"Good afternoon, Mrs. Hooch..."

In the afternoon, there was a big class with four colleges at the same time, flying class - all the first-year freshmen of the four colleges stood on the lawn happily, according to their respective colleges, they were photographed standing there in four rows, waiting for The teacher in charge of their flying lessons, Mrs. Hooch.

"Very good, little ones..." Mrs. Hooch is a middle-aged witch with silver hair with eyes like eagles. Of course, guessing a witch's age based on looks is the most stupid thing.

At least as far as Zhou Ye knows... This Mrs. Huo Qi was at least born in the early 20th century, that is to say, she is at least fifty or sixty years old now, although it seems that she is in her thirties at most .

"Welcome to your first flying lesson..." Mrs. Hooch, who walked through the gap between the students, walked to the front row of the team, and she said energetically: "What are you still dawdling about? Everyone is standing. To the left of their respective broomsticks..."

Following her password, all the freshmen took a step forward and stood beside the broomsticks placed on the ground...

"Quick, hurry up, stretch out your right hand, put it on top of the broom, and say [get up]..."

Mrs. Hooch's speech is very fast, giving people a very energetic feeling, not like an old lady in her fifties or sixties...

Following her order, there was a sound of [up up] in the whole playground. To be honest, Zhou Ye thought that he had come to the dog farm at this moment... English up in various accents and slang words resounded. throughout the playground.

"up..." Lily stretched out her little hand, and only tried to shout, the broom under her hand staggered and flew up... Grabbing her broom in her hand, Lily excitedly said Zhou Ye next to him shouted, "Ye, I succeeded..."

"Yeah, yeah..." Zhou Ye said weakly... If you want to ask Zhou Ye which class is the least interested in? That has to be a flying lesson... A guy who travels at superluminal speed all year round would be interested in a flying broom with a top speed of just over a hundred miles per hour? That's bullshit...

He didn't even bother to shout up... He just stood there lazily, motionless.

"Ye, why don't you try it..." Lily Evans had some idea of ​​why Zhou Ye wasn't interested in broomsticks. When she was in Zhou Ye's castle, she also rode Zhou Ye's flying broom. skateboard……

It's just that this is Hogwarts, and Lily Evans didn't want her little boyfriend to be looked down upon, so she encouraged Zhou Ye to want him to show off his superb flying skills.

"It's boring...I don't want to try it..." Zhou Ye was insensitive to the flying broom, even if it wasn't for Eggy's sadness, he didn't want to ride on it. It easily reminded him of the shameful years when he was a child, riding a broom as a horse.

At this time, Mrs. Huo Qi had noticed Zhou Ye's abnormal behavior. After all, when so many people were yelling up, it was too easy to be spotted by a handsome little Zhengtai standing there who was out of tune with everyone.

She walked directly to Zhou Ye's side and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Little guy, did you fail? Don't be embarrassed, when I was in the first lesson of flying, I couldn't even call a broom... When you get on it, you'll find - the feeling of flying freely, it's amazing!"

"No... I just don't like brooms!" Zhou Ye sighed. Facing this kindly-spoken teacher, he really didn't want to lie to her... "If possible, I would like to change a flying tool..."

"Change a flying tool??" Mrs. Huo Qi didn't understand what Zhou Ye meant. After all, the entire wizarding world, apart from broomsticks, was a large-scale multiplayer flying tool such as a magic carpet, but a magic carpet-like flying tool Obviously not suitable for first-time beginners.

"That's right...whether it's a flying skateboard, a surfboard...you can..." Zhou Ye said depressedly, in short, he just didn't want to ride a broom...

"Pfft--" A snickering voice sounded, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but follow the voice - the snickering sound came from Gryffindor's team... It was none other than Sirius...

At this time, Sirius had a fixed brace on his arm, and tape was attached to the bridge of his nose... Obviously, the injury at noon had ruined his image at this time...

"If you can't, just say no, don't look for reasons... Oh, our little prince in Ravenclaw also has subjects that he is not good at..." Because of the tape on the bridge of his nose, Sirius spoke in a loud voice, looking very ridiculous.

"What are you talking about? Big nose..." Before Zhou Ye could speak, Lily sneered, "It's because I didn't teach you enough lessons at noon, do you want to try it again??"

"..." Hearing Lily's words, Sirius couldn't help shrinking his neck... To be honest, he was really afraid of Zhou Ye. If nothing else, the quickness brought by spell-free and stick-free spellcasting is truly amazing. It was impossible to guard against... He believed that he would definitely not be able to beat Zhou Ye.

His actions caused a lot of laughter all around... The scene in the restaurant at noon was seen by many people, and even if they didn't see it, they heard it later... No way, the whole Hogwarts gossip The delivery speed is so fast, who makes there so many ghosts who are full and have nothing to do?

The story of the Black boy being beaten by Ravenclaw's little prince spread all over the school in an instant.

