"I'll ask you one last time, are you going to make a statement to cleanse my reputation??" Jessica looked at Rita coldly and asked.

"Don't think about it, freedom of the press is the sacred and inviolable right of our journalists!" Rita snorted and rudely turned back.

"It seems that I can't save you..." Jessica sighed. If Rita was willing to admit it, she might let this guy go. A woman, even a slave girl without status...

"You... what do you want?" Seeing Jessica's expression, Rita instinctively felt something was wrong. She struggled desperately... But it was of no use. A weak girl is no different...

Facing Rita's questioning, Jessica didn't have any intention of ignoring her, but turned her head to look at Sarah, "Okay, you won... It seems that you still have to let my dear teach her a lesson. what……"

"Let's go, Clara has already helped us to ask for leave, but we can't stay away from class for too long..." Sarah felt normal to Rita's reaction, she knew reporters too well...

With that said, the two turned around and left the bedroom... Only Rita, who was tied to the couch, was left screaming desperately...

In fact, Jessica can use Dementor to control Rita, but unfortunately - Jessica can't use Dementor. As a forbidden spell in black magic, Dementor is strictly managed, not to say that it can be used anywhere. What you can learn, at least - the Fafnir family doesn't have a surviving copy of the Dementor.

Whoops—that's a little too far...

Just when Rita was screaming for help on the couch, her savior appeared... Zhou Ye walked in.

"Zhou... Please, let me go..." Seeing Zhou Ye, Rita shouted like she saw a savior...

"I'm afraid it won't work..." Zhou Ye looked at the pitiful bespectacled sister on the couch, and inexplicably hit an indescribable thought in his heart...

Empty room, big couch, imprisoned glasses girl, pitiful expression...cough, what about the secret room...all the scenes you need...it's time to recycle CG.

"What are you doing...no...don't...don't make me hate you..."

"It's okay, you'll love me in a while..."

"do not be like this--!!!!"

The two women who were eavesdropping outside the bedroom heard this scream, and nodded with satisfaction. Then, after laying a mute spell, they left Zhou Ye's tent... They still had to go to class... and I also need to take a leave of absence for my man... It takes time to enforce family law.

Chapter 1152

"God, isn't that Miss Skeeter who's been missing for days? Why is she hanging out with Sarah and the others?"

"I'm also very confused. I remember that Sarah and the others were still chasing Miss Skeeter yesterday?"

"Hey!!!! Miss Skeeter actually kissed the bastard who stole our school flower... Don't stop me, I'm going to duel with that bastard! Don't stop me..."

"Go, we support you mentally, we are your strongest backing, come on..."

"Bastard, I said you don't stop me..."

"No one is stopping you..."



"Those guys are so boring..." Rita, who was walking behind Zhou Ye, couldn't help complaining when she heard the voices from all around.

"That's because you've been too pushy these days..." Jessica replied angrily.

Although Rita has been completely conquered by her own man and has reached an understanding with her, Jessica still feels as if she has been tricked...

Why is he who is slandered, but the person who slandered himself finally became his sister? Is there anything more ironic than this in the world?

"Okay, Jessica...Rita has already issued a statement to apologize...don't be angry!" Zhou Ye patted Jessica's dolphin with a smile and comforted.

"Hmm..." Hearing her man's words, Jessica thought that Rita had even fallen out with her newspaper office in order to issue an apology statement... and lost her job... This made her resentful towards Rita a lot less...

"I'm sorry, Jessica...I didn't expect...the newspaper would not publish the apology statement I sent back...I'm sorry..." Rita kept apologizing to Jessica, telling her In other words, her man's will is God, and her man doesn't want her sisters to be so stiff, so what's the point of her apology? painless...

"Forget it... It's not your fault..." Jessica sighed, and there was no last trace of grudge in her heart... But her anger was all transferred to the Daily Prophet, "Honey, be sure to take that newspaper Break it down..."

