"Come on, Potter...Let's teach that Ravenclaw kid...he's so arrogant..."

"That's right, I've seen him dislike for a long time... Don't lose, Potter!"

Facing the encouragement of his supporters, James Potter also cheered up... Although he felt something was wrong, he couldn't say what was wrong at all...

The provocation of a group of little brats who are destined to die... Of course Zhou Ye doesn't take it seriously... Do these guys who haven't come to their senses know what it means to work with men and women? Hmm—maybe they understand, that's why they're now siding with James Potter out of jealousy.

Wait... Maybe I can cheat them a little...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye quietly dragged Lily Evans aside, then whispered a few words in her ear, and then took out a few gold Galleons and put them in her palm... Lily Evans' eyes lit up , smiled... "No problem, leave it to me..."

Lily held Jin Galleon in her hands, and she was digging in the pile of girls... Soon she said hello to a few girls in her college... After everything was settled, Lily Evans walked to the two piles In the middle of the crowd, looking at the group of boys headed by James Potter, they said, "You have confidence in Potter, and we have confidence in Ye... Do you want to bet?? I bet Zhou Ye will win..."

As she spoke, Lily Evans took out two pieces of paper with names on them and placed them on the ground, then threw the six gold Galleons in her hands onto a piece of paper with Zhou Ye's name on it...

Everyone's eyes kept turning with the few gold Galleons... You know, the purchasing power of gold Galleons is definitely not low... Especially in this academy that basically costs nothing, many students spend a month Their pocket money is less than one gold Galleon... These six gold Galleons are almost a huge sum of money for them.

Although they are a little excited, the boys have no intention of taking action... After all, although the Hogwarts school rules do not prohibit gambling, but... they have been taught since childhood that gambling is not a good behavior .

"It's a bunch of pustules, all of them claiming to support James, but they don't show any action..." As the words fell, a girl walked out, and she rudely threw a Jin Galleon into Zhou Ye. name on the paper. "I firmly believe that the little prince will never lose... I bet one Galleon..."

Following her ridicule, the boys were eager to try... After all, they all saw it just now. James Potter just stretched out his hand, and the broom obediently got into his hand, and what about Zhou Ye? I can't even say the spell... So, the win rate is still very high... and I can earn some pocket money...

"Who said we supported Potter and didn't act... I bet... I bet 10 bucks Xiko..." A boy walked out and threw the money on the paper with James Potter written on it.

Perhaps because of the role model, the boys and girls took out their pocket money and put it on the paper with the name written on it, while a quill pen with recording magic was applied to record quickly. With everyone's betting amount...

Not long after, the white paper with the names of the two on it was full of coins... In comparison, the girls' side seems to have more money. After all, girls like to be careful when buying things... And boys can save pocket money Money people, after all, are a minority.

Chapter 1059

"What are you doing??"

Just when everyone just finished placing their bets, Mrs. Huoqi's voice came from a distance... Everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly surrounded the money pile and said in unison, "It's nothing, Mrs. Huoqi..."

"Nothing??" Mrs. Huo Qi came over with a box and looked at the group of little quack beans with a questioning face... She never imagined that in the short period of time she was gone, this group of The little guy has gone through all the processes of crowd gambling.

At this time, Lily Evans had already quietly put the betting paper and betting money into her pocket... The inside was restored to its original clean appearance...

After looking around, Mrs. Huoqi didn't find anything suspicious, so she could only give up pursuing this matter... Instead, she continued the topic just now...

With a sound of "Bang——", she threw the box in her hand on the grass, Mrs. Hooch looked at Zhou Ye and James Potter and said, "It's too late for you to regret it... The game I decide next is a little dangerous. Sex, many people have broken bones in such competitions... and some people lost their lives..."

"No need, Mrs. Huo Qi... I won't regret it, please tell me the rules of the game..." Zhou Ye looked at the box at Mrs. Huo Qi's feet and said lazily...

If he read it correctly, the box should be a tool for holding various balls used in Quidditch matches... Don't ask, it must contain all kinds of balls used in Quidditch matches.

But it's normal to think about it... Mrs. Hooch, as a fanatical supporter of Quidditch, really couldn't find any other better way than Quidditch for the flying competition method she thought of.

"I will never regret it, Mrs. Hooch..." James Potter looked at the box. As a child born in a wizarding family, he is of course no stranger to this sport that has swept the wizarding world... So, He also guessed some of Mrs. Hooch's thoughts.

In fact, James Potter was a little secretly happy to see this box... Normally, as a tradition, children of the wizarding family basically learn flying in school after the age of eleven. , because this is safer.

Unlike James Potter, however, his father was an avid Quidditch fan, as

Like many fans in the melon world who want to train their children to become stars, Potter's father trained James Potter's flying skills early... and, in Quidditch, the most important thing Seeker's request to train James Potter.

If the goal of the game is to be a Seeker, James Porter has absolute confidence that he can win the game.

"Okay... Since you are all so sure that your strength can win the other... Then I'll tell you the rules of the game!" Looking at the two confident faces, Mrs. Huo Qi sighed... Don't blame yourself for knocking them down...it's time for them to understand that complacency sucks...

