"Oh?? Really? That's really a small challenge for me..." Zhou Ye smiled. To be honest, Veela or something, she is naturally beautiful, with beautiful bones... She is like this, Zhou Ye was really interested.

Of course, the so-called being torn to shreds, Zhou Ye doesn't take it seriously at all... To say something unpleasant, even if she really stood in front of her and let her tear it up, whether she could tear it or not would be two different things...

The two came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office one after the other... Entering the office, Bella shouted loudly, "Mr. Jasmine, I brought Zhou Ye..."

"Trouble you, little Bella..." As the voice fell, Jasmine's figure appeared in front of the two of them, she smiled and said to her teaching assistant, "You can go about your own business, thank you now..."

"You're welcome...then I'll go out first..." Bella nodded at Jasmine, she needs to rest for a while now... She just forced her way in, there's no way that the little villain is too tossed, she Gotta go take a nap.

"Welcome to my office, classmate Zhou Ye!" Jasmine watched Bella leave the room. Although she felt that Bella was walking in a wrong way, she didn't think too much about it, but turned to Zhou Ye and asked : "How does my office look like??"

"Very good..." Zhou Ye looked at the room. The whole room was about 200 square meters in size. The walls of the room were covered with vines that Zhou Ye didn't know about. In front of the windowsill, there were several pots that were Flowers in full bloom...the whole room is filled with greenery that makes you feel good.

"Haha...please sit down..." Jasmine said, pointing behind Zhou Ye, and a section of vines hung down from the ceiling, turning into a green swing and appearing behind Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye sat unceremoniously on the swing made of green vines, and fell gently... Although it was a slight fall, it actually weighed more than 1,000 kilograms. However, Such a weight did not break the vine swing, obviously the toughness of these vines is excellent.

"Drink tea? Or coffee??" Jasmine asked lightly, pointing at a small silver teapot.

"Let's have tea..." Zhou Ye was not in a hurry. He looked at the extremely beautiful woman in front of him with great interest, using magic there to brew black tea for him... I have to say, a creature like Veela, really is too beautiful.

"I'm very interested in the face-slapping spell you cast last night..." Jasmine handed Zhou Ye the black tea brewed in her hand, and then asked in a leisurely manner, "Is that the secret magic in your family??"

"Of course... not!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "That's just my game... Is Teacher Jasmine interested in this magic spell??"

"Of course, my favorite thing to do is to collect those powerful black magic spells..." Jasmine said here, her eyes emitting a frenzy, "Those black magic, how powerful, how beautiful... especially the Unforgivable Curse, Just a small spell can make people feel boundless pain..."

"Cough cough..." Zhou Ye interrupted Jasmine with a light cough, and if he didn't interrupt her again, Zhou Ye didn't know what kind of broken expression she would show in front of him... "I think we should return to the main topic. Alright, what do you think? Teacher Jasmine!"

"......" Jasmine looked at Zhou Ye's extremely handsome and cute little face, but didn't say anything... She felt that the words just now were not something she could say at this age, she was more like talking to a Adult dialogue, maybe this is the background of the big family?

——However, who cares, her goal is only the face-slapping spell that Zhou Ye has mastered. "Okay... I want your face-slapping spell. I don't know what price you will pay to change it? For example, a few black magics that have been lost? For example, let you pass the exam with full marks??"

"Not enough... Teacher Jasmine, you know, those things are far from enough!" Zhou Ye gently picked up the teacup, took a sip of black tea, and said, "A face-slapping spell that can ignore the spell and instantly dispel it is absolutely impossible. The face-slapping spell that is offset by other spells, you know its value is far from what you can exchange for those rubbish black magic!"

"Oh??" Jasmine laughed. Of course she knew the characteristics of the face-slapping spell, otherwise she wouldn't have seen Lie Xinxi call this little guy into her office on the first day of school to ask about it. "Then what do you want?? If the conditions are not excessive, it is not impossible to sigh..."

"Knowledge is priceless... Do you agree with this statement??" Zhou Ye asked calmly.

"Of course, I agree with your point of view!" Jasmine smiled and nodded.

"So priceless things are of course priceless things..." Zhou Ye slowly guided Jasmine.

"So what? Your condition is..." Jasmine asked rhetorically.

"My condition is—!" Zhou Ye said here, and paused, "The face-slapping curse is yours...but—you are mine!!"

Chapter 1056

"What??" Jasmine couldn't believe what she had heard. If Zhou Ye was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, she might not feel that this sentence was quite inconsistent... But——an eleven-year-old Zhengtai Saying things like [Face-slapping curse belongs to you, you belong to me] still made her sluggish.

Are all children so precocious now? ?

While Jasmine was complaining about Zhou Ye in her heart, her eyebrows stood upside down, and she said with a frosty face, "Who gave you the courage to talk to your teacher like that??"

"..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, "I hate you adults the most. When you can't say it, you have to put on an authoritative appearance.

It starts to be unreasonable..."

"..." Zhou Ye's words made Jasmine's pretty face blushed, but then her face tightened again, "I want to teach you a lesson for your parents, so that you know how to respect your teacher, Respect women..."

