In the blink of an eye - the wizards who had survived the explosion soon became a...

At this time, there were thousands of dedicated Death Eaters, one by one, to fill up the swords and kill all the wizards who did not die... The entire atrium of the Ministry of Magic became a dead place...

When all this is done, there will be no more wizards in the entire atrium except these Death Eaters...

At this moment, a cloud of black mist appeared in the middle of the Death Eaters out of thin air, and in the eyes of those Death Eaters, it turned into a pale man in a black robe...

This man has a pair of high cheekbones, snake-like eyes, and bloodless skin, and it is difficult to judge his age by his strange face... It is none other than the whole magical world. The Dark Lord, Voldemort, whose voice changed.

"Great Dark Lord... We have successfully completed your first plan..." The handsome young man walked up to Voldemort and bowed his head respectfully...

He is Barty Crouch...

He is the only one who can enter and exit the Ministry of Magic by virtue of his father's relationship without being questioned... This time he is completely fighting, and he is completely using his true face to carry out orders.

"Well done, little Barty..." Voldemort was very satisfied with what his subordinates did... He glanced at the corpses all over the floor and said indifferently: "Now, our era is coming, please everyone Join me in witnessing the coming of this great era..."

"Dark Lord...Dark Lord...Dark Lord..."

The frantic shouts of the Death Eaters made a smile on Voldemort's face, he nodded in satisfaction, and then pressed down, "Now, first of all, we must completely destroy this weak, useless magical government. Overthrow... let's go!"

Following Voldemort's order, the Death Eaters cheered and rushed to the elevator in the atrium... They swept away to each floor according to the teams that had been assigned earlier...

On this day, all the non-pure-blood wizards left behind by the Ministry of Magic were slaughtered by the Death Eaters. As for those pure-blood wizards? As long as they don't resist, those Death Eaters are still happy to show mercy to them...

After all, the pure-blood era they preach also needs wizards...

" father was a mother was a wizard...I'm pureblood..."

"No, obviously you're not, because your mother was a Muggle-born wizard and your bloodline tainted the term wizard..."

"No...don't do this...ah!!!"

Voldemort walked comfortably in the Ministry of Magic with a few henchmen, and the pleadings and the cries that came from his ears were like the most beautiful music to him...

A moment later, a masked Death Eater walked up to Voldemort and bowed his head respectfully... "Great Dark Lord, those Aurors who were far away in France have already learned of the changes here, and they are on the way. Assemble, come here..."

"Very good..." Voldemort smiled slightly, "Our goal has been achieved... The next step is to see the Triwizard Tournament prepared for us by those guys... I'm very curious, that one is favored by Dumbledore The little guy, what kind of expression will he have when facing me..."

Having said this, Voldemort turned his head and ordered to his cronies: "Notify our brothers and sisters that the carnival here is over, and we are going to the next place to continue..."

"As you wish..." said a Death Eater with blond hair, sending out the agreed signal with the wand in his hand...

In an instant, the Death Eaters who received the signal used various magics and quickly left the Ministry of Magic, which had long since become a dead place...

Chapter 1159

When Eugenina Jenkins, who hurriedly announced the start of the game, took the Aurors in the arena and rushed back to the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic, what he saw was a messy Ministry of Magic...

"These inhuman beings...the bloody bastards!"

"I'm going to kill those guys... I have to kill those guys..."

"These bastards..."

The Aurors who came back in a hurry, looked at the cruel scene in front of them, and their hands and feet trembled with anger...

In the past, when they faced the Death Eaters, they seldom attacked the Death Eaters. They just used mild magic to arrest them and wait for the trial, but now... they feel that they were really too kind before... kind over the top.

"Gentlemen..." Eugenina Jenkins turned her head to look at the indignant Aurors with a serious expression, and said in a low voice: "Once... I regarded them as my compatriots, as members of the wizarding world. A part... However, seeing this scene in front of me, I realized that I was wrong... They are not wizards, and no wizard with a conscience would be so cruel to his own countrymen..."

