When she went to check the place where the elders were sleeping just now, she found that Kraven had actually killed the two elders and the gatekeeper in a frenzy...

This makes them feel like their sky is falling in an instant...

But fortunately, Elder Emilia escaped Kraven's poisonous hand... As the only remaining elder and consul, Elder Emilia naturally took over the throne of the permanent consul of the blood race...

At the same time, she announced... in order to maintain the tradition - to promote Erica and Selena to elders and jointly rule.

At that time, vampires protested against this——

They thought that of course there was no problem with Elder Emilia inheriting the position of Great Elder——

But——Why did Erica and Selena inherit the elders?

In this regard, Erica and Selena unceremoniously showed their power and ability to the vampires... In fact, the most important thing is power...

After Erica and Selena easily overwhelmed a team of Deathwalkers... all doubts disappeared...

Now, these vampires are all gathered in front of the glass windows in the hall, watching Emilia and Erica who are standing outside discussing each other...

"Are the elders crazy? They actually said that they have broken through the bloodline limit and become sunwalkers... Are you kidding me?"

"I also think that Selena and the others are too reluctant... I admit that they do have a powerful and unmatched power... But—the sun is an enemy that we will never be able to face..."

"Maybe they have really broken through the bloodline limit??"

"This is impossible……"

Of course Emilia and Selena could hear the arguments coming from behind them, but to them... those arguments were meaningless, they just stared blankly at the white skyline...

"I have forgotten... how long has it been since I basked in the sun..." Emilia said with emotion: "Three hundred years or five hundred years??"

"No, for you, it should have been more than a thousand years..." Selena dismantled Emilia's pretentious words without hesitation. "For me, about five hundred years..."

"No... In this thousand years, at least six hundred years have been spent in my sleep..." Emilia retorted: "You can't calculate your age in sleep..."

"Don't pretend to be tender..." Selena stopped before she could finish her words...because, she had already been punished by her man...

"Clap-pop-" two voices...

Selena and Emilia couldn't help covering their cockroaches and gave their man a blank look...

"Can't you stop for a while and enjoy the sunrise with me?? Learn from Erika... No one will say anything..." Zhou Ye withdrew the hands that had just punished the two women, rubbed his fingertips a little, and compared a little Let's take a look at the elasticity of the two girls... I have to say, Emilia is bigger, but - Selena is more resilient...

"Forgive me... my lord... spare me... please..."

As the rising sun slowly rises in the sky, the sunlight gradually dispels the darkness... This made Kraven, who was tied to the pillar in the yard, scream wildly... However, his cry could not exchange for any substance. help...because, no one will come to help him...

The sunlight finally dispelled the last shadow in the yard... In an instant, it shone on Kraven's body... Suddenly, his body seemed to be corroded by strong acid, and bursts of white smoke came out...


Kraven screamed so poignantly... so painful...

However, there is no mercy in return...

Because——Selena, Emilia, and Erica are feeling the warmth of the rising sun with a moving face... At this moment, their eyes were filled with tears involuntarily...

"What a warm sunshine..."

"I... I'm going to sunbathe... woo woo woo..."

"I love the sun...I love the sun..."

Only once lost will you know how to cherish...

Together with Selena and Erica, Emilia bathed in the sun greedily... Feeling the warmth of the sun shining on their skin... This made them unable to control their excitement...

"Okay, baby... Pay attention to your influence - don't forget that you are now the three elders of the clan..." Zhou Ye reminded the three girls... in case they were too rude in front of him ... "You will have the opportunity to enjoy the sun in the future... Now... Kraven is dead... You should go back to rest!"


Hearing their man's words, Emilia and Selena silently turned their eyes to Kraven who was tied to the wooden frame. At this time, he was completely dead... Only one piece of clothes was left hanging on on the rope...

"It seems that it wasn't so painful for him to go..." Erica raised her eyebrows and said, "It's time for us to go back to rest..."

"Okay...let's go back..."

"I'm a little sleepy too... It's all your fault, dear..." Selena said, rubbing her waist, and then she couldn't help pinching her man again.

"What's the matter with me..." Zhou Ye sighed and called Qu.

"Of course it's your fault, master... If it wasn't for the master, Mother Selena wouldn't feel so uncomfortable right now..." Erica said a word that broke the secret... Selena's pretty face turned slightly red. ...

And at this moment,

Those vampires who were hiding in the house watching the execution scene through the glass windows have fried the pot...

They didn't expect that the newly appointed three elders were really not afraid of the sun... Does that mean that vampires have no last weakness? oh my god...that's unbelievable...

When the three girls walked into the hall with Zhou Ye, all the vampires could not help but pay attention to the three girls...

Their eyes radiate or worship, or fear or greed or contemplation...

The three women ignored those gazes, and they directly pulled up their men and walked upstairs... For them, the envious, jealous gazes of those guys are useless at all... The strong don't need to be afraid of the envy of the weak... Now, the most The key is to go to sleep quickly, they are already a little sleepy... After all, they have been busy all night...

Chapter 1203

Chapter 1203

The Middle Ages in Europe, also known as the Dark Ages... In the eyes of later generations, the Europeans in this era that started from the ninth century until the end of the fifteenth century were ignorant, superstitious and ignorant...

However, for Victor, he loves this era... It is precisely because of this era when the lord's power is greater than everything that he has the power that is unattainable for ordinary people and an endless life...

Having these things does not mean that Victor has no worries...

At least he is very troubled now...

He was worrying about where to find a good tutor for his daughter...a tutor who was enough to teach his daughter to be a talent.

As the largest lord in Brittany, a vampire lord with a large army of undead, Victor is undoubtedly powerful...

But—— those excellent scholars are not so easy to find...

To put it badly, those outstanding scholars have all gone to the royal capitals of various countries, where they can use what they have learned to easily gain the appreciation of the royal family. The land can be subdivided, but the title... that is definitely not a fantasy.

As a small lord in this era, Victor's territory has not yet had the potential to attract a large number of talents... Not to mention, there are still many big troubles in his territory that have not been solved... Who will come to a werewolf to wreak havoc? What about territory? ?

"This... it's really a depressing thing..." Victor sat in his seat and had a headache... A noble child could not grow up under the guidance of a scholar... This is simply a shame.

His daughter is almost ten years old... It's already past the best age for teaching... This is what worries him the most. He can't let his daughter mix with his guards every day, right? He wants to teach an heir, but it doesn't mean he wants to teach his heir to be a female man... This is a bit too embarrassing.

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