"What's your name??"

Following Victor's departure, only Zhou Ye and the beautiful maid were left in the room...

"I, my name is Debra, my lord..." The little maid tremblingly answered Zhou Ye's question...

"Am I scary?" Zhou Ye walked up to Debra curiously, looked at the maid with her small head lowered, and asked, "Are you scared of me??"

"No...no..." Debra took a few steps back in fright at Zhou Ye's approach...then stopped herself.

How could she not be afraid of this mysterious man? When Zhou Ye first came, she stood in front of the window and saw with her own eyes how this handsome young man killed a slave in an instant...

She screamed in horror at the car mat...

If it wasn't for another maid covering her, she would have really cried out...

But it wasn't the worst - the worst - that she was sent to serve the mysterious Lord Wizard... She was really scared - afraid that the Lord Wizard would kill herself...

Although she is also a vampire... But—— just now, her master, Lord Victor's words have been very clear... Everything in this room belongs to Zhou Ye, which means—— including her... From now on, she also belongs to this handsome wizard.

The wizard - synonymous with mystery and horror, said to turn people into frogs, but also extremely brutal... How could Debra not be afraid?

Zhou Ye smiled and looked at the vampire maid in front of him... Of course he knew what Debra was afraid of, but—he didn't bother to explain anything to her, after all—from now on, this little maid is his personal belongings... …praise the lovely Middle Ages…

"Okay, I'm a little tired, go get me hot water... I want to take a bath..." Zhou Ye sighed and ordered directly.

"Yes, yes... Master!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's order, Debra hurried out as if receiving an amnesty... Although her new owner is very handsome... But—she was really afraid of him... Afraid that he would put her Like that slave, it instantly evaporates...

"Victor really has a heart..." Zhou Ye smiled as he watched his new maid leave his room with a panicked look.

He could see that this maid is still a virgin... This is what makes Zhou Ye most satisfied...

But speaking of it... this vampire castle is still clean - at least not like other castles in the Middle Ages, filled with all kinds of smells...

You know - in this era, there are many castles without drains... All kinds of flying smells are full of them, it is simply not a place for people... But for now, Victor's lair is quite good. , at least it doesn't have that vomit-like smell... At most, some bloody smells are confused...

But obviously—these tastes are relatively sweet to vampires... and Zhou Ye can tolerate it somewhat.

Just when Zhou Ye was complaining about the sanitary conditions in the Middle Ages, Debra had already commanded two soldiers in armor and walked in with a large wooden barrel as high as one person... In the barrel, white water vapor came from the wooden barrel. The bucket rose slowly... Obviously, it was already full of hot water...

After the two soldiers carried the barrels into the room, they saluted Zhou Ye respectfully, and then walked out of the room without saying a word...

After Debra turned around and closed the door, she walked tremblingly in front of Zhou Ye, lowered her head... and said to Zhou Ye, "Lord, master... please, please take a shower..."

"Hmm..." Zhou Ye nodded, then stretched out his arms...

Debra shook her hands and went to help her new owner take off her clothes... However, what made her head big was that she couldn't find the buttons of Zhou Ye's black robe... This made her more anxious as she searched. , the more anxious I get, the more I can't find the button... I almost cried... "Yes, I'm sorry... Master... I'm sorry..."

"Ah... I forgot, you can't undo this magic cloak..." Zhou Ye smiled teasingly, he was deliberately teasing this little maid... Whoever called Debra looked like she wanted to How does it feel to be bullied?

Speaking of this, Zhou Ye lightly tapped his collar with his hand. Immediately, the magic cloak seemed to be alive, and flew to the side of the collapsed one and hung it up...

Debra also seemed to feel that her new master was not as brutal as she imagined... She couldn't help but raised her head slightly and glanced at her master... Suddenly, she was so handsome by Zhou Ye's face...

Debra felt her heart beating so violently... It felt like it was about to pop out of her chest...

