The two of them cuddled so quietly...

Everyone who passed by them couldn't help but let out a clear smile...

Young men and women... Snuggle affectionately... This reminds many people of their youth...

I just don't know, if any of them knew Zhou Ye's real age, would they still laugh? Or directly pointed at Zhou Ye's nose and cursed 【You pretending to be tender... let go of this girl and let me come... 】

Minutes passed by...

But Diana's two friends never showed up... Even when the time was about to start, the two girls still didn't show up...

"Dear... It seems that we are doomed to miss this opera..." Diana said with regret. You must know that tickets for the Royal Opera House must be booked at least a week in advance, and the three All the tickets were placed on Diana's girlfriend named Mary...

If Mary didn't show up, Diana couldn't get in...

"It doesn't matter baby... No matter what I do, as long as I'm with you, I will feel very happy..." Zhou Ye is really very, very happy now, because - finally you don't have to go in and suffer... At this time, just You should strike while the iron is hot, go to the hotel and open a room... Then have a good chat with the little cutie in front of you about life and ideals... Finally, let's get in touch at a distance...

Don't complain, Zhou Ye is just too much...

When it comes to choosing between a boring opera and a wonderful one, 99% of men will choose the latter, and the one who chooses the former is either a real artist or... an eunuch.

However, just when Zhou Ye was about to embrace Diana and prepare to implement his evil plan... A black motorcade blocked their pace of leaving. As the motorcade stopped, from the extended Rolls Royce in the middle, A woman walks out...

Chapter 1186

Chapter 1186

"Master... we're here..." As the convoy stopped, Erica cautiously shook her master's arm, reminding her.

"Oh? Let's go down..." Emilia looked at her little maid... The door was opened by her guard from the outside, Erica stepped out of the car first, and then carefully supported her master's Hand, helped her out of the car...

"Huh??" Emilia got out of the car and saw a young couple...

Even Emilia, who didn't like men, felt as if she was caught by Zhou Ye's face at that moment...

She has never seen an angel, but... if there really is an angel, maybe it should look like this... Because an angel is a collection of all good things, the purest existence...

After Emilia gave Zhou Ye a high score in her heart, she turned her attention to Diana who was standing beside Zhou Ye...

Seriously, if it wasn't for Diana standing by Zhou Ye's side, Emilia might not have noticed her. After all—the current Diana hasn't passed the baptism of time, and she's not the one who later claimed to be the most beautiful xx her...

Emilia looked at Diana entirely because she wanted to see what kind of girlfriend the angel-like boy would find...

But when Emilia turned her eyes to Diana, she couldn't move her eyes anymore... She was completely attracted by the purity in Diana's eyes... What a pure girl, what a pure soul ...Isn't this just the backup candidate for your little maid?

Emilia smiled...she smiled happily..."You're a Spencer girl? What do you call Edward?"

Diana's family is not difficult to see. Nobles usually hang some of their own family emblems on their clothes. This is not difficult for Emilia to recognize... You know, her heraldry is not study very well...

"Good day, ma'am, my name is Diana Spencer, Edward is my father... May I ask who you are..." Diana asked strangely.

"My name is Emilia... Emilia Caroline..." Emilia reported her name with a smile...

In this world, whether it is big or small, it is also small...

At least, in Europe, there are only a few dozen aristocratic families that really survive, and everyone has heard of each other, or they all have connections with each other...

From the years when Emilia was in power, she used her noble title to contribute a lot to the industry of the vampire family. Now vampires do not need to attack humans, but start to suck the blood in the blood bank. Some of them are not less credit for her...

If it weren't for the help of these fallen nobles, their vampire clan's industry would not have developed so rapidly...

Don't underestimate these families that still retain the title of nobility. Their roots are deeply rooted in the white people. Let's not talk about it, just say that the Spencer family, if they really follow the genealogy theory, they can match the American He has established relations with many political families in European countries.

"It turned out to be you... Your Excellency Countess Caroline..." Diana couldn't help covering up her shyness in surprise when she heard Emilia's self-introduction. She had to be surprised... to know her Her father had mentioned this Countess Caroline in front of her more than once, and praised her as a model for all nobles...

