Zhou Ye really had a headache about what his daughter was looking for for him. To be honest, he wanted to see how far Voldemort could go... As a result, now his daughter plans to end the legend of Voldemort here and let him forever become a past...

Zhou Ye is really depressed...

But forget it, it's just a Voldemort... The big deal is to slowly find some other fun later...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled at the two women with worried faces, "No, it's nothing, but I feel that we will have some uninvited guests to visit..."

Chapter 1160

"What the hell is going on here??" Albus Dumbledore frowned as he looked at the gradually darkened sky, and he couldn't help but look at the International Director, who had been wiping sweat beside him. , "Why did Minister Jenkins leave suddenly? Now this situation is happening here again... Don't tell me you don't know..."

"This...this..." The director took out his handkerchief and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He is also very kind now...

The Ministry of Magic had just been attacked, how did these Death Eaters come here in a blink of an eye? Are they premeditated? ?

"Merlin's beard... the Dark Lord is here..."

At this moment, in the dark sky, a huge green skull symbol appeared in mid-air, and the green python walking back and forth along the skull made all the students who saw this scene agitated...

"Tell me, what's going on??" Dumbledore couldn't care about it anymore, he grabbed the director's collar and shouted angrily.

"Actually, all of this is the plan of the Minister..." The Director explained while wiping the sweat from his forehead, "According to the Minister's plan, this Triwizard Tournament is a challenge to the Dark Lord. , he will definitely come to sabotage this Triwizard Tournament...and we've got all the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic here...everything just waits for the Dark Lord to take the bait..."

"So now—what about those Aurors?" Albus Dumbledore roared. The last thing he could tolerate was pushing these child wizards into battle. He could understand what Minister Jenkins would do, but he She will never forgive her for using children as bait! !

It's just -- bad news one after the other.

"Those Aurors have just returned to the Ministry of Magic through the door key..." The Director said with a bitter expression: "Because—the Death Eaters just attacked the Ministry of Magic... Now the Ministry of Magic is completely paralyzed..."

"..." Dumbledore put down his arm weakly...

He knows how difficult it is to get the Aurors who support the Ministry of Magic to rush back... If nothing else, it will take at least more than an hour to complete a specific portal key. Time, plus a port key to send people is limited...

Now——I am afraid I can only rely on myself...

Thinking of this, Albus Dumbledore took a deep breath, resisted the urge to punch the director, let go of the hand holding his collar, and turned to face the same worried face. The two principals said: "I'm afraid, this time we have to organize all the forces that can be used..."

"Everything is at your command..." Ms. Maxime is quite self-aware, she knows that she may be very good at academic studies, but forget it when it comes to combat...

Whether it is the headmaster of Hogwarts or the headmaster of Durmstrang Academy, both of them are much stronger than her.

Moreover, Albus Dumbledore once defeated the culprit who caused the last wizarding world war, Grindelwald...

Reasonable and reasonable, Ms. Maxim felt that she should hand over the command to Albus Dumbledore, even though she was the headmaster of the college...

"I'm old, let Little Albus decide everything!" Luno Corgi also handed over the command to Dumbledore.

"Then please trouble Ms. Maxime to take all the students from Years 1 to 5 of the Academy to a safe place to take refuge. I think - Beauxbatons should have a safe house?" Dumbledore asked.

"No problem!" Ms. Maxime nodded, turned without hesitation, turned to the students who were discussing in the audience, and shouted: "Students from grades one to five, now, follow me... the others stay. Here, obey Professor Dumbledore's orders!"

Although those students were talking a lot because of the strange signs that appeared in the sky, but Ms. Maxime's words made them stop their discussions immediately, and obediently followed behind Ms. Maxime according to their age, towards the depths of the academy. go...

"Gentlemen and ladies..." Dumbledore looked at the more than 100 students who remained in place, took a deep breath and said, "I think you are about to face your first battle since entering school... …No, maybe it’s more accurate to use the word Magic Warfare…”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he stopped. He looked at the expressions of the students in the audience... some were frightened, some were excited, some were sluggish, and some were laughing and laughing and couldn't understand the situation...

