Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222

On the high wall of the castle of the Duke of Brittany, Beatrice was sitting quietly with her mother in the stands, watching the knights compete.

The Knights Tournament is divided into three parts.

The first part is a procession of knights in costumes around the castle...

In the procession, there are also knights in full costumes. Of course, they just follow their masters to show their faces. The most important thing is the ladies in festive costumes in the procession.

They stood in the middle of the parade dressed in gorgeous costumes, and from time to time they winked at the onlookers, showing their style...

The knights who are eligible to participate in the competition parade are all recognized as the strongest knights in the region. Some of them participate in the knight competition for the sake of fame, some for the favor of ladies, and some are simply for making a fortune...

How to get rich? ?

It's very simple - in the Knights Tournament, as long as you defeat your opponent and capture him, then - everything he has will belong to you, his people, his horse, and even his equipment will belong to you... You can even ask the other party's family to pay the ransom...

You must know that your own set of knight equipment represents a high price in this era of poor handicrafts, plus the ransom that the other family is willing to pay for their knights... It can be said that getting rich overnight is not a dream...

As for fame, it's easier...

It can be said that the famous Marshall William Marshall in history made his head in the Knights Tournament. He won the favor of Charles II in the Knights Tournament and married a wealthy heiress to him. From a poor knight from an ordinary noble family, he became a young man with castles, territories and sisters.

The deeds of this so-called the most powerful knight marshal in the history of England in the 12th century inspired this group of hot-blooded knights, and they also wanted to go to the sky.

Of course, deeds like Marshal William are in the minority, but the knights who participated in the knight competition did not gain nothing. Many of them gained wealth, and many of them were favored by the ladies and became them. the guest of honor.

As for the losers? who cares about them... no one cares about the wailing of the losers...

In short - the Cavaliers have all sorts of good reasons to celebrate the Cavaliers Tournament, and for them, the Cavaliers Tournament is a place to grab money, gear, and women.

"Bailey, which of the knights below do you think fits your vision better?" A voice interrupted Beatrice's tranquility. She turned around and saw a middle-aged woman in a dress. , was standing beside her... It was none other than the wife of her uncle Pierre, Countess Pauline.

"No, they are too rude... I don't like them..." Beatrice shook her head and said.

"Really? I think they are very strong, especially the knight named Ellen who ranks first. I think he is very handsome..." Countess Paulina said with a turbulent face: "If he wins If so, I must ask him if he is willing to be my guardian knight..."

"...Shut up, Paulina..." Duchess Bellino, who was sitting beside her, gave her a stern look, "Beardoris is still young, she is not yet this age..."

"What's the matter... Anyway, she will know sooner or later... Besides, in another year, she will marry the Duke of Norfolk in England..." Obviously, Duchess Bellino's expression was not frightened. Paulina, she thought a little unwillingly.

"..." When Beatrice heard Paulina's words, she lowered her head in sadness... She knew that she had a marriage contract, and she was even set on this marriage contract when she was eight years old... This It was her duty as the daughter of the duke, and it was also her duty to the family...

But she really doesn't want to marry someone she has never met...even if this person holds the title of duke.

"God...where did those people come from? How dare they stop the parade??"

Just when Beatrice was sad, Paulina's startled voice caught her attention. Beatrice couldn't help but raised her head, bowed slightly and looked down the city...

I saw—the knights who were parading in costume had completely stopped because—in front of them, there were four knights blocking their way...

The four knights in black armor looked a little slender...not as big and thick as those knights, but—they stood in front of the costumed parade just like that...with no intention of giving way.

"Get out of the way—you little guys with small arms and calves... This is not the place for you to come, you should go back to your mother's arms at this time and eat nainai..." The leader, the one named Ellen The knight said carelessly.

"I hate people who talk big..." A crisp voice came from the armor, and then the leading black armored knight took off his helmet... A long curly hair was scattered, not Sonya, Who is it? "I heard that this is the knight competition, so can I win if I defeat you??"


"God—how dare she??"

"The battlefield of knights is not the place for you women, get out..."

"Beautiful lady, this is not where you should be, please get out of the way..."

Seeing Sonia's

When they were in their true colors, the group of guys suddenly boiled... Some of them spoke ill of each other, some yelled at them, and some even felt insulted... They pulled out their weapons and planned to teach this ignorant woman a lesson...

"Ma'am, I think you've got one thing wrong..." At the first sight of Sonia's face, Alan, who had been nasty to Sonia, immediately became polite, making people There was absolutely no way to associate the rude image just now with him.

"It's really hypocritical..." Sonia looked at the guy with a turkey tail stuck on his head, "Anyway, as long as I kill all the knights here, then I'll be the winner, right... …”

"Uh—that's probably what it means!" Allen said a little embarrassedly.

"Then don't talk so much nonsense... Let me see what you guys are capable of..." Sonia originally didn't want to kill, but she was annoyed by the slanderous words of these guys just now. now...

You must know that Sonia, who grew up in Victor's territory, lived a life like a princess, and no one dared to disobey her... But since Zhou Ye became his teacher, Zhou Ye managed to treat her well. The princess is sick... However, Sonia is just a little more obedient in front of her own men, especially after she has completely become Zhou Ye's woman, Zhou Ye dotes on her very much, and doesn't scold her too much, let alone scold her. ... At most, it's just a small pp.

Of course, Sonia just took this as a pleasure... never felt wronged.

But today, these ugly people dare to scold her? Still exporting dirty? Do you really think the little vampire princess won't get angry? Especially behind this little princess, there is still a Zhou Ye... Zhou Ye has always paid little attention to the lives of Europeans, so he indulged some of Sonya's temper...

Today-Sonia is going to explode... She will use the blood of these guys to write her prestige...

Chapter 1223

Chapter 1223

Sonia's words immediately caused a commotion from the knights...

"A woman who is so reckless... should be taught a lesson..."

"That's right, let her know that the Knights Tournament is not a place where she can go wild..."

"That's right, Sir Ellen, teach this woman a lesson and let her know... the war makes women go away..."

Hearing the clamor of the knights behind him, the knight Alan, who was the leader of the parade, was a little bit overwhelmed... He really had a feeling that he didn't want to fight, and he didn't want to fight... Hit a woman? Damage his reputation, but don't fight? It's easy to mistake him for a timid guy...

But soon, Allen didn't have to worry about it anymore, because Sonia made a big move to ridicule again...

"A group of soft bastards who can only sell their mouths and dare not act... You are also worthy of being called men??"

good guy-

As soon as Sonia said these words, the scene fell silent, and then the entire parade and the onlookers seemed to explode like a pot...

Even the ladies who were watching from the city walls cried out in loneliness...

"That's right, they're just a bunch of scumbags... Madam, please show us your victorious heroics..."

"Miss, you are really a role model for our women..."

Even in the beautiful eyes that even Beatrice looked at, the splendor continued...

It was the first time in her life that she saw such a strong woman, and it was the first time she saw a woman who dared to mock these mighty knights in front of a group of knights... That was the style of a woman she had never seen before, since For the first time since she was sensible, Beatrice felt her heart beating so fast...

"I'm sorry, this lady, for the glory of the knight... I have to fight, please take out your weapon, I'm going to attack you..." Allen said, turning to look at the lady on the city wall again They said loudly: "This victory is dedicated to you, beautiful Miss Beatrice..."

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