, the two finally came to platform 9... This platform is designed very interestingly, with platform 9 on the left and platform 10 on the right...

"We're here..." Zhou Ye said to Lily with a smile.

"But... there is no platform nine and three-quarters..." Lily asked in confusion.

"That's it..." Zhou Ye pointed to the pillar he saw on platforms 9 and 10, and smiled, "If you're afraid, close your eyes, and I'll take you in..."

"Well—" Lily now has unreserved trust in Zhou Ye... After all, that kind of relationship has already happened... Zhou Ye has become the most special existence in her mind.

She closed her eyes obediently, her small hands tightly grasped Zhou Ye's arm, and let him lead her to the pillar... The people on the platform didn't seem to notice that two children had suddenly disappeared here. Generally, they are still busy with their own affairs.

Chapter 1041

Severus Snape pushed his little cart and stood on the platform in front of the Hogwarts Express. He looked anxiously at the crowd around him. The station was full of people going to Hogwarts to go to school. children, they either gathered together in twos and threes to chat, or waved goodbye to their parents...

And Snape's target was obviously not them... He was looking for his little friend and his only friend in the Muggle world, Lily Evans.

Suddenly - Snape's eyes lit up, he saw a long crimson hair, it was none other than his only friend, Lily Evans... However, just as he was about to step forward and follow As Lily greeted him, he saw the boy she was holding tightly.

The moment he saw the black-haired boy, Snape couldn't help but feel a strong sense of inferiority in his heart... That boy was so dazzling, if he were to be compared to a scorching sun, he wouldn't even be called the stars...

Moreover, Snape looked at Lily talking and laughing with the boy, that happy smile, showing the beauty he had never seen before... He knew that maybe in Lily's mind, his status would never be as good as that guy...

Watching the two walking towards his direction... Snape involuntarily shrank his body towards the crowd beside him, until the figures of the two disappeared at the door of the train's carriage, and he left slowly. Come out...then walk towards the carriage far away from the two...

"Lily, what are you looking for??" Zhou Ye was sitting in the car, looking at Lily Evans, who was sitting opposite him, lying on the window of the car, looking out, as if he was looking for something.

"I'm looking for Snape, I told you... it's the boy who lives near my house, he's also a wizard seed, I remember he also got an acceptance letter from Hogwarts, why didn't he read it What about him?" Lily Evans answered Zhou Ye's question while looking at the crowd outside.

"Probably he missed this train??" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

With his five senses, how could he not see the little guy who avoided him? But then again, Snape was very infatuated with Lily in the original book. In some respects, Zhou Ye felt that he still liked this infatuated guy very much... But that doesn't mean he will let Lily out... Just kidding. , sympathy for sympathy, the girl will never let it.

Anyway, even without himself, Snape is a

An emotional loser, why should Zhou Ye let a girl? Just kidding, this kind of thing will be scolded to death...

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