However, when he walked up to Zhou Ye and saw the mocking smile on Zhou Ye's face... There was a buzzing sound in his mind, and he forgot everything... Cang chug took out his pendant. Jian, pounced on Zhou Ye: "You damn untouchable... It's all because of you, I'm going to kill you..."

"Haha..." Zhou Ye just gave a mocking smile to the captain of the guards who rushed towards him...

When Victor was talking just now, he didn't speak... That's because in Zhou Ye's opinion, this is Victor's family business, and he doesn't need to worry about it... But—when this guy insulted himself in the face, So... the fate of this guy named Edmund is already doomed.

"Master be careful..." Facing Edmund who was pounced on him, all Debra could do was use her flesh and blood as a shield for her master... She quickly charged from behind Zhou Ye, and then Suddenly, he threw himself into Zhou Ye's arms...

On the other side, little Sonia couldn't help screaming when she saw that her teacher's life was threatened: "Damn Edmund, what are you doing?? Put down your weapons..."

Debra threw herself in her master's arms. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the pain... Although vampires have a very strong recovery ability, as long as their necks are not cut off, they can basically recover... But It doesn't mean they won't be in pain...they can still feel the pain.

However, what makes Debra curious is why it has been so long-he still hasn't felt the pain of the sharp weapon piercing his body? ?

Debra couldn't help but opened her eyes and looked back... I saw—the captain of the guard who rushed up was like a sculpture at the moment, holding the long sword in his hand, standing behind him... His The eyes have lost their color.

"Not bad courage, but—don't someone teach you to never wave your minions in front of someone stronger than you??" Zhou Ye smiled and patted Debra's back lightly... As for Dai He is very satisfied with Bra's performance...Although this little maid still has a lot to learn, it still seems to be very qualified.

"You bastard... I order you to immediately..." Victor also rushed to his side of the captain of the guard angrily, reaching out to grab his collar... However, when his hand just touched him When the captain of the imperial guard was wearing the clothes, a scene that shocked him happened...

Edmund, who was originally standing in front of Zhou Ye, instantly turned into extremely small ashes under Victor's touch... Blinking his eyes—the ashes disappeared...

"It seems that your lord needs to be replaced by a guard captain..." Zhou Ye smiled and blinked at Victor... This made Victor break into a cold sweat. He had seen Zhou last night. Ye's methods are gone, but today - he once again saw Zhou Ye's methods...

Compared with last night's sound and light effect, the shock is shocking, but it is far less terrifying than this kind of chatting and laughing that turns the enemy into flying ashes...

Compared to Victor's fear, Little Loli didn't think so much... She rushed into her teacher's arms with a look of surprise, grabbed Zhou Ye's hand and said coquettishly, "Teacher, are you? How did you do it? Teach me..."

"Of course no problem...Little cutie...However, everything still has to be learned from the basics..."

Chapter 1209

Chapter 1209

Recently... the young Lucian feels very lost...

In the past, always when he was fighting, the little figure that appeared on the high platform had not appeared for a long time.

He heard from the guard's chat that the girl, the girl who made him feel different, had her own teacher... a mysterious and powerful wizard from the east...

I don't know why - when he heard the news, Lucian felt as if something most important was taken away from him... His heart was full of hesitation... For the first time in his life, the werewolf boy Lucian felt to sadness...

Three years are fleeting ——————

On the top floor of the castle - the girl who made Lucian feel sad, she was practicing the magic taught by her teacher at a glance.

This top-floor room, which was originally abandoned because of the vampire’s light-weariness, was used as a utility room, but it has been cleaned up at this time.

In a room with a size of more than 500 square meters, it was divided by wooden partitions, and it was divided into one room and one hall...

In the hall with a size of 300 square meters, the floor is covered with carpets from Persia, and the walls around it are covered with various oil paintings.

"Don't limit yourself to everything in front of you, let your mind go... Imagine where you're going... The clearer the picture that emerges in your mind, the more you can open the link between the two..."

Zhou Ye put his hands behind his back and looked at the black-haired loli in front of him, clenching her teeth and looking like she was bitter and hated. She slowly drew circles with her hand with a hanging ring...

I have to say that her movements are very standard... However, it is only standard...

A small and simple portal, little Sonia has been practicing for three months, and still no progress... This may be because children like to be cranky and whimsical... But they can really sink There are basically no children who are mindful and engrossed...

But maybe it's because little Sonia has gradually learned to sink into the deepest part of her heart, so——she brought a rare surprise to Zhou Ye today...

I saw - with the little loli's finger waving,

Opposite her, a few red sparks gradually flashed out of thin air...