Following her words... the vine that was originally acting as a swing under Zhou Ye instantly wrapped around Zhou Ye's body like a living thing... In the blink of an eye, Zhou Ye was tied like a zongzi.

"Little guy... Who taught you, how dare you use the teacher as a condition of exchange..." Jasmine walked up to Zhou Ye, who was hanging from the ceiling like a cocoon, and lightly pinched his face ...

To be honest, when she just heard Zhou Ye's words, she still had a momentary heartbeat... It's not that Jasmine is too fancy for the face-slapping spell and is willing to exchange it for herself, but - there is such an extremely cute person. It should be a very good thing for Xiao Zhengtai to be a little lover.

As for the age difference? Jasmine didn't really care...

Veela's lifespan is basically about two hundred years. According to the proportion, she is not much older than Zhou Ye when she is under 30 this year... But even if she doesn't refuse to establish such a relationship with Zhou Ye, she is regarded as an exchange. The condition still made Jasmine a little annoyed.

"I'll start doing it..." Zhou Ye sighed, his appearance as a little adult made Jasmine smile. "Yes, the teacher really did it. This is teaching you one thing with facts, and that is [don't negotiate conditions with people who are stronger than you]..."

"Can you do whatever you want with your strength??" Jasmine, who was provoked by Zhou Ye's indignant expression, shouted cute.

"That's right... If you are strong, you can do whatever you want...!" Jasmine didn't mind hitting this little rascal, and let him know that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world—as for forcing Zhou Ye to say the face-slapping curse? She's not so clueless yet...

Looking at the laughing Veela in front of him, Zhou Ye smiled slightly in his heart, the heat is up...

Thinking of this, the aggrieved and indignant look on Zhou Ye's face was swept away, replaced by a smile that was in control of everything: "Actually, I also agree with what you said, teacher, you can do whatever you want with your strength!"

"What..." Jasmine looked at the little villain's weird smile, and her instinct felt a little wrong. However—it was already too late... bang- bang- bang the sound of the vines breaking one after another sounded, Jasmine sounded. I watched helplessly as the [Tangling Vine] that I had painstakingly cultivated was broken one by one by Zhou Ye...

"My God... how did you do it?? These little guys are enough to turn a black dragon from the Hechidiri Islands into a weak chicken that can be slaughtered by others..." Jasmine stared at the scene in front of her eyes with astonishment, she must know The black dragon of the Hechidiri Islands is the most powerful among the dragons - is this little guy not a human? But what other monster? ? ?

"It's very easy..." Zhou Ye was suspended in mid-air, tidying up the slightly wrinkled black robe that had been made by the vines—then flew to Jasmine, raised her chin gently with his hand, and looked at her condescendingly. Laughing: "And I agree with you very much, the strength is that you can do whatever you want!"

From another angle, in the office like a forest, a lady with a height of less than 1.5 meters was suspended in mid-air, hooking a beautiful woman with a height of about 1.8 meters in height in a flirtatious posture. chin, this picture is a bit ridiculous and weird.

However, Jasmine, who was in it, couldn't smile at all... She found that she couldn't move her whole body except for her eyes and eyes...

"You... what are you going to do??" Jasmine still has the demeanor of a well-known traveler in the magical world, a Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, she is now completely a weak look of being slaughtered by others. .

"Do whatever you want..." Zhou Ye said with a slight pause here, and then changed the subject and asked, "I heard that your veela has always been very loyal to your other half. If you die, would you rather abandon your long life and go with him??”

"Yes, it's like this..." Jasmine felt that the little Zhengtai was very dangerous at this time... She answered his question involuntarily.

"And you also asked the other half to be loyal to you too? If the other party is cheating, tear them into pieces... and eat them??" Zhou Ye continued.

"Yes..." Jasmine was shocked, and hurriedly persuaded: "So... you, you have to think about it... If you really do something to me, I will definitely depend on you for the rest of my life... and , and will never let you go out to steal... So, what an unwise choice to give up a forest for a tree... You are still young..."

Before Jasmine could finish her words, Zhou Ye interrupted her... "I want to challenge your traditions..."

As he said that, he bowed his head, trying to persuade his own Jasmine...

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Jasmine couldn't help widening her eyes. Although she was almost in her thirties, but... this is the first time. To be precise... she has never had it before. The experience of being in close contact with a man was a little too exciting for her.

Following Zhou Ye's movements, Jasmine only felt a buzzing sound in her head, and she didn't remember anything... I don't know when, she had already reached out and hugged Zhou Ye...

A small head peeked out secretly at the door, and when he saw the situation inside the house... he shrank back... it was none other than Bella who had changed her clothes...

Bella originally wanted to take a break, but in the end she was still a little worried about her own little boy

People... As soon as she came in, she saw such a scene, so she could only quietly cast a mute spell in the room and a deadlock spell on the doorknob, so as not to disturb the interest of her little man... …

I have to say that Bella's move was quite timely... Not long after she left, there was a scream in the entire office, and the sound was so high that if it wasn't for the mute spell she cast, I'm afraid the entire floor would be blown away. can hear...

Chapter 1057

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Hooch..."

"Good afternoon, students..."

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