"Then...then what did you teach me??" Little Sonia couldn't help but walked towards Zhou Ye and asked curiously - in her opinion, the handsome Zhou Ye is trustworthy...I have to say , the face is everything - in any era.

If Zhou Ye had a frightening face like Frankenstein, Little Lolita wouldn't have gotten close to him so soon...

"I'll teach you how to find the secrets of the stars..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and waved his arm—suddenly—the ceiling of the entire hall seemed to disappear, revealing the bright starry sky...

"I will also teach you how to master your own power..."

Following Zhou Ye's words, the starry sky was obscured by a thick black cloud—in an instant—thunder and lightning pierced the sky with deafening loud noises... The little loli was frightened and slipped into Zhou Ye's arms. ...until the dark clouds dissipated...the stars showed their smiles again.

"Is it fun??" Zhou Ye looked at the little loli whose eyes were carefully leaking out of his arms, and teased, "Do you want to learn?"

"Thinking..." Little Sonia had long been attracted by Zhou Ye's miraculous method, and her eyes stared into the stars. No little loli could resist such a miraculous method, and she was no exception.

"Then let's start with the basics..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly. He had already checked Sonia's body. To be honest, her body is not really suitable for learning magic, but fortunately - Master Gu Yi's Magic doesn't pay much attention to such things as qualifications, so he has decided to teach the magic of the Supreme Mage to little Sonya, a little vampire who can melee combat and magic... how fun...

As for hiding? Zhou Ye didn't have that plan... The magic in Marvel actually relies on borrowing power from great beings... Of course, Zhou Ye's magic itself uses his own power... And he doesn't mind letting the little ones Sonia borrowed her own strength, no matter what, she will be destined to be her own woman... Teacher-student love or something, it is also very interesting to experience...

Outside the hall, because he was not too relieved, Victor, who was peeking at this time, was a little relieved... He was really afraid that Zhou Ye was a quick-tempered person, one must know that people with unique tastes were among the nobles in the Middle Ages. , not uncommon... age is not a barrier to their violence.

Victor is really afraid that Zhou Ye is also that kind of person... But the good thing is, at least according to his observation, this mysterious Oriental wizard is not a person who is impatient. At least for now, he is very patient with his daughter. ……that's enough.

Chapter 1205

Chapter 1205

Zhou Ye seems to be very familiar with teaching little loli this kind of thing...

This can be regarded as his strength... Whether it is in the X-Men world, or in ancient China...

Zhou Ye had taught countless little loli, although they all became Zhou Ye's women in the end, but it couldn't be blamed for his lack of skill, right? It can only be said that his level is too good... The little loli are reluctant to leave him...

Mmmm - that's the truth...

Zhou Ye used interesting and vivid descriptions to teach little Sonia... Let her be full of interest in what she is going to learn from the first class...

But—even if she is interested, little Lolita is a little Lolita after all, her energy is limited after all...

When Dongfang began to turn white... Little Sonia finally couldn't help but start to feel sleepy... Zhou Ye didn't force her to continue studying, but held her in his arms and told her a bedtime story softly... …

Following Zhou Ye's soft voice, Little Lolita finally fell asleep completely...

"Sir, just leave the lady to us..."

As little Sonia fell into a deep sleep, two maids in black dresses appeared in front of Zhou Ye. They lowered their voices and said to Zhou Ye tremblingly.

"Well..." Zhou Ye nodded and handed the little Sonia in his arms to the two maids... They picked up Sonia, nodded respectfully at Zhou Ye, and walked towards the door behind them. ...

These maids will send their young lady back to her bedroom...

At this time, Victor's figure appeared again... He said respectfully and gratefully: "Thank you, my lord..."

"Thank me??" Zhou Ye was a little confused? ? "no need thank me??"

"Thank you for your kindness to Sophia... Not at this age..." Although Victor didn't finish his words, Zhou Ye already understood the general meaning...

This made Zhou Ye feel dumbfounded, what did Victor think of himself? ? Pedophile? Like a little loli and a pedophile are two different things, okay... Don't insult the integrity of our lolicon, okay?