"Don't worry..." Zhou Ye smiled and put all the girls on the dining table before sitting down...

Then the girls served him...the bread-cutters who cut the bread for him, the napkins who helped him tuck the napkins...

Zhou Ye took a sigh of relief, took a bite of the bread that Sarah delivered to him, and said, "I have already explained it back, our [Skeet Daily] newspaper business has started a new round of expansion and promotion. , It's not that I underestimate the newspaper industry in the wizarding world... They are a bunch of idiots in the field of market competition!"

Hearing what their man said, the girls couldn't help but pursed their lips and laughed...

Zhou Ye said it was no exaggeration at all. The so-called Daily Prophet was actually linked to a tabloid.

Just like the company, there are only a few dozen employees, and the number of field workers is even more pitiful. If it is not because they have a very good relationship with the Ministry of Magic, and can get some gossip from the Ministry of Magic, how can they become an authority. ?

The Skeeter Daily founded by Zhou Ye for Rita Skeeter is directly run by his maid, Qiu. It can be said that there are hundreds of reporter stations all over the world, and Qiu has also passed The relationship with the current Minister of Magic, has received interview priority from many foreign magic governments...

In particular, the Skeeter Daily, which has more comprehensive news and is more time-sensitive, has a lower price than the Daily Prophet. Zhou Ye is completely hurting people... The Muggle world has entered the era of international economics, wizards The world is still playing its own way... It's a shame.

Looking at the confident look in her man's eyes, Rita Skeeter, who was sitting beside Jessica, radiated an obsessive look.

She could never forget that day—

That day, she was conquered by this man...

Under the attack of this man, her heart sank without any resistance...

For him, she is willing to do anything... For him, for the first time, she apologized to the person she slandered. For him, for the first time, she wrote hard not to compile news, but to issue an apology...

More for him, she resigned from the Daily Prophet who refused to publish her apology statement in anger... She didn't regret it, because he was everything to her...

"Darling... how did you tune and teach Rita... she's too obsessed with you..." Clara, who was sitting beside Sarah, leaned over her best friend, quietly in front of her man asked in the ear.

"Want to try it? I guarantee you'll fall in love with that feeling..." Zhou Ye smiled and teased.

"Forget it..." Clara looked at Rita Skeeter, who was still staring at her man, and couldn't help shivering... Such a Rita is a bit scary...

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly. He wouldn't tell Clara that Rita's performance was just some sequelae, and it would return to normal in a few days...

Of course, the so-called "return to normal" just means that Rita will not be so obsessed with Zhou Ye as she is now, and she can't wait to be turned into Zhou Ye's conjoined baby.

Her love for Zhou Ye is still so deep... All of this is due to Chun Feng Hua Yu Jue... However, Zhou Ye's good looks also play a big role. After all, if the parties resist it, it won't work. It's as good as it is now, it's just a short time to make Rita become like this, and then the quality can only be compensated for by the number of times.

"Rita...Did you send yesterday's press release?" Zhou Ye asked while eating the breakfast that Sarah and Jessica brought to Gubian.

"It's over, my dear..." Rita's voice was so sweet that she could get tired of it. "The title is [The Triwizard Tournament, who is the ultimate winner!]..."

"At last the title is normal..." Zhou Ye sighed, "Before your title always made me feel like UC shocked the department..."

"UC shock department? What is that??" Rita asked curiously.

"No, you don't need to know about that..." Zhou Ye hurriedly waved his hand, joking, he was really afraid that Rita would continue to develop towards the UC shock department, that kind of newspaper that survives by selling its headlines will end sooner or later...

Although the few people looked very leisurely eating, in fact, they did not forget that today was the second game of the Triwizard Tournament, a competition between cliffs and cliffs...

To be honest, Zhou Ye's interest in the Triwizard Tournament is almost gone now, and his opponent has become his wife. How can he play? But... it's still time to act... After all, Dumbledore is still waiting for him to come back with the prize...

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