"It seems to be called the Rhine Opera Troupe...probably...it might be the name...Who knows, an unknown opera company, who would care?" Emilia smiled and dragged Diana without a trace. go in...

"Haha..." Of course Zhou Ye saw through Emilia's idea of ​​isolating himself at a glance, but he didn't care, he just smiled a little... He walked up to him...

However, he was only a few steps away when Erica blocked his footsteps.

"Sir... You have to understand your identity, you are not worthy of this Miss Spencer... So, it is better to give up early!"

After Erica said these words in a low voice, she turned her pretty face, turned around and quickly chased after her master... Emilia, who had already walked a long way, relied on her vampire's far superior to ordinary human hearing, obviously Hearing her maid's words... She turned her head slightly and smiled approvingly at her maid.

A maid who can take care of her master is a good maid... From Emilia's point of view, at this point, her maid is still very good...

As for Zhou Ye, who was confronted with this bloody scene, he was stunned for a while... and then he burst into laughter.

Unexpectedly - when I was an ordinary person, I never encountered such a situation - today, when I threaten the gods and suppress the multiverse, I can still encounter such a bloody thing...

But think about it, when I was still an ordinary person, except for my stature, I didn't seem to have anything to do with it... The appearance is even more obscure to the public, and I want to find a rich family who falls in love with me. Women are difficult, let alone - the daughter of an earl.

But for Erica, Zhou Ye didn't feel so angry... Instead, he felt more and more interesting.

Those who shouted after being said a few words, why don't you bully the poor... What you don't think I can't afford today, tomorrow I can't make you stand tall, most of them are the kind of people who don't have self-confidence...

A truly confident person never beeps too much... Speaking with facts is far better than shouting a few slogans.

With his strength reaching Zhou Ye's level, he won't get angry easily... Only a hairy young man would fight like I'm going to go against the sky after a few words, but Zhou Ye thought it was a very interesting thing. Things... Of course, this indirectly proves that Zhou Ye is also a tolerant person, and he will never hold grudges...

In my heart, I positioned Emilia and this Erica as my future vampire maids. There is absolutely no vengeance in it... That's right, absolutely not...

Cough cough, it seems that I accidentally leaked something, it doesn't matter... it's better to get down to business.

Zhou Ye, who was warned by Erica, smiled slightly, shook his head lightly, and then followed up again... I have a new fun again, the world treats me well....

When Emilia took Diana into the splendid hall of the Royal Opera House, a middle-aged man in a straight black suit quickly greeted him and said respectfully: "Welcome, Card. Earl Lorraine...it's my pleasure to see you in the Dayfield..."

You know, because of racial habits, Emilia seldom goes out during the day. Even though the weather in London is very suitable for vampires to be active during the day, she still seldom walks out of her territory during the day, not for anything else, just because she is used to it. Nocturnal life.

"Take me to my box..." Emilia really didn't bother to talk so much nonsense to this manager, she is now focusing on Diana, you know... Diana is her current The most important goal...

"Okay, please come with me..." The manager also saw that Emilia was not interested in talking nonsense with him... He lowered his head knowingly, turned and took Emilia to the performance hall of the theater... …

Thanks to Emilia's blessing, Zhou Ye, who was walking behind them, didn't have his tickets checked... Although he wasn't afraid of being checked, it was a matter of saving one thing, wasn't it?

In this way, a group of people, led by the theater manager, came to a luxurious box on the third floor of the performance hall...

Those sturdy vampire guards in suits stood directly at the door of the box... while Emilia and the others stepped into the box.

The whole box is more than 50 square meters in size, and the magnificent decoration inside shows the wealth and status of the owner of the box to the world. And in front of the box near the stand, there are two separate single sofas covered with red velvet cushions, and in the middle of the two singles with little hair is a long sofa that looks very comfortable...

As soon as Emilia walked in, she unceremoniously pulled Diana and sat on the long sofa in the middle... This long sofa is very strange. It looks a bit spacious for two people, but if three people are seated, It looks a little narrow...

Obviously, Emilia did it on purpose, to separate Zhou Ye and Diana...

In response, Zhou Ye just smiled slightly and sat directly on the sofa beside Diana... A little trick, he didn't care...

At this moment, most of the lights in the entire theater have been extinguished, and the prelude of the opera [Turandot] has already sounded on the stage...

