You must know that although this wedding has only started now, in fact, Victor has already started preparations three years ago...

Including Victor, in order to marry his only daughter Fengguangguang, three years ago, he sent a man from a large abbey near Paris to rob a giant pipe organ with more than 2,000 pipes made by craftsmen day and night in the castle... And Debra's maid who started training early...

Although Zhou Ye didn't deliberately ask about these preparations, with his superhuman five senses, how could anything in this castle be able to hide from him?

So, when Zhou Ye heard this loud organ music, Zhou Ye knew that the wedding was about to begin.

He smiled slightly, then stood up from his seat... The night nobles who originally wanted to come and have a relationship with Zhou Ye also retreated wisely. They knew that this is not the time to have a relationship...

With the solemn and unnamed pipe organ music, the door of the hall slowly opened...

Zhou Ye walked down the steps and walked towards the door...

Victor walked in with his daughter... Behind them were six pretty vampire girls in long white dresses, carrying Sonya's ten-meter-long wedding dress in their hands. ...

When Victor brought his daughter Sonia to Zhou Ye, he stopped his steps... Then grabbed his daughter's hand and put it in Zhou Ye's hand... He said solemnly: "Your Excellency Zhou Ye, I implore you... Be kind to my daughter... I am not begging you as a vampire lord, I am just begging you as an ordinary father... I beg you, don't let her be wronged... I beg you You put a happy smile on her face every day..."

"I will..." Zhou Ye held Sonia's hand tightly and nodded...

No matter how inhumane and paranoid Victor is... But his love for his daughter is sincere.


Sonia also looked at her father with red eyes... She was really moved by what her father said...

"Go, my darling—go to your husband's side, that's where you should be..." Victor smiled and said to his daughter—he knew, maybe this goodbye would be the only way to meet again Decades, even hundreds of years later... But, he can't do anything... Zhou Ye is too strong, and his inability to resist is one aspect. The most important thing is that he knows that his daughter Sonia has completely fallen in love with this. The mysterious and powerful wizard from the east, Zhou Ye...why does he bother to be such a bad guy?

In the movie, he refused his daughter's request so decisively because, in his mind, the guy who stole his most precious daughter was a slave, a beast... As a proud nobleman, how could he possibly What about agreeing to marry your daughter to such a guy?

But Zhou Ye is different... He comes from the mysterious Dongfang family and is a powerful mystic. For Victor, this is enough... He is already worthy of his daughter... This is also Wei The reason why Keto treats his daughter's marriage differently than in the movie.

"Dad..." Sonia couldn't help sobbing slightly, and she suddenly realized that from today onwards, she will no longer be a child, because - she is going to leave her home and become the wife of the man she loves deeply. Take on the responsibility of a wife...

Looking at the sad Sonia, Zhou Ye had a little headache, but fortunately, he knew that it is normal for a woman to cry before leaving home, but... Zhou Ye also has a way to let Sonia show it here. Make your own smile...

"Little cutie, you are so beautiful tonight..." Zhou Ye gently leaned into Sonya's ear and whispered, "If you don't believe me, all the stars are willing to perish because of your beauty, just to see more. You look at..."

Listening to her man's sweet words, Sonia couldn't help but let out a snort and laughed... This feeling of crying and laughing made Sonia feel that she was a little too rude, and couldn't help but lightly beat with her own hand. He glanced at Zhou Ye's shoulder and complained, "Bastard, he will lie to me..."

"I really didn't lie... If you don't believe me..." Zhou Ye said, stretched out his hand and waved slightly towards the ceiling... Suddenly, all the night nobles in the hall couldn't help but exclaimed—

"God...I feel like I saw a miracle..."

"Only Your Excellency Zhou Ye has such a powerful power..."

"God...if my husband can do this for me when I get married, I'd do anything for him!"

I saw—with Zhou Ye's arm waving, the ceiling of the hall seemed to disappear, and the brilliance of the stars entered the hall... Countless meteors dragged their long tails across the sky... That beautiful scene made everyone I couldn't help but widen my eyes...

"It's so beautiful... dear!" Sonia looked at the fallen stars in the sky, she couldn't help but murmured and asked, "My dear, is there anything you can't do?"

"Uh—have a baby!" Zhou Ye said a little embarrassedly.

"Bad..." Sonia shyly kissed Zhou Ye's cheek, then whispered in his ear: "It doesn't matter, I just happen to know what you don't know, and we can complement each other..."

"..." Zhou Ye has a feeling that he doesn't know what to say... Obviously, Sonia misunderstood what he said, but it doesn't matter - Sonia herself will know it in the future... They can't get his child. least not yet.

