"But I've worked so hard..." Little Sonia was dying of depression... "If I don't meet the teacher's requirements again, I will be punished by the teacher in such a shameful way..."

"Hasn't Miss Sonia been punished before??" Facing little Sonia's sorrow, Debra asked a little puzzled.

"But now it's not the same as before..." Little Sonia said with a small face, "I used to be bald in my place... But... but recently, hair has started growing there... I, I don't want to let The teacher saw it...it's ugly..."

Zhou Ye has been teaching little Sonia for almost three years...

In the past three years, Zhou Ye did not directly teach little Sonia magic at the beginning, but began to teach various enlightenment education, history, geography, literature, politics and language...

This knowledge was taught little by little by Zhou Ye to little Sonia...

Of course, as a playful little loli, the road of teaching at the beginning was not so smooth... But after Zhou Ye sacrificed the stick and jujube Dafa, the effect was remarkable...

Every time little Sonia fails to meet the learning progress required by Zhou Ye, little Sonia's dolphin will suffer...

From the crying and struggling at the beginning, to the blushing little face at the end, he obediently crawled on the teacher's lap and took off his pants... What kind of changes have gone through in this, only little Sonia herself knows...

In fact, little Sonia doesn't hate her teacher Zhou Ye for hitting her pp, and, to a certain extent, she is more obsessed with that feeling...

It's just that there have been some bad changes in her private place recently, which made little Sonia a little bit unwilling to let her teacher see that ugly place, so she was repelled by Zhou Ye and beat her...

Miss Sonia has also reached this age... This is the trouble of growing up...

Thinking of this, Debra smiled slightly, "Well then... I will try my best to help you, Miss Sonia... But before helping you, I want to ask, do you trust the master??"

"Trust..." Little Sonia said hesitantly, "I don't know...whether I trust the teacher or not, but I know...if the teacher is not by my side one day, I will go crazy...I don't want to. Leaving the teacher... I want to follow the teacher forever, I want to hear him coax me, I want to hear him scold me... I want to see him angry, I want to see him troubled..."

Speaking of this, little Sonia couldn't help but glanced at her teacher's bedroom door again, then leaned into Debra's ear and whispered, "I'll tell you a secret, but Sister Debra, you are not allowed to tell the teacher. …”

"What secret?" Debra asked curiously.

"That is...Since the year before last, I always dreamed of my teacher when I was sleeping...and the teacher gave me a bad smile..." Saying this, little Sonia seemed to think of the situation in her dream, and her body froze. Soft, leaning on Debra's body. "And I like the feeling when the teacher hits me... numb... sour..."

Hearing Sonia's words, Debra couldn't help but mutter to herself: "It seems... the harvest season for the master is here..."

"What harvest season??" Little Sonia asked strangely. Why does the adult always say some words that she doesn't understand at all?

"No, it's nothing..." Debra hurriedly talked about the topic. As Zhou Ye's pillow and exclusive maid, of course she knew the agreement between her master and Lord Victor, and she knew even more - the little girl in front of her. , a woman destined to be her own mistress.

"What can I do...Sister Debra!" Little Sonia was already starting to get a little anxious...

"Actually, there is still a way!" Debra hesitated for a while and decided to add fire to the fruit and let her ripen earlier...

"What way??" Little Sonia asked eagerly when she heard Debra's words.

"You're like this...then this...then this..." Debra leaned into little Sonya's ear and whispered...


"This way... this way... is it okay?"

"Oh my god... is this still possible??"

"Will the teacher be angry like this??"

"Is it really okay??"

"Okay, then I'll give it a try..."

Listening to Debra's words, little Sonia's face showed shyness, doubt, curiosity, surprise... But in the end, the expression on her face was firm.

"Have you rested? Let's continue..." At this time, Zhou Ye's voice came, and the two girls, one big and one small, hurriedly separated from each other, as if nothing had happened...

"What's wrong with you??" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing...Master, Miss Sonia just felt uncomfortable in her ears, let me take a look for her..."

"That's right... I just had a pain in my ears, so I asked Sister Debra to help me see..."

"It looks so deliberate... there must be something..." Zhou Ye looked at the panicked expressions on the faces of the two girls. It was obviously a pair of three hundred taels of silver in this place, but—— Zhou Ye was too lazy to pay attention to it. A lot, after all—there are some little secrets between girls that are inconvenient to tell him, this is a normal thing.

He doesn't even need to go into it...

"Since it's alright—Little Cutie, it's time for you to start your practice... If you can't learn it today, you'll understand the ending..." Zhou Ye turned into Zhou Papi again and began to exploit the little loli...

"Good teacher..." Little Loli looked cute

He stood up, straightened his posture, and then began to practice the technique of the portal again...

Chapter 1211

Chapter 1211

Although little Lolisonia has worked very hard and very hard to practice the technique of portal...

But what to say?

This mysterious thing of the mind is sometimes like a layer of diaphragm, which can be broken when it is pierced, and sometimes it? Just like the indestructible wall of sighs, it is difficult to break through...

At least the current Sonia, still can't break through the mental barrier - so her progress is not great, there are still a few magic sparks in the air, and it is impossible to form a real portal...

Until the early hours of the morning, little Sonia's teleportation technique still hadn't been broken through...

Zhou Ye frowned tightly, watching the little loli's movements in front of him - she was really working hard, but - no matter how standard her movements were, without the cooperation of her heart, she would still be unable to perform supreme magic...

Zhou Ye was thinking about one thing, something a little too much... If such a thing is done, it might be hated by Little Loli... However, for the future of Little Loli, it is worth a try .

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye stopped little Sonia who was practicing hard. "Okay, okay, little Sonia..."

"Teacher..." Little Sonia stopped her movements, she looked at Zhou Ye timidly, she knew that she had let the teacher down... "I'm sorry... teacher... it's all my fault... you punish me !"

As little Sonia said, she walked up to Zhou Ye with a look of grievance, then obediently lay on her teacher's lap, lowered her head, and lifted her skirt with both hands...

what to do? Of course, obediently being beaten...

When Zhou Ye faced such a little Sonia, he was really angry and funny... But at the same time, he couldn't help but sway in his heart.

A little loli so beautiful and so cute, in front of you, let you take whatever you want... just ask if you are willing?

Zhou Ye didn't know what other people thought, but he was really tempted... A European girl, because of her race, when she was thirteen years old, she was basically a slender person...

This kind of youthful charm gave Zhou Ye the urge to transform into a wolf...

But in the end, he still suppressed the feeling in his heart, and held down Little Sonia's little hand that was about to remove her guilt. "Sonia, what are you doing?"

"Accept the punishment..." Little Sonia said ignorantly, but her eyes were full of eagerness to try.

Debra had already told her that if she did this or that with her teacher, she might be able to break through the shackles of her mind and achieve a state of synchronization with her teacher's mind, so that casting magic would do more with less... She has already Get ready to lust by your own teacher.

It's not because little Sonia doesn't care about anything in order to learn magic... she can even show up for it.

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