Now it is estimated that Sirius has become a laughing stock, a typical example of being fucked by pretending to be unreasonable.

"Good men don't fight with women... and this is a flying class. If you have the ability, it is better than flying..." Sirius

Enraged by the sneers around him, he took a step forward and said loudly.

"Okay... What's the stake??" Zhou Ye said in a stern manner... He was not in a hurry, but his body became smaller, and he didn't really become a child. There's no way, is there?

As for - lose the game? ? nonexistent……

How could a guy who can fly faster than light lose a game like this? ? What a cosmic joke... Of course, it doesn't rule out the possibility that if the guy who competes with him is an extremely beautiful girl, he deliberately releases water to pick up the girl.

However, it is obvious that it is not someone else who is going to compete with him here, but the group of four with secondary illness...

"The bet is to unlock the face-slapping curse on little Peter..." Sirius said, "If you lose, you will unlock the face-slapping curse on my friend, and if you win... just... just..."

Sirius said hesitantly, he really didn't know what he had to lose... But after hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and took out one of his jewel buttons... This is what their Black family has inherited since ancient times. One of the magic tools, the surrogate button.

Although it sounds like a mouthful, it can only replace an accidental death, and it can't replace death under the laws of nature like old age... Just when he was about to use the magic weapon in his hand as a bet, he was caught by James. Potter was stopped.

Chapter 1058

"I used an invisibility cloak as a bet..." James Potter said while pressing Sirius's move to take out his magic weapon: "If I win, you will help my friend put a face-slapping spell on him. Untangle... If I lose, I'll give you my invisibility cloak! How? Dare you bet?"

Hearing James Potter's words, all the first-year freshmen couldn't help but in an uproar... Invisibility cloak, this is a rare magic weapon... Many people have only heard the name of this magic weapon, but have never seen the real thing. .

On the other side, more people turned their attention to Peter, who was still wearing the same robe as a restraint suit... Normally, after being hit by a spell and finding the teacher, he can basically unlock the magic, but obviously——this was Zhou Zhou The guy who Ye cast the face-slapping spell still hasn't been unlocked...

Looking at the pitiful and wretched little Peter, everyone couldn't help but talk... Of course they weren't talking about how pitiful little Peter was, but why the spell was so powerful that the teacher couldn't solve it. ? ?

Poor little Peter? ? No one will feel sorry for him... Everyone is responsible for what he said... In the circumstances of last night, if it was someone from another pure-blood family, it might be the result of blood splattering on the spot. blasphemy.

From this point of view, they even feel that the little prince of Ravenclaw has been very kind...

Of course, they were also a little touched by James Potter's act of doing everything for his friends, anyway... There are not many people who can do this for friends.

"Invisibility cloak?? Well... I've accepted the bet..." Although the invisibility cloak was of no use to Zhou Ye, but... this kind of obscene magic weapon is better in your own hands than in other people's hands. , isn't it?

"Then let me be your opponent..." James Potter said, mentioning the broomstick in his hand, and sitting up... "I'll wait for you to get ready..."

"Are you ignoring the teacher??" Seeing that she was being ignored by the students, Mrs. Hooch's voice became a little stern.

"No... I'm sorry, Mrs. Hooch... I just..."

Mrs. Hooch's voice made James Potter shrink his neck like a cat and mouse.

"Mrs. Huoqi, we just want to test the flying skills a little..." Zhou Ye was not wrong at all. Mrs. Huoqi said with a smile: "This is not contrary to the course, isn't it??"

"Okay..." Mrs. Huo Qi looked at Zhou Ye's extremely cute face, and sighed... No way, Zhou Ye, who pretends to be a righteous lady, is particularly powerful against middle-aged and elderly women... No one can bear it reprimand him. "But everything must be safety first... I'm going to find you something for the game, don't leave the ground before I come, otherwise, I promise that you will never touch it in the past few years at Hogwarts. Fly a broomstick!"

"No problem, Mrs. Hooch..."

"Okay, Mrs. Hooch..."

Following the assurances from both parties, Mrs. Hooch nodded with satisfaction, then turned and walked towards the promenade of the castle... She planned to show the two little guys a little color to let them know that their so-called flying skills have How ridiculous... Of course, as for the safety issue, she admits that if she is present, she can still control it...

With Mrs. Huo Qi's departure, the two groups of people on the playground, headed by the betting parties, began to stand in line...

This time, everyone no longer gathers with the college as a unit... but stands behind both sides on the basis of men and women...

"Come on, little prince... We are all your support group..." A chubby girl wearing the Gryffindor badge shouted boldly.

"Yes, the little prince is the most powerful..." Her words welcomed the approval of all the girls.

"Thank you everyone... I believe I will never lose..." Zhou Ye greeted his supporters with a smile... But why are they all girls? ? ? Well - you can't have both... Between a man and a woman, no one can please both genders at the same time... Forget it, Zhou Ye recognized it.

On the other side... a group of boys also gave James

Potter gasped.

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