The two walk away

At the front of the hall, at this time-Victor was already standing in front of his seat, he was going to make a cameo role as a priest...presiding over his daughter's wedding, there was no way-who called vampires unbelievers in Christ? In other words, they themselves are enemies of Christ. Would you believe in your own enemies?

After a long and stinky wedding speech, Sonia finally became Zhou Ye's wife legally...

And then—the revelry begins...

Tonight, all the wine is enough, except for leaving the necessary guards on duty, all the soldiers can drink as much as they want... Even Victor generously gave his werewolf slaves extra meals...

Today - the werewolf slaves are no longer eating pig food with little water, but large pieces of meat...

Where did the meat come from, you ask? Ahem - wasn't that the day when Sonya killed hundreds of werewolves? The first generation of werewolves would not return to human form after death, so their bodies were recovered by the guards... anyway, they were eaten by slaves... who cares.

Zhou Ye took Sonya to deal with a few drinks in the hall, and then returned to his room... Compared with drinking with those guys who call themselves aristocrats of the night, Zhou Ye prefers to be a child with his own woman. inappropriate game...

It's just that today's game seems to be a little out of Zhou Ye's expectations...

"Dear... Don't take off your blindfold..." Sonia said as she quietly opened the door, gesturing to six pretty girls to come in quickly...

"Okay...Baby, what game do you want to play with me? Guess the name by touching someone?" Zhou Ye said, cheating a little, turning on some super senses, and through the smell and sound, the scene in the room was in his mind. An image formed in his mind.

Looking at the picture in his mind, Zhou Ye was immediately stunned... His little wife actually encouraged her six friends who grew up together to gather around... As he walked, he also let them disarm him And his well-behaved little maid was standing by with a smile, looking like she was watching a good show... What's the situation? ?

"Dear... Come to your senses, I will definitely defeat you today... Also, you are not allowed to take off your blindfolds unless I lift the order..." Sonia said in an exaggerated tone, facing her own eyes. The dowry maids made gestures to let them bravely rush up...

But it's the first time for these vampire chicks, they are always a little shy, you push me, I push you... No one dares to be the first person to eat crabs...

In the end, a black-haired girl with a good figure, biting her teeth and being cruel, became the first guy to eat crabs... With the first, there will be a second... When someone takes the lead, the rest will have Courage...this is called group courage...

But——What I have to say is that Sonya's plan to drain her man and let him beg for mercy completely went bankrupt... A guy who opened a cheating device made her understand one thing deeply... Sisters with a few digits are not enough... This is the lesson she has learned and the experience she has gained.

Chapter 1219

Chapter 1219

The rising sun of dawn gradually rose from the horizon—the morning sun sprinkled on the back of the vampire castle, bringing a ray of light to this dark castle.

At the front door of the castle where the sun did not shine, the vampire castle opened the castle gate in the daytime for the first time.

An exquisite four-wheeled black carriage was parked at the gate, and in front of the carriage were four sturdy pure white Arabian horses... Beside the carriage, the emblem of the Sonia family was engraved, and on the seat of the charioteer, Sitting there was a pretty girl in a black and white maid outfit. It was none other than Zhou Ye's personal maid, Debra.

It's just that Debra at this moment is a little different... She, who has always been full of energy, looks a little listless today, yawning from time to time, revealing that she must not have rested well last night...

With similar expressions to her, there are also six girls who follow the carriage body, wearing exquisite black armor... Each of them has soft light in their eyes, but——even with the armor, their stature still looks like water. a little tired...

"Father... let's go..." Although Sonia, who was standing beside Zhou Ye, looked tired, she still managed to keep her spirits high and said goodbye to her father...

"Go, come back and have a look if you have a chance..." Victor's spirit was not very good at this time, but he still put a smile on his face, like a loving father, explaining daughter who is about to marry. "This place will always be your home... baby!"

"Um..." Sonia nodded sadly...

Zhou Ye, who was standing beside Sonia, looked at Victor and asked strangely, "Did something happen last night? You don't look very good..."

Sonia didn't see Victor's strangeness because of her experience, but it didn't mean that Zhou Ye couldn't see Victor's strangeness.

"It's nothing... It's just that some slaves ran away in the early hours of the morning!" Victor actually didn't want to tell Zhou Ye about these things - but since Zhou Ye asked, he couldn't help but say it.

In Victor's view,... those werewolf slaves ran away because of the carelessness of the guards... This is a shame.

If only a few irrelevant werewolf slaves were run away, it would be nothing, but what made Victor the most angry-he thought that the loyal Lucian had also run away. It is said that Lucian led the To help the slaves escape...

This is simply slapping him in the face... For Victor, this is simply the best mockery of him...


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