"Really? That's great..." Aliza pretended to be ecstatic and jumped up from Emilia's arms. "I'm going to do my makeup now... I can't embarrass you..."

"Go..." Emilia smiled and patted Alisa's dolphin lightly, watching her jumping to her room...

After Eliza's back disappeared in the restaurant, the smile on Emilia's face converged...

Over the centuries, since she answered the call of Lord Victor, became a vampire lord and joined the war against the werewolves, she has indeed gained the face of immortality and eternal life...but it also represents hundreds of years. lonely...

She and Victor are just an ordinary union, her sexual orientation is different from others... She, likes women...

Although the sexual orientation is female, Eliza has no interest in the original female vampires... Those guys are really so... In her words, they are completely a group of blue pools...

Not the female vampire of Bi Chi, but she doesn't give her a good look at all... For example - Selena...

So, she simply developed a descendant of her own... This little cutie named Erica...

What attracted her to Erica was her pure eyes... But now it seems that this purity can no longer be maintained...

It seems—after a while, I will be looking for a target again...

Emilia closed her eyes and thought quietly... As a human being, she was a countess with exclusive authority, enjoying the luxury of the world... and becoming a vampire has eternal life After that, she has seen all the lies and betrayals in the world...

So—she likes pure things..., this may be the legend—human nature, people always like what they don't have...

"Master...I'm ready..."

Erica's voice awakened Emilia who closed her eyes and rested... She slowly opened her eyes, looked at the beautiful girl in a long white dress in front of her, and smiled: "Then let's lets go……"

"Good master..." Erica smiled and hugged her master's arm... and walked outside.

When the figures of the two appeared in the hall, all the vampires who were chatting in the hall lowered their heads, bowing their heads to the supreme authority in the family...

At least to a certain extent, the three elders are their heaven... in charge of their life and death...

"Prepare the car, I'm going to see an opera at the Royal Theatre in London..."

Following Emilia's order, several sturdy-looking vampires quickly stood behind her. They were her family guards, who had been protecting her since she was a human... …

"Okay, dear Emilia..." Another vampire in a suit bowed respectfully to Emilia and quickly ran out of the house...

Soon - a black extended Rolls-Royce parked in front of the hall...

Emilia and Eliza walked towards the door under the escort of her own family guards... When she was about to reach the door of the car, she stopped her steps, bowed her head slightly, and knelt on the ground for a while. The guy with his head bowed respectfully said in a low voice, "Kraven... You are so much favored by Victor and Marcus that you dare to seduce my maid... You are indeed amazing... But - your good days are not long, and when Victor wakes up, I will tell Victor everything you did... Who do you think you can hide from your bullshit? ?"

After saying these words, Emilia raised her footsteps and walked towards the waiting car at the door without hesitation... Ignoring Kraven at all, to her... this guy is just a trivial pawn, If he wasn't Victor's man, Emilia would have killed him long ago...

Emilia, who was far away, did not notice that the chilling and malicious eyes emanating from the eyes of Kraven with his head lowered...

Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185

"London is really a good place..." Emilia looked out of the car window, the gloomy sky... smiled and said, "If it weren't for the industrial pollution here, where would we go to find a city where we can go out during the day? ??"

"But the master... didn't you say that the government has already started to control the exhaust gas pollution?" Erica jokingly said.

"Hehe... Can you believe what those politicians say??" Emilia smiled and shook her head, "You know... just to relocate the factory, the government will pay a large amount of resettlement money... and the factory The reduction in the employment rate brought about by the relocation...will make those guys busy and careless...the topic of governance has been talked about for decades, but isn't it still the same now??"

"Oh..." Erica nodded knowingly.

She has always been well protected by her master... There are many things that she does not know at all... After all, she is still young, and it has been less than a hundred years since she became a vampire... These things are too esoteric to her .

"Okay, cutie... You don't need to know these things... You just need to know... You belong to me, that's fine..." Emilia smiled and hugged Erica into herself in the arms of...

A beloved toy can still be played with before it breaks...

It's just - the speed of the convoy now makes Emilia a little angry... She really wants to jump out of the car and put the front

All the guys who blocked her way were killed...

However, she didn't do that...

Although she is a dark creature, the dark creatures have the order of dark creatures, not to mention... the Auror of the Ministry of Magic alone is enough to make her timid, even now when she is fighting the vampire's nemesis werewolf, she How much care needs to be taken for the attitude of the Ministry of Magic...

But the good thing is that a few years ago, I heard that those werewolves with only muscles and no brains actually cooperated with a very famous dark wizard, wanting to turn over the wizards' Ministry of Magic...

The results of it? ? The Ministry of Magic was shut down, but the dark wizard who was said to be very powerful was also killed in France...

If in the end it was just a lose-lose result, the werewolf's life might be a little easier, and not as difficult as it is now...

It's just said that the Minister of Magic has escaped by luck, and as the most powerful law enforcement agency of the Ministry of Magic, the Department of Magic Law Enforcement has not been hit, so the werewolves are tragic...

The leading dark wizard died, and the dark races that were allies with the dark wizard began to suffer liquidation...

These days, Emilia often wakes up laughing when she sleeps... Perhaps, the hatred between vampires and werewolves that has lasted for more than 600 years can be completely resolved during her reign...

In the recent period of time, the Death Walker unit, which is affiliated to the vampires, has been working with the Aurors to find the traces of the little mice hiding in the manhole covers...

The original form of evenness, because of the ambition of the werewolf, may be completely improved...

Thinking of this, Emilia's mood suddenly became much happier... Even in her eyes, the originally annoying traffic jam seemed a lot more pleasing to the eye...

As time passed, the vehicle in front finally started to move... Emilia's motorcade slowly set off again, heading for the Royal Opera House...

And on the other side - at the door of the Royal Opera House...

Zhou Ye was standing there with his new girlfriend, Diana, chatting while waiting for her two friends to join her...

"Dear... Will you really convince my father?" Diana asked worriedly, holding Zhou Ye's hand and snuggling half of her body into his arms.

You must know that Diana's family is not an ordinary family, her family is a rare noble family, her grandfather is also a politician, and her grandmother is the queen's female official...

It can be said that her neighbors are all relatives and friends of the royal family...

And her sister is the current prince's girlfriend...

Under such a tutor, it is normal for Diana to be worried...

Now she only knows that her boyfriend who fell in love at first sight is a genius magician... But such an identity is obviously not in her father's eyes... No matter how famous and famous those artists and stars are, no matter how much money they have, for these nobles, Just entertaining other people's actors... You can like these actors because you like dramas, but you must not put your future marriage events together with these actors...

This is the view of those entertainers in aristocratic families.

Diana, who knows these reasons, thinks of convincing her father to agree to her relationship... Even the naive Diana feels a little guilty and has no confidence at all...

"Don't worry, baby... I will definitely convince your father to marry me his cutest little princess..." Zhou Ye could see Diana's thoughts at a glance. It was not that he had never dealt with those nobles. , how can you not know the common problems of those old-fashioned aristocrats?

"Um--!" Faced with her boyfriend's assurance, Diana could only choose to believe... But in fact, she was ready to abandon everything she had for her boyfriend, and was ready to run away at any time...

This is not only because of Zhou Ye's spiritual suggestion, but also because the romantic courtship scene in the morning has been deeply engraved in her heart...

Diana had already made sure that Zhou Ye was the one she was looking for...

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