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hooch cheered up and kicked the box next to her. The box was opened. Mrs. Hooch did not untie the string of the Quaffle, but took out a ping pong ball from the wall of the box. Ball-sized golden orbs.

The Quaffle is a little too dangerous, so Mrs. Hooch doesn't plan to use it as a prop for their games. Choosing the Golden Snitch is also Mrs. Hooch's thought after careful consideration. After all, although the Golden Snitch can fly fast, it is really dangerous. It's not that high, it's just right to be the goal of this group of children's competition... At the same time, let them know that... there are people outside people, there are days outside, and they all look arrogant all day long.

"This is the golden snitch, and the most difficult ball to catch in a Quidditch game. Every time you get this little ball, it means that the game is over... The team that gets the golden snitch will get the An undisputed victory..." Madam Hooch spread her palms to let the two of them see the shape of the ball in their hands.

Following her words, the golden snitch in her palm also spread out her pair of transparent wings and fluttered quickly... Soon, the golden snitch flew away from Mrs. The radish head swayed in front of him, as if provocative...

"From now on - with fifteen minutes as the time limit, whoever catches the golden snitch first will be the winner..." Mrs. Hooch took great pains...Even a real Seeker would not be able to find it within fifteen minutes. Not necessarily to catch this golden snitch, let alone two little guys who are just learning to fly.

A tie is the best outcome - this is the best way Mrs. Hooch can think of.

"I will definitely catch the golden snitch..." James Potter said, riding his broom, then kicking his legs hard, he flew straight into the sky...

"Haha..." Zhou Ye just sneered twice at James Potter's declaration of victory... He was -- riding on a broom? This is impossible, it is impossible to ride a broom in this life...

So—Zhou Ye stood directly on top of the broom, and lightly tapped the broom with his toes... Instantly, the broom took Zhou Ye and rose into the sky...

"Why do I no longer want to ride this thing after seeing the posture of the little prince riding a broom??" A girl couldn't help but murmured while looking at Zhou Ye's handsome figure.

"I don't want to ride anymore... I feel so ugly..." Another girl also agreed...

It is said that there is no harm without comparison... James Potter rode on a broom in a normal position, chasing the golden snitch in mid-air, while Zhou Ye stood on the broom with his hands behind his back, and shuttled back and forth in mid-air... ...that posture looks very unrestrained ... the comparison of the two postures is absolutely superior ...

Zhou Ye was standing on a broom, flying in mid-air... He could have ended the game in an instant, but... how should I say it? His playfulness is back up...

He took a sharp turn and flew behind James Potter... In the eyes of the people below, he was chasing James Potter... But—in fact, he was just blocking it with his body In midair, Mrs. Hooch, who was riding on a broom to escort the two, was just staring...

"The curse will disappear..." When Mrs. Huo Qi's eyes were completely blocked by Zhou Ye's body, Zhou Ye silently said these three words... A white light quickly hit James Potter's head. on the broom.

Because of the angle, neither the classmates below nor Mrs. Hooch saw this scene... let alone James Potter...

James Potter just felt that his broom shook a little abnormally, and then started to fly smoothly again... So he didn't feel anything about it... However, gradually, he felt something was wrong. ...

James Potter felt more and more pain in his ass straddled on the broom... Also, there was a faint chrome on his balls...

That's right, just now Zhou Ye used [Curse Elimination] to eliminate the seat magic on the broom. This kind of magic was cast on the broom before it left the factory... But now, it has been eliminated by Zhou Ye... …

Let me ask you, what kind of experience does a big man give all his weight to a stick? ? ? Others don't know, anyway, James Potter feels that the chrome on the tailbone hurts... and for the first time in his life, he feels the sadness of the balls...

Chapter 1060

Zhou Ye wasn't in a hurry to catch the Golden Snitch... Instead, he was dangling beside James Potter...

"What are you doing..." The more and more unbearable feeling under him made James Potter's temper even more impatient... He couldn't help roaring at Zhou Ye, "Go and find that damn golden snitch. Go... dangling around me?"

"I'm just observing what a man would feel like riding on a crossbar..." Zhou Ye said, his body fell, and he hung upside down on his broom like a golden bell... Yuzai's teasing by James Potter

. "Tell me, do you feel comfortable now??"

"......" James Potter was sure that Zhou Ye was playing with himself. He gritted his teeth and endured the discomfort... urging the broom... He accelerated towards the Golden Snitch and chased after him... He wanted to end this situation as soon as possible. game...

However, will Zhou Ye do what he wants? ? That's definitely not the case... Zhou Ye just swayed left and right, and sometimes even deliberately covered the Snitch so that James Potter couldn't catch the Snitch...

And in the eyes of the freshmen who didn't know the predicament James Potter was facing at the moment, James Potter and Zhou Ye, who were flying around in midair, were completely evenly matched...

"James - come on, don't lose to that guy..." This was the boy's roar.

"Little prince, you're the best... Come on... yah -- such a handsome move..." This was the cheering voice of the girls to Zhou Ye.

Every time Zhou Ye made a difficult move on the broomstick, the girls below couldn't help screaming... In the end, the girls didn't care whether Zhou Ye could win the game... Come to them It is a worthwhile trip to see such a wonderful air show.

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