"Sorry... I'm a little too excited..." It's very rude to call someone else's title, especially when there was an elderly person opposite, Diana hurriedly apologized.

"No need to apologize...cute..." Emilia added

Not angry, for her... a little faux pas isn't enough to make her angry, especially when the faux pas is her next target...

"I'm really sorry... I really didn't expect you to be so beautiful..." In Diana's impression, the countess should be at least fifty years old, but now it seems that she is only twenty at most Many years old, at the most golden age of women...

"I accepted your compliment with a smile..." Emilia joked with a smile, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your boyfriend? Cutie..."

"Of course... I was negligent..." After hesitating for a while, Diana introduced to Emilia: "This is my boyfriend, Ye Zhou... We are truly in love..."

This little fool screwed everything up in a flash...

It's better not to explain her last sentence... There is a feeling that there is no silver and three hundred taels here.

"Oh..." Emilia nodded with a clear smile on her face. At this moment, she was sure that the angel boy with the oriental name in front of her was definitely a guy from a small family... Otherwise, she would not let Diana explain it like this.

However, she doesn't care either... Maybe this boy named Zhou Ye has one or another advantage, enough to attract girls from the Spencer family who rush up like moths to a flame... But what does this have to do with her? Woolen cloth?

That's why she came here to pry at the corner... Zhou Ye's corner...

So, facing Zhou Ye, she just said lightly, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhou Ye..."

Then just ignore him...

After Emilia greeted Zhou Ye, she looked at her target again, Diana, "Little cutie, what trouble do you seem to have encountered??"

"No, there is no Marfa..." However, Diana's explanation finally collapsed in Emilia's clear eyes... "Well, I did encounter some small troubles... Originally I I watched the opera with some friends with Ye, but...they didn't come...and the tickets we booked in advance were all with our, Ye and I had to give up this opera..."

"Friends who are not punctual are indeed very troublesome..." Emilia nodded sympathetically, "However, this is not a big trouble, if you don't mind, why don't you go in and enjoy the opera with me? How? I have a perennial box at the Royal Opera House…”

"This..." Diana glanced at Zhou Ye hesitantly, and she felt that the countess in front of her didn't seem to be so cold to her boyfriend... This reassured her a lot. At first, she was worried that if the countess I fell in love with my boyfriend, what should I do...

Compared with the style - maybe the future Diana can beat the current Emilia, but now - she really has no certainty at all. She was not ugly at first, standing in this charming and affectionate woman. In front of the Count, there is a very low self-esteem... Whether it is her appearance or figure, she has no confidence that she can win Emilia.

Zhou Ye saw the look Diana was looking at himself, and smiled at her, "Come according to your own ideas, baby... With you, no matter where you are, it is the same to me!"

"Well..." Hearing her boyfriend's encouragement, Diana finally regained some confidence. She smiled at Emilia and said, "I am honored to receive your invitation... I think this will happen. It was a very pleasant party..."

"Of course...Little cute!" Emilia smiled proudly, the little sheep had already entered the trap...for Zhou Ye? She didn't care at all... To her, Zhou Ye was just an ordinary human being, and she didn't need to care too much...

Zhou Ye, on the other hand, looked at Emilia and Erica behind her with great interest... Across the distance, Zhou Ye could smell the bloody smell of Emilia's body that was so sweet to death, and, Although Emilia died in Underworld 1, it only missed one face...

But in Underworld 2, she has a lot of shots...

What interested Zhou Ye was the way Erica looked at Diana. The jealousy that was deeply hidden in her eyes made Zhou Ye know for a while... No wonder, this vampire female elder is still very young at this age. It turns out that she likes this one... It's getting more and more interesting, today.

Chapter 1187

Chapter 1187

"Then what are we waiting for??" Emilia smiled and took Diana's arm, walked gracefully towards the Royal Opera House, and said as she walked, "You know, today is a The French Opera troupe performs [Turandot] here. It is said that this is an opera troupe that has just been established for less than ten years... I didn't expect them to perform at the Royal Theatre, which is really surprising and curious..."

"What's the name of that opera troupe??" Diana had been led astray by Emilia, and she was dragged into the door of the Royal Opera House by Emilia half-pulled and half-coaxed... Time to say hi to my boyfriend...

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