Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201

Zhou Ye grabbed Selena's hand and led Emilia and Erica towards a hidden elevator...

This elevator goes straight to the ground, and in the basement of this villa is also the place where Victor and Marcus slept.

The elevator traveled down to a depth of more than fifty meters, and then it slowly stopped... The elevator door opened, and Selena walked out of the door first and came to a corridor...

In this short corridor, there is a wall that looks like a large piece of glass, but it is actually the monitoring room of the gatekeeper...

Not everyone can enter the place where the elders sleep... At least, as the former guardian knight of Victor, this guy is still very responsible as a gatekeeper...

"Open the door..." Emilia walked to the mirror and ordered unceremoniously.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Emilia, although as an elder, you do have the right to wake up Lord Victor in an emergency, but—" As the voice fell, the originally opaque reflective glass turned into a transparent form, Through the glass, in a small room, sat a sturdy man... He is Victor's guardian knight, Charlie...

As a guardian knight who has been loyal to Victor when Victor was still a human being, Charlie is nothing but Emilia...

Yes, Emilia is also one of the elders, but from Charlie's point of view - he has only one master, and that is Lord Victor... Others, maybe you can chat with him, but absolutely can't order him to do anything ...

Besides, the strength of this custody room is comparable to that of the underground vault of the National Bank. Charlie believes that as long as he doesn't go out, no one can do anything to himself, not to mention - there is a red button next to him, which is an alarm ...

As long as he touches this thing lightly, the entire lair will sound a piercing alarm bell, and then the entire Deathwalker army will rush down and destroy all the invaders...

"But?? But what??" Emilia asked, looking at the gatekeeper in the glass in a leisurely manner.

"But I've never seen this man beside you... I suspect that you were coerced, so please forgive me... I refuse you to enter the master's sleeping place!" Charlie said unceremoniously.

"It's so long-winded..." Selina's patience had long since disappeared between the two of them. Her figure flashed and disappeared in place... Then there was a sound of glass breaking...

When Emilia recovered, Selena had broken through the special glass wall that was strong enough to withstand the bombardment of heavy weapons and appeared in the gatekeeper's hut. Her hand was pinching Charlie's neck and inserted him. Get up... "You're talking too much nonsense Charlie, I don't want to hear so much nonsense right now..."

"Why, why..." Charlie was also stunned by the sudden change in front of him. You must know that he always thought that Selena's loyalty to Lord Victor was no less than his, because after all, it was Lord Victor who raised her. Big, so to speak, Victor treats her like a daughter in a way.

"Because... I finally found out the truth of the matter today..." After Selena finished speaking, she didn't bother to explain anything to this guy, she squeezed his neck with a forceful hand...

"It turns's...this..." At the last moment of his life, Charlie revealed a trace of clarity in his eyes... Obviously, he also knew Selena's true life experience.

"You guys have deceived me like a fool for hundreds of years..." Seeing Charlie's last look before he died, Selena felt even more angered... With a hard hand, she directly grabbed Charlie's head down...

The blood spurting from Charlie's neck covered Selena...

"Baby, don't make yourself dripping with blood next time... It's so unsightly..." Zhou Ye said while using a cleaning magic on his woman, "You have to try to control yourself. New power, baby...don't let anger take over your mind!"

"I'm sorry... dear... I'm just a little too angry..." Selena said apologetically to her man: "I promise not to..."

"I hope so..." Zhou Ye was noncommittal about Selena's words, he knew - Selena was not Catherine, she was a special unit of vampires who had been slaughtered for hundreds of years...Death Walker, but that's fine, Selena's bloodthirsty rose attribute adds a bit of a strange charm to her.

At this moment, Selina has pressed the button to open the door to the sleeping place... On the opposite side, a hidden door opened...

"Wow..." Zhou Ye looked at the door that had been opened, and walked in with a smile...

This is a round, hall-like room... In this room of more than 200 square meters, there is no furniture, only two simple coffins are placed directly opposite the door... …

But in fact - Selena knew that the two coffins were just an illusion to attract attention. The real coffins were underground...

As soon as Selena walked into the room, she walked to the middle of the hall without hesitation. Next to the circular metal carvings with complex patterns on the ground, she fiddled with the raised patterns in the middle with her hands... The entire circular carving slowly opened around, and then an erected coffin slowly rose...

Selena looked at the sleeping Victor in the coffin with a complicated expression, and she was a little unable to start for a while...

"I have a great suggestion...Baby, how about we wake him up and then kill him??" Zhou

Ye stood beside Selena with a bad idea, "It would be too cheap for him to die in his sleep..."

"No... my dear... just let him die in his sleep!" Selena rejected her man's bad idea. "After all—he raised me too..."

"Okay...whatever you want..." Zhou Ye shrugged his shoulders...

On the other side, Emilia has also opened Marcus's sleeping coffin... This is something they have already discussed before, to kill Marcus and Victor together, in this way, as an elder Emily Ya can justifiably control the entire blood clan...

As for who to throw this pot on? ? Isn't there a ready-made pot-bender, Kraven?

Since he can collude with werewolves, then adding the murder of the two elders is also normal, isn't it?

"Darling...I'm ready...let's start!" Selena said to her man with a last look at Victor.

Zhou Ye nodded, then looked at Emilia... "How are your preparations??"

"...Master...we...are we really okay??" Emilia asked worriedly...

She was really worried because - ever since she was transformed into a vampire, she had heard a rumor - Marcus, the ancestor of vampires, and William, the ancestor of werewolves, whoever died, would bring the vampires with them. Come to destroy...because, they are the ancestors of the first generation...

But——in fact, this rumor is a lie, a lie made up by Marcus for his own safety...

"Don't worry, with me, even if the entire universe exploded, I wouldn't let you have any accident..." Of course Zhou Ye knew what Emilia was worried about, he said without hesitation, "That's just a lie. ...Amelia..."

"Okay..." Emilia said with some doubts... Although she was still hesitant, since it was her master's order, she couldn't resist... "I'm ready here..."

"Let the sun purify everything..." Zhou Ye was suspended in mid-air, radiating rays of light from his body - these rays of light shone on the bodies of Marcus and Victor, and he suddenly became angry. ...

The sleep of Marcus and Victor was broken, but they woke up too late... Everything was irreversible. In the end, they could only cry and turn into a mass of ashes...

As for the three Selena girls who were also exposed to the sun, after they absorbed the blood of their own men, they were not afraid of the sun for a long time... This kind of light gave them a warm feeling that they had never felt before. ...

Emilia, who had been worried all the time, saw that Marcus died completely, but there was no change in her body. She happily jumped into the arms of her master who had just fallen from the air, and shouted in surprise: "Master I'm really fine...I'm really fine...that's really just a lie..."

"I made you believe my dear words..." Selena also threw herself into her man's arms, all her heart knots were untied at this time... There is no more regrets.

Chapter 1202

Chapter 1202

The early morning fog gradually dissipated, and the clouds in the distance glowed red—the morning sun was rising...

" can't do"

For others, it is the rising sun that represents the revival of all things. For Kraven, who is tied to the pillar in the middle of the manor, it is like the death knell that is about to sound, making him terrified...

He struggled desperately, howled, and begged...

But none of the vampires dared to rescue him...

They just hid in the villa where the sun could not get in, carefully looking out the window...

Today, for an unforgettable day...

First—the second-in-command of the clan, representing Elder Victor’s second-in-command—Kraven, accused of colluding with werewolves and murdering Elder Emilia... Then, in the early hours of the morning—

Elder Emilia announced again...

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