At this moment, a vampire soldier walked in quickly... "Sir, there is a mysterious person outside the city who wants to sleep in the castle..."

"The mysterious man? Staying overnight??" Victor stopped his thoughts of worrying about his daughter and looked up at his soldiers, "What mysterious man? How did he get here? Didn't he suffer from werewolves along the way? an attack??"

"I don't know very well, my lord...but——Looking at his clothes and temperament, he definitely doesn't look like those free people and slaves...I think you'd better take a look at it yourself!" The vampire soldier replied cautiously. .

"...Well—" After hesitating for a while, Victor stood up and walked outside... He was also curious, in the wasteland shrouded in darkness, who would dare to walk alone at night without being caught Those big dogs attacked... The most important thing is that he actually came to his castle.

Victor walked up the city wall quickly, leaning on the city wall and looking down...

With the torches at the door and the bright moonlight in the night sky, Victor saw a man in a black robe with a gold edge standing there at the gate of his castle... Because he was wearing a hood, he couldn't see clearly His face... But just looking at his figure, this man looks extremely tall, about 1.9 meters tall.

"Open the city gate and invite him in..." Victor glanced at the mysterious man. Although he was wearing a wide black robe, there was obviously no weapon under his black robe... Keto relaxes a little...

"Open the city gate..."

"Open the city gate..."

As the order was sent to the city one after another, the slaves locked on the winch began to push the winch hard... The thick iron chain drove the iron city gate to slowly open a gap large enough for one person to enter...

At this time, Victor also led his soldiers to the door. He wanted to see who this traveler who dared to drive at night in his territory was.

"Hello, Lord..." The traveler's fluent Latin made Victor feel good.

"Hello traveler, why did you come here? I'm curious... Is there anything here that attracts you??" Victor asked curiously. Although he had become a vampire, he didn't He does not exclude getting along with humans. For him, the sense of class superiority brought by his aristocratic status will make him a little humble when facing people of the same class.

"Of course—" Traveler nodded with a smile, then gently took off his hood, revealing his face... It was none other than Zhou Ye.

"...I have to say, you have an appearance that can make those ladies scream!" Victor was stunned the moment the traveler took off his hood... He had never seen such a beautiful person before. Man, I am afraid that although his black hair and black pupils make people know that he is not a local person at first glance, but——it adds a bit of exotic style to him...

However, the good impression that this traveler's appearance brought to Victor disappeared after he said the next sentence...

"It was your daughter...Sonia..."

"My daughter??" Victor's tone suddenly turned bad, he glared angrily at Zhou Ye... Anyone who hits on his daughter will die... "What do you want to do to my baby?? "

Following Victor's anger, the soldiers behind him suddenly drew out their own long swords, and looked at the handsome oriental boy in front of him with vigilance.

"Don't be nervous..." Facing the soldiers who surrounded him with swords, Zhou Ye just smiled, "My name is Zhou Ye, and I'm from an ancient family in the East... um—how should I say it, In your words, a wizard..."

"Wizard??" Victor looked at Zhou Ye dubiously, "Then why do you know my daughter's name??"

"Mysterious destiny is always so unpredictable..." Zhou Ye said, raising his head slightly and looking at the starry sky. "I saw the other half of my fate, and she's here... she's your daughter, Sonia!"

"Ha..." Victor was almost not amused by Zhou Ye's remarks... Nima, acting like a ghost, actually hit his daughter's idea... This Nima is too nonsense. "This reason doesn't convince me... Wizard, if you can't show your sincerity to convince me, then... I'm sorry, you will be my slave..."

"'s a word I miss..." Zhou Ye sighed... Then he looked at Victor helplessly and said, "If you show sincerity, of course I don't mind... For example, I Now I can easily kill you all and take Sonia away, but I didn't do that, is this sincerity?"

As Zhou Ye's words fell, golden magic circles with a diameter of one meter filled the air with a humming sound...

Victor didn't know what the hell those golden hexagram magic circles in the air were, but... the breath coming from there made him feel a little palpitated - like a rabbit being stared at by a tiger, so helpless... …

"Ah, by the way... If you don't demonstrate the power of these little cuties, I'm afraid Lord Lord, you don't quite believe my sincerity..." Zhou Ye said, pointing to a terrified slave with a necklace next to him. Said: "If you don't mind, just use him to demonstrate my sincerity..."

