Chapter 1153

"This mountain is so high..." Clara looked at the cliff in front of her, and she felt that her neck was a little sore.

At this time, Clara was following her classmates, standing on a grassland at the foot of a mountain. In front of her was a cliff that was hundreds of meters high...Aneto Peak.

At the top of the cliff, there are vaguely something the size of a mosquito flying fast...

Of course, those little things looked like mosquitoes from below, but in reality, they were about a meter in size, and those were exactly Stormom who built their nests on this cliff.

Today is the second match of the Triwizard Tournament, so... Clara followed her classmates to the Snetto Peak.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that this place has already passed the height of the permanent snow line, just to protect those little guys, the antifreeze magic has been artificially set here, which has changed the ecology here...

Although the environment has been artificially changed, it does not mean that it is as warm as spring here - the temperature here is less than six degrees Celsius, but the vegetation on the grasslands here are plants with relatively high cold-resistant properties, so it seems to give people An illusion of lush greenery and warmth like spring...

If you do come here wearing spring clothes, you will definitely regret it...  

Of course, Clara and the others won't come up foolishly in spring clothes, because the teacher in the school has reminded them before coming...

Clara once again looked up at the cliff that her best friend and her boyfriend were going to conquer today, then turned her head and walked quickly towards the tent not far away... There was the rest area for the players of the Triwizard Tournament.

"Sarah, I think you're miserable this time..." As soon as she opened the tent, Clara said anxiously, "This competition is definitely not good for you, I remember that you got e...'re screwed..."

"Don't say it's so unlucky..." Zhou Ye lightly tapped this rash girl's nose and said, "Even if Sarah fails her flying class, isn't there still us?"

"That's right..." Jessica also stood up, "We will never let Sarah have an accident!"

"Thank you, Jessica..." Sarah was also a little moved. To be honest, she and Jessica are still competitors so far, and they are vying for the position of Zhou Ye's wife... Jessica is actually willing How could Sarah not be moved by helping her opponent?

"Yes, this is the posture..." Rita held the camera, squatted in front of the three of them, and commanded: "Dear, you can get closer, yes, this is what it looks like, right..."

With a flash of light, the photo of the three embracing was freshly released...

"I've already thought about the title of today's news!" Rita, who got the photo, said proudly: "The title is [Friendship in the Triwizard Tournament]..."

"Why not love??" Clara asked strangely.

"I don't want my dear to be called a playboy..." Rita rolled her eyes and said, "You know, jealousy is a terrible force, and it will make it difficult for them to move in the magic world..."

"It's rare that you published it... How did you say that? Darling?" When Jessica teased Rita, she forgot the words and had to turn her head to help her man.

"positive energy……"

"That's right, positive energy...that's the word!" Jessica clapped her hands and said with a smile, "It's rare for you to publish positive energy news one day! Rita..."

"She's just afraid of darling taking care of her..." Sarah unceremoniously broke Rita's mind.

"Cut, how could I be afraid that my dear will take care of me... I can't wait to experience that feeling again!" Rita dead duck retorted: "Because my dear said that he plans to set up an annual news reporter in the magic world. It's just an award, I plan to attack this award and become the first person in the magic world to receive a news award..."

"Ha ha……"


The girls were teased by Rita, and they knew that this was Rita's excuse. This girl was afraid that her man would clean up her...

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, your competition is about to begin..." The poor International Director appeared in the tent again, reminding the contestants. "The difficulty this time is a bit high, so I have to remind you that it is impossible to give up the game when it is life-threatening..."

"Okay, sir..." x3

Zhou Ye and the three of them walked out of the tent in unison...

When the three of them came to the cliff together, all the students couldn't help cheering... They cheered for the people they supported... Of course, most of the people who cheered for the two girls were boys, while Zhou Ye cheered for them. Come on, almost all of them are girls.

It has to be said that in this half-male and half-male academy, the voice calling Zhou Ye's name is the loudest... No way, who made him have so many fans...

"The specifications of this competition are completely different from the first one. You will set off at the same time, and find clues to your next competition in the Stornom's lair on Mount Aneto, which is also a golden egg... Of course, Sarah Elissa, who got 10 points in the last game, can start for 20 seconds first, as your privilege to win the game..."

After talking about the rules, the Director of the International Division turned his head and glanced at the three principals sitting in the referee's bench. After seeing that they had nothing to say, he turned around and said to Zhou Ye and the others: "Now... Sarah Students can fly for twenty seconds first..."

"We'll see you at the top..." Sarah and the other two clapped their hands, and without hesitation, mounted their broomsticks and flew towards the cliff...

Twenty seconds later—

"You can go too..."

"Let's go then!" Zhou Ye stepped on his silver arrow-shaped broom and flew upwards like a silver light. Jessica didn't even bother to use the broom, she directly opened her dragon wings that were more than ten meters long. , with a forceful fan, the whole person suddenly turned into a red light, and flew up against the cliff...

"I always feel... our school was targeted in this game..."

"Yeah...Look at the two guys at Hogwarts and Durmstrang School, they fly far faster than Miss Eliza..."

Seeing the different flight performances of the three, the students in the audience couldn't help but talk about it. Although they said that their vision was not as accurate as that of an adult wizard, they could also see that... their own hero seems to be flying. a weakness...

And at this moment—Sarah is facing the biggest crisis since participating in the Tri-Power Tournament...

Chapter 1154

Just when Zhou Ye and Jessica just started to set off below, Sarah, who set off first, has already rushed to the middle of the cliff...

The entire cliff is more than 900 meters high, less than 1,000 meters high. If the upper, middle and lower parts are divided according to the height, every 300 meters is a part...

Except for the unobstructed 300 meters in the lower part, the small and ugly figure of Strom is everywhere in the middle and upper part. They are flying around their lair in groups, always alert to the group of humans below. The change of...

For these Stormroms, this is their homeland, and anyone who wants to invade their homeland is a bad guy...

Now - an intruder has rushed up...

These little things don’t do the tricks, they rushed towards Sarah who invaded their homeland one by one... The buzzing sound of hundreds of Stormoms vibrating their wings at the same time made Sarah a little hairy. numb...

"Damn it..." Sarah looked at the little things in front of her that were rushing towards her like a dive bomber, her hands trembled a little...

Since knowing the second competition location and event, Sarah deliberately went to the library to check the information about these little things, knowing that they belong to the kind of species that are usually harmless, but if they invade their homes, they will make them crazy. .

Moreover, their methods of attacking invaders are very clever. In their mouthparts like a watering can, they will spray saliva with a strong corrosive effect... That saliva is extremely corrosive, just like concentrated sulfuric acid, which is also The reason no one wants to mess with them.

Their flexibility in the air is not as good as these little guys, and if they get caught by those sulfuric acid, they will lose half their lives if they don't die...

However, Sarah has no room to back down at this moment, and she doesn't want to back down...

But in the face of these crazy little guys, Sarah is really powerless. If her flying skills are good, then she can grab a broom in one hand, pull out her wand in the other, and fight with them one by one. Grind them to death.

But this is a competition, one is that she doesn't have the time to fight, and the other is that her flying skills are so bad that she can't spare her hand to draw her wand...

Actually, there is a little secret, Sarah didn't even tell her own man... She is actually a little afraid of heights, which is why her flying skills are so bad...

On weekdays, if she is taking flying lessons, she will try not to look down, and hold the broom tightly with both hands, so that she can barely cope with it... But today - I really can't cope...

Only that one can be used - Sarah couldn't help but sigh.

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