Eugenina Jenkins' voice echoed in the empty atrium, and she looked at the Aurors who were focusing on herself and said, "This time, the main reason for the failure is negligence. , the Ministry of Magic suffered such a huge loss, and it was also because of my mistakes that so many employees of the Ministry of Magic were killed... But, until a new minister is elected, I am still a minister, and I still have the duties and powers of a minister. …”

"..." The Aurors didn't speak, they just looked at Eugenina Jenkins so directly, waiting for the words below her.

"Gentlemen - the war is coming..." Eugenina Jenkins shouted angrily: "Let's take

Arms, defend our own homeland, defend our own family... I demand, immediately send someone to inform the magical institutions of various countries, and firmly prohibit those Death Eaters from entering their country... In addition, I authorize all Aurors, once If you find the Death Eaters, you have the priority to fire, you will no longer be obstructed by the black magic ban, and you will have the priority to use the Avada Suo Life Charm..."

"Long live..." Hearing Eugenina Jenkins' speech, all the Aurors cheered, which was equivalent to letting go of the shackles on their necks, allowing them to take action at any time, giving priority to killing those goddamn eaters Dead Apostles.

"Now—gentlemen, do it...I want to know what the damned Death Eaters are doing, I want to know what that damned Dark Lord Voldemort is doing...Go and find me the best prophet, I To know where that bastard's next goal is..."

Eugenina Jenkins' words made all the Aurors act, and she walked quickly to her office...

Eugenina Jenkins laughs when no one is around anymore...

Her purpose has been achieved, and the purpose of making Voldemort a terrorist that everyone in the wizarding world is calling for has achieved...

The flaws she deliberately left really made Voldemort rush up. For Lamia... As long as her goal is achieved, what does it have to do with how many people died in the Ministry of Magic? ?

After such an attack by Voldemort, his reputation completely stinks...

In the past, he held high the banner of pure-blood and made a look like he was going to return to the original pure-blood rule of the wizarding world... Attracting the support of many pure-blood families in secret...

But after the attack on the Ministry of Magic, Lamia dared to say that no pure-blood family would dare to support Voldemort again... Such a tyrannical act made him stand on the opposite side of all wizards...

Terrorists are easily beaten by everyone... Now, Voldemort has put himself in this position, and his end is coming...

Actually Lamia knows exactly where Voldemort has gone...

You know, among Voldemort's cronies, there are her clones... Voldemort's every move can't escape her palm, if it weren't for her clone to use something invisible and intangible like a spiritual stand, it would affect Voldemort little by little. ...

How could he have made such a big mistake?

With Voldemort's IQ, when he occupied the Ministry of Magic in the past, he only controlled the Minister of Magic, and used various propaganda means to promote his pure-blood concept, instead of directly acting like a thug like now. All the non-pure blood wizards from the Ministry of Magic.

Such a move would not do him any good... Even if he was a Bichi, he knew how to dress himself up brightly. How could the smart Voldemort not understand this?

It's a pity... he has already inflated himself to the limit... Albus Dumbledore, who used to make him scruples a little, is no longer in his eyes.

"Poor Dark Lord, I hope you won't be too surprised when you see my father..." Lamia sat in the minister's office, with her legs up on the table without a seated image, her horns leaked out of pride smile. "My great father, your light is destined to bloom today, let these foolish wizards see your incomparable power..."

And on the other side—in the Triwizard Tournament field—

Zhou Ye sighed helplessly...

"Dear? What's wrong with you?" Sarah asked strangely.

She has never seen such a helpless expression of her own man. In her eyes, Zhou Ye is always so confident, as if nothing is difficult...

How could her man not show such an expression, how could she not be curious...

"Darling, what's wrong with you?" Jessica asked worriedly.

Although the three of them entered through three different entrances, the maze forest, which was extremely difficult in the eyes of these wizards, was like a toy to Zhou Ye...

He found his two women very easily... According to the plan that has been negotiated, the three of them will touch the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament at the same time, so that the three of them will be tied, and then they will Get the most championships ever in a Triwizard Tournament, that is, everyone is a winner...

It was originally a matter of hello, me, and everyone, but now——I am afraid something has changed...

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