Nightmare screamed happily, and took the mistress on her body and ran towards the castle not far away...

Before Sonia arrived at the castle, the gate of the castle had already been opened... Sonia did not stop at all and ran towards the man who had been standing not far away and spread her hands towards her... Ignoring at all. The city wall looked at his Lucian with eager eyes.

After all—for Sonia, this werewolf’s identity is just a slave under her father… At most, it is a slave leader… Others, he is nothing…

When the nightmare was about to approach Zhou Ye, Sonia jumped up from the nightmare's back, and threw herself into her man's arms like a swallow returning to her nest...

Sonia, who jumped into her man's arms, took off the steel helmet on her head, and then gave her teacher a sweet word of mouth...

After a while, he was speechless—Zhou Ye walked towards the hall with Sonia in his arms...

"Honey...I feel so fond of Nightmare, can you give it to me??"

"Of course there's no problem..." Zhou Ye has never been stingy with his wife...

Lucian stood in the shadows and hatedly watched the backs of the pair of men and women disappear in front of him...until an old voice woke him up.

"Lucian... It's the most stupid thing to have unreasonable fantasies about things that don't belong to you... Also, it seems that you are still on your stupid path, getting further and further... I think, you need some now Something to wash your mind..." Victor said quietly: "Come on, hang Lucian up and whip thirty whips..."

"Yes... Master..." Following Victor's order, several vampire soldiers rushed over and directly pushed Lucian to the ground... Soon, Lucian was tied to the execution rack. ... With the crisp sound of the leather whip hitting the flesh, Lucian's muffled humming can be heard endlessly...

"Time can always correct its own path in various ways..." Zhou Ye's eyes have seen the future through the long river of time... The current fight has laid the foundation for Lucian to turn out of the vampire clan...

"What are you talking about? Darling?" Sonia asked confusedly, her man's unfinished words made her a little confused.

"No, it's nothing..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, hugged Sonia's slender waist, and said, "Tomorrow we are leaving here. Today, you have to say goodbye to your father..."

"Well..." Sonia nodded gently, although she was a little reluctant to leave the hometown where she grew up, but—if it was compared with leaving her man, she was still reluctant to leave her man... ... the girls are looking out.

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217

Night - it was supposed to be quiet and peaceful...

But in the vampire castle of Lord Victor, the lights are bright at this time... Almost all the members of the vampire council are gathered here, they are dressed in gorgeous and solemn service, holding bloody red wine in their hands , gather together in twos and threes in the hall, or have a drink, or talk loudly.

In the center of the hall, there is a passage consisting of hundreds of candles with a length of more than one meter and the thickness of an arm—

Hundreds of large candles lit the entire hall as if it were daytime.

At the end of the hall, next to the throne that originally belonged to Victor, there was still a handsome young man sitting. It was none other than Zhou Ye...

He was sitting there holding a glass of wine. From time to time, members of the council came to him, congratulated him with humility, and congratulated him on the return of a beautiful woman...

In this regard, Zhou Ye can only deal with it...

Although it is said that little Sonia has already been eaten and wiped clean by Zhou Ye... But today is the wedding ceremony that Victor prepared for his daughter before parting.

According to normal European wedding customs, such a ceremony should be completed in a cathedral under the auspices of a priest...

But - don't forget, Victor is a vampire... Although his vampire is not from Cain's branch - but belongs to a mutant gene type... But vampires are mortal enemies of God, this is a conclusion long ago of……

Victor doesn't want to be beaten as a heretic by those religious lunatics... Although he has ambitions to rule Europe, he knows better that although he has a lot of undead warriors, but... facing the religions of the whole Europe Power, he's just a small fish... So, it's better to honestly hold your tail and be a human... Vampire's weakness is too obvious...

Hence this seemingly nondescript wedding...

However, Zhou Ye didn't care about it, or rather—weddings were sometimes a form of religion, at least for Zhou Ye...

Just when Zhou Ye was bored there, coping with the members of the council who kept running to harass him... In the room on the top floor of the castle, little Sonia was trying hard to put on her own man with the help of Debra. The gorgeous wedding dress prepared for her...

"Is it beautiful? Am I beautiful? Sister Debra..." Little Sonia was wearing a gorgeous wedding dress studded with thousands of small diamonds, happily spinning her figure in front of the large floor-to-ceiling mirror...

Debra looked at the beautiful girl who had grown into a young girl in front of her, and said enviously, "Sonia, you are the most beautiful scenery tonight..."