Following Zhou Ye's words, a golden magic circle spit out a dazzling golden beam of light, which instantly devoured the slave... After a while, the beam of light disappeared - Victor barely opened his eyes and looked at the Slave... That slave has completely disappeared...

...a bottomless hole with a diameter of one meter was shot out of the ground under his feet...

"Now...I think my sincerity is enough? Lord Victor..."

"Foot, enough..." Victor said lightly, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead...

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

"I think it's better not to tell Sonia everything for a while, what do you think? Your Excellency Victor!"

At this moment, Zhou Ye was already sitting in the hall full of Gothic-style decorations in the castle. He sat unceremoniously in the first place. As for Victor? who cares about him...

Victor was too angry to say that Zhou Ye took his position... In other words, that is - the strong must be respected...

If a relatively powerful warrior came to Victor and acted so recklessly, Victor wouldn't mind taking advantage of the number of people to kill the opponent, but - when a man made a gesture, a wizard who destroyed all his own power appeared in him. In front of him, all Victor could do - only - pretend to be his grandson with his tail tucked.

As a nobleman, compromise is the first lesson he has to learn in his life... Victor doesn't mind compromise. After the scene just now, he deeply understands how much he is related to this mysterious young man who claims to have a relationship with his daughter. The gap...even, he felt a little complacent because he could be associated with such a mysterious and powerful existence.

"Then what do you mean??" Victor didn't understand what Zhou Ye meant. He said that he was here for his daughter, but he also said not to tell his daughter everything... What does this mean? ?

"Although Sonya's fate is destined to be entangled with me...but—she is not a qualified bride yet..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "So...I plan to stay here temporarily and teach her as a teacher... Making her a qualified bride—wasn't that what you've been worrying about just now??"

"You... how do you know... I've been worrying about this just now??" Victor's eyes widened in surprise... He really didn't know that the thing he was worried about about his daughter's teacher was just in his heart. After thinking about it for a while, I never told anyone else... How did the wizard guess it? ?

"No one can hide their little secrets from a wizard... Your Excellency Victor!" Zhou Ye smiled mysteriously... and glanced at Victor.

Victor felt that under those black eyes, he seemed to have seen through all his secrets... He felt so uncomfortable, which made him lower his head in panic, "I'll put it right now. Sonia called..."

"Yeah!" Zhou Ye nodded... It's enough to beat Victor at this point, there's no need to beat too much...

Hearing Zhou Ye's response, Victor hurriedly walked outside as if he had received an amnesty... He even nearly fell when he reached the stairs because of his absent-mindedness...

Zhou Ye looked at Victor who hurriedly left, and smiled slightly...A vampire who can wrestle...Victor, are you acting cute? ?

With Victor's departure, there was no one else in the entire hall except Zhou Ye...

Zhou Ye was bored watching the decorations in the hall... Gothic style -- to put it bluntly, it was the kind of very dark decoration style. Everything was based on black. After seeing too many decorations in this style, it was easy to make people feel in their hearts. very depressing...

Of course, Zhou Ye didn't care - anyway, such a dark style couldn't touch his heart at all...

He actually slipped out after Emilia and Selena fell asleep...

What to say?

When he saw Victor, Zhou Ye couldn't help but think of his beautiful daughter... Being treated by a werewolf is really a waste... So, Zhou Ye secretly took advantage of the girls to fall asleep. Slipped out...directly through the timeline, back to the Middle Ages.

But to be honest - back in the Middle Ages, Zhou Ye had to spend a lot of time trying to find Victor's castle... If it wasn't for the continuous wolf howls near the castle, he really wouldn't have found it so quickly... …

What's a bit tricky is that Victor's lair is not in the British Isles, but in continental Europe...

This made Zhou Ye look for it, and it took a little time... So when Zhou Ye saw Victor, he gave him a slap in the face... Ma Dan's, who told me that your castle would give me a good meal Find……

"You, are you my teacher??" A timid loli sounded, attracting Zhou Ye's attention.

He turned his head and saw a black-haired loli wearing a black princess dress, leaning timidly at the door of the hall, only half of his face leaked out, looking at himself cautiously...

It's not Sonia, who is it? ?

Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said kindly, "That's right... I am your teacher, and I will be responsible for teaching you everything... Little Sonia..."

Seemingly bewildered by Zhou Ye's smile, little Sonia gradually relaxed... She didn't know why her father had a serious face and repeatedly stressed that she should respect her teacher and take his words as an order do the same...

Obviously this handsome teacher is so kind...

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