"Teacher... I succeeded... I succeeded..." Little Sonia couldn't help jumping together the moment she saw the spark, and rushed into her teacher's arms, shouting excitedly... …

With her interrupted movement, the red spark also disappeared in the air... Obviously, this was an unsuccessful portal spell.

"No, cutie... You haven't succeeded yet..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly... Although Supreme Mage's spells don't require much of qualifications, but—it requires more spirituality...

This may be the reason why those who have experienced despair can learn quickly...

"But I can already make sparks..." Facing her teacher's denial, little Sonia said dissatisfiedly.

"That can only mean that you do have the aptitude to learn spells, but—the portal spell has not yet been learned..." Zhou Ye stroked little Sonia's long hair and said, "The real teleportation spell should be... "

Before Zhou Ye's words were finished, a portal with bloody sparks opened directly in front of Zhou Ye, and a slim figure with a tea tray walked out from the portal. "Master, your afternoon tea is here..."

"Uh—the real portal is like Debra..."

"Hate...Sister Debra, you are like this..." Little Sonia looked at Debra with a tea tray and complained with a gloomy expression: "You must have been given special education by the teacher...or else If won't learn spells so fast..."

"Hey!! Did I do something wrong? Master??" Debra looked bewildered. She just went to the kitchen and made some cakes according to her master's habit... How could this make her master's students? Not satisfied?

"'s nothing...Little cutie is just acting like a spoiled child!" Zhou Ye waved his hand with a smile and relieved his maid's troubles. Then he lowered his head and said to his students: "Now you can take a little rest... Today is the deadline. If you can't cast the portal spell, cute, you know what punishment you will receive..."

"Hmph—bad teacher..." Little Sonia saw that she could not make her teacher change her initial decision, no matter whether it was a dumping attack or a coquettish attack. In front of Debra... Picked up the cake Debra made and ate it angrily.

Ordinarily - vampires can't eat normal people's food, except red wine, they will feel like chewing on anything they eat. But—— Little Sonia didn't know why, but she was able to enjoy the pastries prepared by Debra...

Except when she ate it for the first time, she felt uncomfortably burning all over her body, and she never had any other strange reactions...

She doesn't know if this is her mutation, because except for the food made by Debra, she has never eaten food prepared by others... After all, in the entire castle, except for her teacher who eats normal food, The others either drink blood or eat that kind of pig food - just the werewolf slaves.

Of course, little Sonia couldn't eat the junk food prepared for those werewolf slaves, so she didn't know if she could only eat the food prepared by Debra, but she still remembered her teacher's explanation and did not put herself The mutation told his father.

"Little cutie, take a rest first, I'll send some materials..." Zhou Ye said, stood up and walked towards his bedroom... Recently, he found a lot of interesting documents through the literature that Victor helped him collect. Stuff...for example—the feud between Count Dakola of Romania and a Transylvanian knight named Veratrix the Elder...

It's an interesting thing, isn't it? So——Zhou Ye asked Victor to help him collect their information... Today is the arrival day of the latest issue of information... Zhou Ye is going to check it out.

Of course, Zhou Ye could also open up his five senses... However, the feeling of being flooded with trillions of messages in his mind wasn't that wonderful. If it wasn't something he was particularly anxious about, Zhou Ye didn't want to use his super senses.

Following Zhou Ye's figure entering the bedroom, little Sonia rolled her eyes and looked at her teacher's exclusive maid, Debra...

Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210

"Sister Debra..." Little Sonia's request was as sweet as honey, she moved her body and moved closer to Debra... "Sister Debra, although you are now a teacher The maid has nothing to do with our family anymore... But, when the teacher didn't come, our family didn't treat you badly, right?"

"Yes, Miss Sonia, the lord has never treated me badly..." Debra is still very grateful to Lord Victor. If it weren't for him, she would never have met her master, if it wasn't for his arrangement , I will never experience the happiness I am now...

Moreover, she was sold to Lord Victor by her own father, a bankrupt and declining nobleman, so there is no oppression, feud, etc. Therefore—although Debra was sent by Victor It was for Zhou Ye, but she didn't have any hatred for Victor...

"Then can you tell me... what's the secret to the teleportation technique..." Little Sonia pleaded with a frown: "I've been studying so hard, but I still can't meet the teacher's requirements. ...I feel like a fool!"

"This... the magic taught by the master has no tricks... as long as you empty your mind and trust the master... that's it..." Debra

She said hesitantly, maybe it was because of Zhou Ye, all her thoughts were on Zhou Ye.

Debra actually achieved spiritual synchronization with Zhou Ye very easily, borrowing strength or something, it shouldn't be too easy...

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