"I don't know...whatever it is...my little prince is leaving Beauxbatons soon...I feel so sad...uuuuu..."

"What's so sad... Anyway, even if he's here, you don't dare to go up and confess..."

"Who said I didn't dare to go up and confess... I just... I just..."

"You're just afraid that the dragon princess will tear you to pieces..."

Ahem... these two girls have digressed... Of course, the others didn't digress. They were curiously discussing what those two strange magic devices were? What magic principle does it rely on...

With the completion of those two installations, the answer is revealed...

I saw that after the staff assembled the magic devices, they picked up their wands and chanted a spell on the two pyramid-shaped magic devices. Following their incantations, the crystal ball at the top of the tower slowly turned... more and more. Faster, faster...

Finally, the crystal ball turned to the limit...

On the four walls of the pyramid, pictures appeared, just like Muggle TV sets...

"This is magic TV??"

"God, it's amazing..."

The students of the Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry were stunned by this scene. From the images of the two pyramid TVs, it was not difficult to distinguish the Hogwarts scene on the left and Durmstrang on the right. school students.

Because students at both schools wear their school uniforms... Hogwarts is the signature black robe, Durmstrang is the thick leather robe...

Ms. Maxim, who was standing on the podium, waved her hand again, suppressing the chaotic voices in the arena...

"And today, we are also honored to have the Minister of the British Ministry of Magic. Ms. Eugenina Jenkins!" Following Ms. Maxim's introduction, a middle-aged lady wearing an orthodox lady's dark-colored suit walked out. came out... and stood beside Ms. Maxime.

The students below were in an uproar again...

These students, they have seen the Minister of Magic attend the Quidditch World Cup, but they have never seen the Minister of Magic appear in other competitions, which makes them inexplicably excited... In the magical world, the Minister of Magic of a country is equivalent to The head of a country...

Although they disdain the head of state in the Muggle world, it does not mean that they can ignore the leader of a country in the wizarding world. This is a special honor for them and for Beauxbatons.

As Eugenina Jenkins took to the podium, Ms. Maxime gave up her place, and the leader came, of course, to speak...

"If I had known that the representative of Hogwarts was such a handsome little gentleman, then I should not have missed the first two games..." Eugenina Jenkins' first sentence, let the stage Everyone below was silent for a while... Then there was a burst of warm applause.

There are even many girls at Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry who feel that the Minister of Magic is very approachable and very cute...

Zhou Ye, who was sitting below, was speechless. He was being teased by his daughter, right? This Lamia... I'll take care of her when I get a chance...

And Sarah and Clara, who didn't know what to do, couldn't help but chuckle... It was rare for them to see their man slumped.

Eugenina Jenkins' speech made even the Hogwarts students who watched the live broadcast through the magic device laughed...

"I know, in fact, everyone is eager to watch the Gentlemen and Ladies game, so I will stop talking nonsense and annoying me as an old woman, and I announce... the final of the Triwizard Tournament officially begins..." Eugenie Na Jenkins' words once again made everyone in the audience laugh...

"Ah, sorry, I almost forgot. Before we start, I have to introduce the rules of the game a little bit!" Eugenina Jenkins pretended to be forgotten, and suddenly said: "Behind me, this forest of confusion In the center, there is the trophy of this Triwizard Tournament. The rule is—whoever gets the trophy first, then—he is the winner... By the way, in this forest of puzzles, three schools have already been robbed. The headmaster used magic to transform...it has become a maze, and there are dangers everywhere. In order to ensure the fairness and justice of the game, each headmaster is responsible for different areas, so there is no possibility of cheating...and The trophy was placed by me..."

Eugenina Jenkins' remarks drew cheers again...  

At this moment, Zhou Ye Sarah and Jessica are already standing at the three entrances in this forest maze and are ready... Because their points are the same, they will set off at the same time...

"I announce..." When Eugenina Jenkins dared to announce the start of the game... The director, who had been acting as the referee, rushed up with sweat and whispered in Eugenina Jenkins. He said in his ear: "Minister, the London headquarters was attacked by Death Eaters and the Dark Lord..."

Chapter 1158

Go back five hours in time...

Early morning - the eighth basement floor of the Ministry of Magic in London - the Atrium.

This time here is the peak time for work, elves like dwarfs, wizards dressed like a weirdo, and guys dressed like a plumber... They are like factory workers, from Each entrance enters the atrium, then passes the inspection desk, and walks towards the elevator...

A handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes with a strange smile on his face walked towards the examination table with the flow of people... When he was about to get to the examination table, he quietly took out a black ball from his pocket and threw it away.

on the ground...

When the small ball stopped rolling, a pair of short legs emerged from under it, and ran out while avoiding the big feet of the crowd...

And when the black ball was running, it was still splitting itself... Finally, these inconspicuous little things turned into hundreds... And at this moment, there happened to be a careless guy who My foot stepped on the top of the small black ball...

A change has occurred————

Bang—a huge... The small ball that was stepped on exploded, and the unlucky guy who stepped on the ball lost his legs in an instant...

"Ah—damn,... God...what the hell is this..." The wizard who fell instantly because he lost his legs, before he could feel the pain, the entire atrium was in chaos...

Taking the loud noise as a signal, the entire atrium——there was a continuous explosion...


Suddenly - the originally lively atrium of the Ministry of Magic instantly turned into an extremely tragic battlefield...

"Help me..."


"Doctor...I need a doctor..."

Wails, cries for help... it rang into a ball... Some people were using magic wands to cast armor and body protection spells on themselves, but more people were at a loss, scurrying around like headless flies...

The magical world has been at peace for too long, and they have simply forgotten how to protect themselves in the face of war...

"It's a shame for a group of wizards..." The initiator of all this, the handsome young man in a suit watched all this with a cold eye. He really didn't expect that an activation magic and a clone magic could actually make the joke have such great power , I have to say, this is really beyond his expectations.

But——the ugly state of these wizards in front of him made him firm up his belief that only the Dark Lord is qualified to rule the wizarding world, and only the Dark Lord is the destiny of the entire wizarding world...

"It's time to welcome the arrival of that adult..." The young man muttered to himself, pointing his wand to the sky in the atrium... Suddenly, a dark cloud that should not have appeared here covered the entire atrium, and even magic The brilliance of the lamp cannot dispel the darkness brought by the dark clouds...

Beneath the dark cloud, there was a terrifying green scene. A green skeleton was hanging high in the air. In the skeleton's mouth, a thick python was swimming in it, which looked like a skeleton's tongue. Weird.

As the signal was sent, wizards had already recognized who the sign belonged to...

"No... it's that Demon King... it's a Death Eater..."

"Damn...how dare they attack the Ministry of Magic..."

"Is the world war coming... Merlin is on top..."

With the wailing, groups of Death Eaters appeared in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic in an instant, leaning on the door key...

As soon as these Death Eaters with weird masks and black robes appeared, they immediately took out their wands and used various Unforgivable spells on the employees of the Ministry of Magic who were still on the ground and wailing...


"Gouging out the bone..."

"Avada Kedavra……"

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