Although Aaron shouted so loudly, it is a pity that his wink was completely thrown to the blind man. At this time, the eyes of the ladies on the city wall had already been attracted by Sonia, and no one cared about his words...

"There's so much nonsense..." Sonia rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction, and then pulled down the mask on her helmet... It was a metal mask made of black metal, and the entire mask was cast into a smiling woman's face. The position of the eyes is a transparent lens made of two red spar... A strange smile, red eyes, and the whole mask looks strangely beautiful. "Show your weapons..."

"I'm sorry, ma'am..." Allen also pulled down the mask on his helmet at this time, and took his five-meter lance from his squire...

Then he grabbed the horse's belly, urged his beloved horse, and launched a charge towards Sonia, who was a hundred meters away...

"It's finally about to start..." The tone from Sonia's mask was so excited... She slammed her giant sickle, which was three meters and five in length... The blade of the sickle bounced straight, and instantly followed the giant sickle. The long handle formed a five-meter-long alien knight spear.

With the rapid acceleration of Sonia's crotch nightmare... the distance of 100 meters will be reached in an instant...

When Allen's lance was about to hit Sonia, Sonia exerted a little force, and gently moved her alien knight spear, and her weird knight spear slammed into Allen's spear shaft...

Allen only felt that the lance in his hand was hit by an unstoppable force, and with a clang, he almost couldn't hold his lance...

A wrong horse, the two went their separate ways... When Alan was thankful that he hadn't lost his weapon, he heard an exclamation from the crowd...


"Be careful……"

"Is that the devil's weapon?"

I saw that between the wrong horses, Sonia twisted her waist and backhanded... She swung her alien lance towards Allen's neck... During the swing, the lance in Sonia's hand changed back to the form of a giant sickle. Like cutting grass with a scythe, it cut to Ellen's neck...

By the time Allen felt wrong, it was too late...

A very big head soared into the sky... and Allen's beloved horse didn't know that his master was dead, and still ran with his master until - Allen's headless corpse fell to the ground. , it stopped its footsteps whining, it gently circled around the body of its master, kept arching the body of its master with its own scorpion, and wanted its master to get up again and ride to its own on the body...

With Ellen's death...

The entire knight competition became silent...


With the screams of a noblewoman, the knight competition resumed its noise again... Almost all the noble ladies sitting at the top of the city were screaming wildly, don't get me wrong, they were not frightened... In the Middle Ages, the dead This kind of thing can be said to be commonplace, these ladies are not afraid of a dead person...

The reason they screamed yes is because, as women, Sonia did what they couldn't...they were excited, they were happy...even they cheered for Sonia's was their first Once I saw a woman successfully challenge the authority of a man...

On the other hand, those knights scolded one after another...

"This is murder...this is eating Luoluo's murder..."

"This is a challenge to the knight class..."

"No, it's a challenge to the men... gentlemen, would you like to see a woman ride on our heads??"

"Kill her..."

"Yes, kill her..."

"The wailing of a defeated dog..." Facing these insults, Sonia retorted disdainfully with the words she had learned from her own man: "Apart from screaming like a bitch, do you do anything else??"

A emaciated knight shouted: "You are trampling on the glory of knighthood... You actually killed a knight with a farmer's weapon... This is..."

"What happened to the peasant's weapon? You can't even defeat the peasant's weapon, doesn't that're not even as good as the peasant?" Sonia responded disdainfully, "Knight? Bah!"

Sonia's words made the serfs laugh out loud, and if they had the opportunity to mock this group of noble knights, of course they would not miss it...

The ridicule of the serfs made the knights instantly angry... A burst of scolding came from the knight formation.

"Kill her... must kill her..."

I don't know which knight took the first step. The remaining seventeen knights took over their weapons from their squires, lined up in a scattered formation, and charged towards Sonia...

The sound of the seventeen war horses stepping on the ground at the same time made the ladies on the city wall pale... You must know that these knights are almost all heavy knights. The sound of them running at the same time makes the whole earth feel a little trembling...

"You are rascal..."

"What about your chivalry?"

"Stop your actions, you are murdering..."

However, the shouts of the ladies on the city wall did not stop these knights from charging. They were determined to kill Sonia. In order to maintain the dignity of the knight class, they also wanted to wash a dignified knight who was killed by The shame of a woman defeating...

However, will Sonya be afraid of them? In Sonya's view, these guys aren't even

For example, the werewolves who died in her own hands are powerful... Moreover, the actions of these knights are in line with her thoughts, forging their prestige with blood...

"Don't move, these guys are my toys..." After Sonia finished instructing the three maids behind her, she squeezed Nightmare's stomach between her legs and rushed towards the group of knights without hesitation...

Chapter 1224

Chapter 1224

"God...God..." Beatrice on the city wall clung to the city wall with both hands, staring at her beautiful eyes, watching the battle in front of the castle without blinking...

No, to say that the war is a bit too flattering for those knights, to be precise, it should be said to be a massacre... a scene of a woman slaughtering seventeen heavily armed and heavily armored knights...

Beatrice looked down. Sonia, who was wearing a gorgeous golden silk and black armor, was rampant among the knights, and she was invincible... Sonia's simple and powerful movements without losing beauty made Beatrice Heart beating wildly...

She felt that at this moment, she seemed to have found her purpose in life...

On the other side, John V, who was standing on the viewing platform in the middle, looked at the battle below and pondered...

He neither stopped the massacre nor ordered his guards to be on guard...because he saw the family crest behind the three black armored knights not far behind Sonya, which belonged to Lord Victor's family. emblem.

"Is this the Black Armored Army of Lord Victor? It's really amazing..." John V muttered, different from his daughter's focus, what John V saw was the sharpness of the scythe in Sonya's hand... …

Those knights in heavy armor are as helpless as unarmed farmers under Sonia's scythe. The thick armor on their bodies cannot give them any sense of security...whether it is Anywhere, as long as Sonia's scythe crossed, the heavy armor on those knights was torn open like a thin layer of parchment, and blood spurted out from where the armor was torn... …

And Sonia, who was wielding the scythe, didn't have the slightest hint of reluctance... Obviously, the scythe was unbelievably sharp.

You know, in the plate armor of those heavy armored knights, there is still a layer of chain armor... The protection of double armor can be said to be the top level in this era, otherwise, it is not There will be a saying that the heavy armored cavalry is invincible in the world.

But the so-called heavy armor of these knights was like a leaf in front of Sonia, being ravaged at will...

This had to make John V fall into contemplation——

Has Victor Colin made a breakthrough in smelting? So they are so great? ?

Moreover, the so-called Lord Victor's night iron army is invincible at night and never stops during the day, and it is also broken at this moment...

Just as John V pondered, the slaughter under the city was over...

If it wasn't for Sonia who wanted to play for a while, these dozen or so weak chickens could be cleaned up in a blink of an eye... You know, like Selena, she enjoys the existence of a single drop of her man's golden blood...

On the scene, when only Sonia was left to ride there and show off her power... The city broke out with the most enthusiastic cheers since the start of the game... At this moment, the ladies forgot what guardian knights and what knights love ... They were just desperately cheering for Sonia, cheering that she had easily defeated more than a dozen knights... At this moment, not only the victory of Sonya, but the victory of all women...

Among the cheers at the top of the city, Beatrice shouted the loudest.

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