He took a deep breath again. Bringing these children into the war is something he has always avoided, but now, there is no time to say so much. If we don't fight this time, maybe-the only thing waiting for them is death ...

"This isn't a drill...and it's not entertainment...you're going to be facing the infamous Dark Lord in the wizarding world, and his Death Eaters, who—do nothing wrong, he

They - inhumane, and most importantly, I got the news that they just attacked the Ministry of Magic, and now, the whole Ministry of Magic has been completely paralyzed... So don't expect any rescue, can save yourselves, just Only you! "

"God...it's the Dark Lord..."

"I remember he didn't advocate pure blood first? I'm a pure blood wizard, so am I safe?"

"What to do... what to do??"

"I don't want to go to the battlefield..."

"Mom...I'm afraid..."

Albus Dumbledore looked at the performance of everyone in the audience and had an indescribable feeling...

Maybe it's because these guys have been in peace for too long, and they don't have any fighting spirit at all... I really don't know if these guys will surrender immediately if they are caught by the Death Eaters...

Just as Dumbledore shook his head secretly, a familiar voice came from his ear, "Professor, what happened? Do you need my help??"

"Zhou? You're here just in time..." Dumbledore turned his head and saw that the man and two women standing there were not Zhou Ye, Sarah and Jessica, but who were they? Looking at the appearance of the three of them holding the navy blue competition trophy, it is clear that this time it is a tie...

"What happened, Professor??" Zhou Ye let go of the trophy and walked towards Dumbledore... pretending to be ignorant and asked, "Why are everyone so panicked??"

"Voldemort is here... Now is not the time to talk!" Dumbledore said, tugging at Zhou Ye's sleeve. "Listen to me, boy, you have to go back now...to Hogwarts...you're the only one who can defeat Voldemort in the future, but right now—not yet, you still need time to grow...so..."

Dumbledore said that he was about to drag Zhou Ye away. He just wanted to keep some seeds to fight against Voldemort. As for himself? In the face of the children of Beauxbatons, he really can't walk away... This may be the reason why he is called the greatest wizard of all time.

"No, I think—Professor, I don't have to go because—I can't go anymore!"

Chapter 1161

"Mr. Albus Dumbledore... Seeing you again, I am so relieved to see that your body is still so healthy!" A hoarse, negative voice sounded, and just hearing this voice, It gives a feeling of goosebumps falling all over the place.

"Tom Riddle..." Dumbledore turned his head and looked at the figure who made the voice. It used to be his pride and his most proud student, but now, it has become a scourge of the wizarding world.

"It makes me so sad, teacher..." Voldemort said with a fake face: "You used to call me little Tom..."

"Pfft..." A snicker destroyed the gloomy atmosphere that Voldemort deliberately created...

"Ah...I'm sorry...you sounded too resentful...it reminds me of a very classic saying!" Zhou Ye waved his hand carelessly, "Don't worry about me, I'm just a person who doesn't know the truth. Onlookers..."

"Is this the wizard seed you are optimistic about? Teacher?" Voldemort looked up and down at the handsome black-haired boy in front of him. He had to say that Zhou Ye's appearance was really good, okay... Voldemort was a little jealous. . "I don't know what his magic level is, but at least he can rely on his face to easily please those ladies is absolutely no problem..."

His implication is that Zhou Ye is completely relying on selling his face...

"Bastard...how dare you say that dear..." Hearing Voldemort's insult to his own man, Jessica, who was hot-tempered, jumped out first, with a plan to make Voldemort's face come up.

"Ha... I really deserve to be a little white face, look, look... Participating in a Triwizard Tournament can seduce the little princess of the Fafna family..."

Voldemort's words made the Death Eaters behind him burst into laughter...

"Looks like you..." When Voldemort was about to make persistent efforts to ridicule Zhou Ye's little white face, he suddenly felt as if his neck was being grabbed by a pair of iron clamps...

Then, he felt as if he lost his balance for a moment, and then—a sharp pain hit the top of his head... It made him feel as if he had been smashed countless times by a 10,000-ton giant hammer...

The Death Eaters on the side stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief...

Even Dumbledore couldn't help but grow up slightly, and was surprised that it was difficult to close...

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