As Sarah made up her mind, she stared at the little things flying towards her, and took a deep breath...

Close - close - close enough.


A shrill scream burst out from Sarah's mouth... It was a sound like scratching glass with a sharp object, and it has a very famous name, [Scream of the Banshee]...

Of course, this is not the screaming magic of the banshee in dnd, this is a talent skill in Sarah's bloodline, derived from the Veela bloodline...

Don't you think that beautiful creatures like veelas have no other powers than charm? If so, this beautiful creature would have been captured by human wizards long ago... Don't overestimate the moral code of wizards.

Of course, this kind of talent that comes from the Veela blood can only be used by pure Veela or a hybrid with 50% Veela blood. If the blood concentration is lower, it will not work...

With this ear-piercing scream... The Storms who were swooping down towards Sarah suddenly swayed like they were drunk and couldn't keep their balance... There were even a dozen or so thinner Storms. Ruomu suddenly hit the rock wall and was smashed to pieces.

"It's now..." Sarah took this opportunity to desperately push her broom to fly up, and soon...she flew out of the air encirclement composed of hundreds of Storroms...

However—when she flew out of the encirclement, she found—that she was not out of danger, because—on the periphery of the encirclement, there were hundreds of Stormoms staring at her with their scarlet eyes. ...

"It's over..." Sarah is really out of tricks this time. Banshee screaming is a talent skill that needs to be used every 30 seconds, otherwise it will hurt her vocal cords...

Now, obviously—those little things will never give her thirty seconds... Are you going to die here? ?

Sarah could even see the sarcasm in the eyes of the largest storm among the hundreds...

"Yeah-oh!!" The biggest Storrom screamed, and suddenly—all the Storroms waved the two pairs of transparent wings behind them, with a low buzzing sound, again swooped down towards Sarah...

Sarah has no means to get out of trouble... Damn, is it really impossible this time?

Looking at Storm, who was getting closer and closer in front of her, Sarah clenched her teeth tightly, her mind was spinning quickly, thinking about how to get out of the current predicament...

But there is no good way to let her think about it... It seems that she has to give up. Sarah looked at the small cloth bag tied to the front of her broom. There was a small magic ball in it, and there was a kind of storm The very nasty gas was extracted from Stormom's natural enemy. As long as it was squeezed, it would be equivalent to giving up the game, and she would be safe.

Sarah really doesn't want to give up this competition... If she gives up, although she is safe, how can she still have the face to compete with Jessica?

But...she really has no choice...

Thinking of this, when Sarah was about to reach out and touch the magic bag tied to the front of her broom, she suddenly felt that her waist was being hugged, and then a familiar breath came over... "Sarah baby, this is Are you going to give up??"

"Ye!!" Sarah turned her head excitedly and looked at the person who was holding her, who wasn't Zhou Ye?

At this moment, Sarah was surprised to find that... standing on her man's broom, surrounded by her man's strong arms, she had an inexplicable sense of security, and her fear of heights was actually better...

"Okay, baby Sarah... let's fight side by side!" Zhou Ye smiled while hugging Sarah, took out his wand, pointed at the group of ugly little things in front of him, and suddenly a golden light shot out. In the past... "All petrochemicals, all petrochemicals..."

Following Zhou Ye's magic, the poor Stroms froze and fell...

On the other side, a fiery red figure rushed over. It was none other than Jessica. I saw that she abandoned her wand and took out her giant sickle again, [Remorse of the Demon Dragon]...

With a forceful swing, a red flame suddenly ignited on the giant sickle. Jessica swung it hard, and the red flame on the giant sickle was thrown outward, turning into a whip composed of flames more than ten meters long... …

Then Jessica fanned her dragon wings, turned into a red light and rushed into the group of Storroms, waving the flame whip that turned into a giant sickle in her hand, killing the Quartet...

Chapter 1155

"I'm here to help too..." Sarah was moved when she saw Jessica's figure slaying the Quartet...

