In the past three years, little Sonia has made a secret promise to her almost omnipotent teacher... She does not reject any close contact with her teacher, and she is even complacent about it.

It can be said that in the mind of little Sonia, the status of a teacher has far exceeded her father... Maybe this is the girl who is often said to go out.

Because of this, as soon as Debra said it, she decided to do this or that to her teacher...

"Huh..." Zhou Ye took a deep breath and pressed the flames rising inside him... He saw through the mystery in Little Sonia's eyes at a glance. Although women were all born actors, the actress Little Sonia was an actor. In the end, because of the relationship of life experience, the acting skills are still a little off...

For Zhou Ye, a veteran who has read countless women, little Sonia's purpose is simply obvious...

Thinking back to how little Sonia and Debra were chatting so mysteriously just now, Zhou Ye instantly caught the culprit of the crime, "Debra..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Master, I suddenly remembered that the soup I was cooking in the kitchen was almost ready... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Hearing her master's tone, Debra, the pillow who had followed Zhou Ye for several years The people on the side suddenly felt that something was wrong. After saying these words, without waiting for Zhou Ye's reply, he quickly opened the portal, then flashed away, smeared oil on the soles of his feet, and ran away...

Seeing her ally disappearing in front of her in an instant, little Sonia was a little dumbfounded. Didn't she agree... to advance and retreat together? Why do you only leave yourself alone to face the teacher? Can your small body satisfy the teacher? Little Sonia lost her confidence.

"Little Sonia..." Zhou Ye sighed, he raised his hand lightly, and lifted Little Loli up from his body... "I have a way to help you quickly learn the teleportation technique, do you want to? try??"

"I want..." Little Sonia was still a child after all, those thoughts in her mind disappeared instantly after Zhou Ye said these words, and her attention was diverted.

"Then come with me..." Zhou Ye said, slightly forward, a golden portal appeared directly in front of Zhou Ye, he got up and walked into the portal...

"..." Little Sonia followed her teacher's footsteps without hesitation and walked in.

She believes that her teacher will never harm her.

However, when little Sonia followed Zhou Ye into the portal, the whole person was a little stupid.

The scene in front of me is a panoramic view of many mountains and small mountains. This is the top of a high mountain near the castle... Here, little Sonia once came with her teacher Zhou Ye...

But last time it was Zhou Ye who taught her about geography, that's why she came here. She had a good time here... But, does this have anything to do with her learning magic?

Or is it easier to learn magic from a height? ?

Just when little Sonia was a little confused, the teacher standing in front of her spoke. "Little Sonia..., Supreme Magic is a kind of spiritual magic. In another world, there are many people who possess this kind of magic, but most of them have experienced despair before gradually awakening their hearts... And You, my student, have been smooth sailing since you were born... never knew what despair is... Today, you will feel the taste of despair here!"

"How do you feel??? Teacher??" Little Sonia asked ignorantly. She didn't believe that her teacher would harm her. What is the so-called despair? ?

Zhou Ye didn't answer his student's question, but raised his hand and pointed to the east... "The sun is about to rise, to be precise, it's - there are still three minutes and forty-five seconds... The sun will hit the this place……"

"What??" Hearing her teacher's words, little Sonia turned pale in shock - she was a vampire, and everyone in her clan told her that the sun was her enemy, she was a noble in the dark night, never face the sun directly... ...But today, her teacher left her in a place where the sun was about to shine... "Teacher - don't you want me?"

Chapter 1212

Chapter 1212

"Teacher - don't you want me?"

These tragic words made Zhou Ye almost tell the truth, but——in order to open up little Sonia's heart and let her have a higher growth rate, Zhou Ye was still ruthless and said: "Sonia, break out All your potential, believe in yourself, the power of the mind is infinite..."

Zhou Ye said, his figure flashed and disappeared in front of Sonia.

"Teacher—teacher—!" Little Sonia couldn't help shouting loudly as she looked at Zhou Ye who had disappeared.

However, her shouts were only exchanged for the echoes in the valley...

Little Sonia felt wronged and sad... The feeling of being abandoned by the person she trusted the most filled her heart, and she even had a feeling in her heart that she wanted to bathe directly in the sun, so it was not bad to disappear like this extreme thinking...

However, her unwillingness prevented her from choosing that path...because she didn't believe that her teacher would really abandon her, and she didn't believe that Zhou Ye had no feelings for her at all... She could clearly see it in his eyes To the kind of pampering gaze that makes one want to indulge in it... She doesn't believe it.

She has to save herself...

She wants to go back alive and question her teacher...

Thinking of this, little Sonia began to look at everything in front of her, trying to find a place where she could shade the sun.

However - to her despair - this

It is completely a cliff platform. Except for the foothold of less than ten square meters, there is no shelter on the entire platform...

And all around, there are cliffs like a knife and axe, and there is no possibility to climb down with bare hands... Maybe with her physique, she can climb down with her bare hands - but, it will take time... And she is now It is precisely time that is lacking most, because - the sun is about to rise...

"Quick...Quick..." The only thing little Sonia can do now is to use the portal magic that she has never used.

However, sometimes, the more anxious you are, the less things will happen.

Little Sonia found desperately that she was not as good as when she was at home now...

When she was at home, she still had a few sparks to talk about herself, but now, she couldn't even stir up the sparks...

As the east began to turn white, little Sonia became more and more anxious...

The more anxious she is, the less able she is to make magic happen...

Until - when the sun was getting closer and closer to her, and almost on her body, a miracle finally happened, a complete portal had appeared in front of her... She finally cast the portal by herself...


it's too late...

Because—the sun has already sprinkled on her body... She has felt the warmth on her skin, which she has never felt before...

"I... Am I going to die??" At this moment, little Sonia closed her eyes and fell to the ground... She knew that, as a vampire, being exposed to the sun would be a disaster. What kind of fate... Then only disappear completely in this world...

She could have rushed through the portal with her remaining body...

But - little Sonia finally stopped her steps, because - she didn't want her teacher to see her so embarrassed and ugly... So, it's better to die... At least, in her teacher's heart, Can leave a perfect image of yourself...

I just don't know if my teacher—no, it's Zhou Ye, the big villain, will be sad about his death... Will he regret using such a harsh teaching method to himself...

He will definitely be sad... That's right... It was because of him that he left this world...

Just as little Sonia was lying on the ground, thinking wildly... She felt a shadow covering her figure...

She opened her eyes slightly and looked, the handsome face that appeared in front of her was not her teacher, but who was it?

"I'm dying...Teacher, are you here to see me off?"




Zhou Ye looked at the little loli crawling on the ground in front of him angrily and hilariously... Angrily, he patted her well-developed dolphin, "Didn't you realize that you are still alive??"


Zhou Ye's words made little Sonia stunned for a while, and then——she found that she seemed to be really fine, there was no severe pain, and there was no imagined feeling of her body being burned. The sun shone on her body, and it was as warm as a fire. There's no such heart-wrenching feeling at all. "This...what's the matter? Teacher?"

"If it wasn't because of the transformation of your body that made you a Sunwalker, how dare I put you here and let you be exposed to the sun?" Zhou Ye sighed and sat down on little Sonia. Next to him, he said softly, "Why would I let my little cutie take risks?"

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