Debra hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look at her new owner again. She tremblingly helped Zhou Ye unbutton her clothes, then carefully took them off, and then hung up her master's clothes. on the hanger...

Under Debra's service, Zhou Ye quickly turned into a celestial state...

To be honest, Debra felt like she had a dry mouth when she looked at her master's body... What a perfect body... This is simply God's most perfect creation...

When she meticulously folded all of her master's intimate clothes and placed them on the cabinet... Zhou Ye had already jumped into this one-person-high wooden bucket...

Debra felt a little disappointed by this... Was she not serving well? So the master didn't wait for him to be a ladder for him, and went in by himself? ? As a ladder? How to be a ladder

son? Of course, it's climbing on the ground to be a human ladder...

Since she has just entered the vampire castle and has not served other people, she has not done this kind of thing yet... But the maid who taught her told her so...

Just when Debra was suspicious outside, Zhou Ye's voice suddenly came from the barrel... "Debra, come in..."

"Yes...Yes, Master!" Debra replied, her face was full of blush...

After she hesitated for a while... Silver teeth gnawed and began to take off her clothes... When she became like her master, in a celestial state... She felt as if she was caught by an invisible big hand. She stayed in the air and flew into the air... Then, her big hand loosened—she fell into the wooden barrel... Facing her master's teasing smile, her little face turned red...

"Debra...you belong to me from now on...right??" Zhou Ye raised his hand gently and stroked Debra's cheek...

Feeling the warmth of her master on her face, Debra lowered her little head and responded in a low voice, "Yes, yes, master!"

"So...what are we waiting for..."

"Wait a minute...Master...Please let me serve you to bathe...No...Yah-!!"

Zhou Ye looked at the red line floating in the water with satisfaction... and continued his actions...

Medieval nobles had the habit of banqueting guests... I didn't expect it to be true... The so-called banquet is to give their most beautiful maids to the most distinguished guests... This is not uncommon in the Middle Ages, after all - in this age Women are only vassals of men...they only have the right to obey...

As for these maids, their ultimate fate can only be determined by whether the guests who were given to them are satisfied with them. If they are satisfied with them, they may ask the master to take them away. If they are not satisfied...hehe...then stay with the master. Here, wait for the next guest...

Of course—even if they are taken away by guests, they still have a low status, at most they are maids, but—it’s much better than giving them away again, isn’t it?

Chapter 1207

Chapter 1207

When the sunset fell on the horizon again, Zhou Ye opened his eyes...

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a figure who was busy in his room...

At this moment, Debra is holding a metal product that looks like a teapot, and gently helps Zhou Ye iron the clothes...

"Why don't you sleep for a while?"

Zhou Ye's words startled the smiling Debra, but she realized in an instant that it was her master who was talking... She hurriedly turned her head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, master... ...did I wake you up?"

"It's not your fault..." Zhou Ye said, waving at Debra gently...

Although Debra didn't know why her master called her over, she put the iron in her hand aside and quickly walked to her master's side. "Master... are you hungry?"

After the battle in the morning... Debra's fear of her master has basically disappeared... She has already figured out some of her master's temperament, so she is not afraid of Zhou Ye now, but rather towards him attachment has deepened.

Zhou Ye looked at Debra who was walking to the couch, stretched out his hand, and dragged her into his arms... "Don't you feel tired? It hurts so much in the morning..."

"No, I'm not tired...Master!" Debra understood the ridicule in her Master's words in seconds, and she explained with a slightly red cheek: "Since becoming a vampire...although...even though I can never see the sun again ...but...my recovery is much better...it was painful at first, but it didn't hurt so much later...and...and it's very comfortable..."

After saying these words, Debra couldn't help being shy and buried her little head in her master's arms...

She really has a lot to say to her master, but she knows that her master is very busy... Moreover, a soldier has just come to ask if the master has woken up. If he wakes up, please go to the hall to enjoy it together breakfast……

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