The opera manager carefully took the fruit snacks and red wine from the waiter outside the door, placed them on the coffee table in front of Emilia, and said respectfully, "Your Excellency Caroline, if you need anything else. If so, please order at any time...we are always ready to serve you..."

"Don't need it for the time being...you go down..." Emilia waved her hand, indicating that he could go down.


"Then I'll retire first..." The manager hurriedly bowed slightly, then walked out of the box...

As the manager walked out of the box, in the entire box, only Emilia, her maid Erica, Zhou Ye and Diana were left... The box suddenly became quiet...

After hesitating for a while, Diana tried to say: "Aunt Caroline... Actually Ye is a good boy... He..."

In fact, Diana would come to the opera with Emilia, not because of how much she valued the opera. In fact, she just wanted to have a good relationship with Emilia, and even let her boyfriend be with the countess. Make a good impression...

In this way, when the matter between myself and my boyfriend is exposed to my father in the future, I can still have a weighty lobbyist to help me talk about it. At least, when a nobleman speaks, his father must also consider it carefully. a moment...

But obviously, Emilia didn't intend to follow Diana's heart... She took a glass of red wine from Erica and handed it to Diana, while pretending to be angry and interrupting Diana's words: " Call my sister...Little cutie...Don't you know that a woman's age is her biggest secret?"

Diana took the red wine helplessly, and then said, "Okay... Sister Caroline... Actually..."

Diana was about to speak, but Emilia held her down gently...

Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188

"Little cutie..." Emilia pressed Erika's nephew lightly, preventing her from speaking... "The show is about to start, don't talk... This is the most basic etiquette..."

"..." Diana really wanted to cry without tears...

But Diana, who has been taught very strictly since childhood, really dared not speak anymore...

As the actors on stage began to perform the opera Turandot... Diana completely lost the opportunity to speak, no, maybe it shouldn't be said that she lost the opportunity to speak, but she couldn't tell her boyfriend's Say the advantages.

Because every time she opened her mouth, Emilia would definitely find a topic to deflect Diana's words. In the end, Diana's intention was not achieved, but Emilia gave her a lot. the red wine...

In the end, Diana is really a bit incapable of drinking... You know, Emilia's red wine is the French Mouton in 1934, and the wine is really strong... Diana is really a little drunk...

She held back her drinking strength and tried her best not to be rude. "Sister Caroline, I'm going to excuse myself... Now, I need to go to the bathroom..."

"It's okay... Do you need Erica to accompany you?" Emilia asked with a smile.

"No...I think I should be fine..."

However, Diana was slapped in the face as soon as she finished saying this. She stood up staggeringly, her feet softened, and she fell back on the sofa...

"Erica, go and help Miss Spencer, go to the bathroom..." A gleam of light flashed in Emilia's eyes, she smiled slightly, and told her maid.

"Okay, master!" Erica said, walked to Diana's side, gently lifted Diana, and walked towards the bathroom...

The toilet is actually not far away. In the box, there is a separate toilet...

Erica walked in with Diana... Diana was about to turn her head to thank Erica, but suddenly felt a hand on her neck, pressing it lightly, and then she felt her own My head was blurry for a while, and then I didn't know anything...

"I'm sorry, Miss Diana, please rest here for a while..." Erica said, gently supporting Diana and letting her sit on the toilet seat... Then, she turned around and left the bathroom... …

But at this moment, Zhou Ye, who was sitting outside, still looked like he didn't know what was going on. He was sitting there, engrossed in enjoying the opera under the stage...

Erica walked to the viewing platform, and then pulled a rope beside her... A thick red curtain covered the entire viewing port, and suddenly... there was no trace of light in the entire box...

At this time, in the darkness, Emilia's voice sounded faintly.

"Did you know? Little guy, Diana really loves you... For your future, she keeps trying to say good things to me in front of me..." The darkness could not stop Emilia's sight, Because she is a vampire, a creature of darkness, and the darling of the night... The night is her battlefield and her hunting ground...

"However, she didn't know, the more she said that... the more jealous I became..." Emilia said, a dim light appeared in her eyes, and she looked at Zhou Ye stubbornly. "Originally, my idea was to drive you away... But now, I have changed my mind... I want you to disappear from this world forever, so that she will completely forget you... So, Don't blame me, little one... blame Diana..."

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