I have to say that it is good for girls to develop early, especially European girls. Sixteen years old is the most delicious

At the age of... Sonia at this time has a pair of long legs, plus a pair of big babies that are enough to look down on the females... The slightly curly long hair is draped over her shoulders, and her pretty face has a hint of childishness... Glittering Against the background of the white wedding dress, it looks so beautiful and moving...

Although Debra envied little Sonia, she was not jealous...because she knew that sooner or later her master would put on a wedding dress for her...that's just a matter of time...

After putting the last jewel-encrusted hair accessory on little Sonia's head, all the preparations for the wedding were done... But it wasn't over, Debra lightly placed it on her bracelet. After a light click, a small water droplet-shaped thing split from the bracelet. The little thing rose quickly, and then flew to the front of Sonia who had finished the bridal makeup, and started to circle around her from the top. Fly down to the bottom...

Faced with this little thing, the childish Sonya wanted to catch it with some fun... but was stopped by Debra.

"Don't move, it's a robot that takes 3D photos for you... You don't want to take pictures that are ugly because of your actions, right...?"

Hearing Debra's words, Sonia hurriedly put down the arm she wanted to catch the little thing, and then put on what she thought was the most beautiful expression... These things were given to them by her man... Sonya had played it quite a few times, and of course she knew that Debra wasn't trying to frighten herself.

The little thing circled around Sonia a few times. After completing the preliminary modeling, a purple light shot out from the front of it, like a printer scanning—scanning Sonia from top to bottom—this process It was repeated six times, of course from different angles... It is said to be slow, but it is actually very fast. The whole process only took less than ten seconds.

When the little thing completed her task and returned to Debra's wristband, a three-dimensional projection of Sonia appeared on Debra's wristband. Sonia gently turned herself with her fingers to ensure that she had three A hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, there is no place that is not beautiful...

There's no way, women, sometimes you're so obsessed with beauty...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, "Sonia...Are you ready?"

"Of course, father... you can come in..." Sonia motioned for Debra to turn off her wristband and said...

"Then I'm in..." Victor in a gorgeous dress walked in. He looked at his daughter and couldn't help feeling both happy and sad... What should I say, my daughter has grown up, but... Become someone else's...

However, the fact that her daughter can become the wife of such a powerful adult is also a good destination for her own daughter. Victor reluctantly wiped away the sadness in his heart, and politely said to Debra: "Miss Debra , can I be alone with my daughter for a while?"

"Of course..." Debra smiled slightly. Since she followed her master, no one in the entire castle dared to use her as a person. Everyone is polite...including the castle's master, Victor.

Whoops—off topic.

Debra smiled at Sonia, then walked out of the room knowingly, and gave the rest of the time to the father and daughter.

"Sonia, my daughter... I watched you grow from a child to a beautiful girl with joy, but I had to give your hand to your husband with sadness." Vic Saying more here, he sighed slightly. "I don't know much about your husband's family...but, I know--in the far east, where monogamy is not practiced, I'm really afraid that your temper will make you suffer in his family. Wronged……"

"Don't worry, father... What my dear told me will never make me feel wronged!" Facing her father's worries, Sonia smiled sweetly and comforted her father.

"I hope so..." After hesitating for a while, Victor said: "In view of your husband's wealthy family, any dowry I give you may be so insignificant in his eyes... So, I decided to take the six playmates you grew up with as a dowry, to accompany you as a dowry...Whether they are helpers to fight for favor, or friends to chat and relieve boredom, they can play an irreplaceable role..."

"Really? That's great... Father!" Sonia was so pleasantly surprised by this dowry... You must know how painful it was to defend against her own man with only her and Debra, she even had many times They all feel that they will die at the hands of their own men... Now, with six new troops, Sonia feels that she may be a lot easier...

Just when Sonia was elated, Debra's voice came from outside the door. "Your Excellency Victor, Miss Sonia, it's time for the wedding..."

"We should go... my daughter!" Victor took a deep breath, then stretched his arm to his daughter.

"Okay, father!" Sonia held her father's arm with a smile on her face. She would hand it over to her man by her father. This is an essential ceremony...

Chapter 1218

Chapter 1218

In the hall, Zhou Ye was restlessly resting his chin on his hand, weakly coping with the nobles in the dark night who always liked to get close to him, when suddenly a solemn and loud organ music sounded...

Zhou Ye was shocked when he heard that voice... He knew that this was the prelude to the wedding...

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