Of course—— these words Zhou Ye just complained in his heart, and didn't say it...

"It's nothing... I said, little Sonia is not a qualified wife yet... She needs my guidance!" Zhou Ye waved his hand, too lazy to explain too much to this vampire... There's no need for that.

"Yes, what you said is..." Victor didn't dare to argue when facing Zhou Ye...

That's right, the lord's power is very big, and the big one makes Marcus, the ancestor of the vampire, have to use his power to hunt down his brother... But - Victor understands one more thing, any rights are in the face When facing a powerful force that is difficult to resist, they are all so pale.

Victor does have the common problem that all nobles have - pride, but - he is a man with self-knowledge... When all the force is not enough, his status in the eyes of this adult

Not much stronger than those ordinary people...

But the good thing is that this adult is here for his daughter... This makes Victor a little relieved.

"I've arranged a place for you... please come with me..."

Logically speaking, it should not be the lord Victor's responsibility to lead the guests to the guest room, but—Victor still decided to do this thing that should have been done by the servants himself, to show his love for this lord. The reverence of mysterious adults.

"Excuse me..." Zhou Ye didn't care about Victor's gesture of favor. For him... all he cared about was little Sonia.

Under the leadership of Victor, Zhou Ye followed him to a large room...

Four flaming braziers were lit in the four corners of the room with a size of 200 square meters. Under the light of the brazier, the whole room did not look so dim...

On the walls around the room, there are various decorative swords, shields and battle axes, and in the center of the room is a large and comfortable wooden couch, covered with white velvet. thin quilt...

Obviously, this room is for entertaining distinguished guests... In the room, a beautiful, young blonde girl in a long black dress was standing there uneasy when she saw Vic walking in. When talking to Zhou Ye more, he hurriedly lowered his head and bowed. "Lord Lord... Gui'an..."

Victor didn't pay any attention to what the maid meant, but turned to look at Zhou Ye and said, "Sir, if you need anything else, please instruct the servants..., everything in this room belongs to you... including— -she……"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly... "I am very satisfied... Victor, if there is one more window here, I will be even more satisfied..."

The entire vampire castle is built on the mountain... Most of its buildings are deep into the mountain...

But for vampires, they hate sunlight, and sunlight brings them total destruction... So, even though this room is very luxuriously decorated, it really doesn't suit Zhou Ye's appetite.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Victor suddenly remembered - this mysterious wizard is not a vampire, so... For a vampire, the best room - for Zhou Ye - is a bit different. So comfortable...

"Sir - this is my mistake, I'll adjust your residence now..." Victor hurriedly remedied...

"Don't be so troublesome..." Zhou Ye waved his hand... He was really lazy... "I'll just open a window myself..."

Zhou Ye said, Shi Shiran walked over to the wall full of weapons, and took a look at the weapons... I have to say, they still look very beautiful, but——it's useless, at least For Zhou Ye, it was like this...

And Victor, who was standing behind Zhou Ye, was a little dumbfounded... What do you mean by opening a window by yourself? You must know—this place is five or six meters thick granite from the outside, and that thing is really too strong...

Even when thousands of slaves were used to build the castle, those granites made the slaves work hard, and finally the oldest method of ablation was used to build the castle...even when Now, there are still many places that have not been fully completed...

However - the scene in front of you completely subverted Victor's understanding of granite...

I saw that Zhou Ye was just standing beside the wall and patted the wall seemingly unintentionally... In an instant—a hole as tall as one person and as wide as three people appeared on the wall...

And a ray of sunlight is shining through the hole...

"This...this..." Victor doesn't know what to say anymore, this mysterious wizard has already surprised him too much... It can be said that his three views have been reshaped by Zhou Ye and his colleagues. now...

"Okay, that's about it, I'll have a chance to build a terrace in the future..." Zhou Ye looked at the window he opened and nodded with satisfaction, then turned his head and said to Victor, "Now I want to rest. now..."

"...Yes...Sir, then I won't disturb you..." Victor, who was awakened by Zhou Ye's words, bowed slightly knowingly, and then exited the room...Too many things happened today, he I need to clear my mind...

Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206

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