If Jessica wants to rush to the first place, she only needs to bypass this group of Storroms. With her speed, those Storroms will definitely not be able to catch up with her...

And Jesse Jiaming could choose the most labor-saving and quickest way to get the golden eggs, but she chose the most clumsy and troublesome way to kill all these Storrom...

for what? ?

Sarah certainly doesn't think that Jessica is a murderous atmosphere and wants to use Stormom to sacrifice her own weapon...

She was obviously doing it for herself, because only her flying skills were the weakest... How could Sarah not be moved? How could she nest in her man's arms and enjoy the fruits of her sister's labor with peace of mind? ?

think of this,

Sarah also took out her wand and pointed at those annoying little things. "All petrochemicals... all petrochemicals..."

"That's right, that's it... We are all a family. Winning or losing is a small game for us. The safety of our family is the most important thing..." Zhou Ye smiled, waving his wand faster... …

If the speed at which Sarah uses the petrification spell is a small pistol, then the speed at which Zhou Ye uses the petrification spell is the Vulcan Cannon. He doesn't even recite the spell, and the golden light is almost forming a line...

Of course, when he used the petrification spell, he didn't forget to throw two protective spells on his two women...

Jessica in the front charged like a fighter, and Zhou Ye and Sarah in the back were like remote support, filling Jessica with a protective magic from time to time, and at the same time using the petrification spell to kill Stormom.

As the cooperation of the three people changed from unfamiliar to familiar, from familiar to tacit understanding... The entire Storrom ethnic group was almost completely emptied by them, and those ugly little things fell like rain.

Stormy, who was hit by Zhou Ye and Sarah, was better. Although it would inevitably be shattered after falling, at least when they were in the air, they were still intact...

Stormom, who was killed by Jessica, was much more miserable, and was torn apart in mid-air...

The top is happy, the people below are a bit miserable...

"What is it that fell from the sky..."

"This is... my grass... Stormom!"

"Damn... ah!! The blood of these things is corrosive... Everyone be careful!"

The three principals of the referee and the director of the International Division looked helplessly at the performance of these students in the audience. What should they say? People are more popular than dead people...

Ms. Maxime was particularly angry. Among the messy students below, most of them were students of Beauxbatons College. Look at their embarrassed appearance... I am so disappointed in her...

"It seems... the flying skills of Beauxbatons' warriors don't seem to be very good!" The director, who has been using binoculars to look at the performance of the three in the sky, said with a smile: "But Hogwarts and Durmst Lang's warriors are very friendly, which fully reflects the original intention of the Triwizard Tournament..."

"Haha... I think so too, Ye Zhou did a good job..." Albus Dumbledore stroked his beard and smiled: "The original intention of the Triwizard Tournament was not to let the three major academies communicate with each other?"

"Haha..." Erica Lunokeki, the principal of Durmstrang College, could only laugh dryly and say nothing...

Madan's - of course you're happy, the guys from your college soaked up the contestants from both of our schools, when we didn't know? ? Of course, Erica can only complain about these words in her heart, saying that it is impossible to say, and he still needs face...

Just when there was a mess below, Zhou Ye and others above had reached the top of the cliff. After easily killing the largest Storrom, they found three golden eggs in its lair...

There is no need to fight or rob, the three of them directly one by one, then pick up the golden egg and fly down...

When the three of them were standing on the podium, the scores of the three of them also came out...

"Sarah Eliza from Beauxbatons College, because you didn't complete your project independently, I give you eight points!" The director who announced the result of the competition glanced at Sarah, "Any objection? ?"

"No..." For this result, Sarah was mentally prepared. For her... Now it doesn't matter who takes the first place. The important thing is that she has already got the best thing...

Thinking of this, Sarah couldn't help but glance at her man. With him by her side, nothing really matters.

"Student Ye Zhou from Hogwarts College, you not only completed your project well, but also helped your opponent. Your final score is ten!"

"Thank you!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then stopped talking...

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