


In the end, almost everyone shouted in unison, the word [Valkyrie——]...

As for those dead knights? Hehe... no one will remember the losers, and... these are normal things in the knight's assembly, if you want to get revenge, you have to wait until the squires of the dead knights return to their master's family , in order to get revenge... But with the bad traffic conditions here, it is estimated that they will not be able to run back and forth within half a month...

However, the entire knight competition will take almost one to two months to be held, so there is no need to be afraid that the nobles will not be able to come and take revenge in time...

Of course, it is precisely because of this situation that the general knight competition will be held in a sparsely populated suburb, or simply held in the wilderness...

It is precisely because of this that John V did not hold a knighthood competition in front of his palace, which is a downtown area... It is also a last resort to choose this family castle on the outskirts of the city...

There has been such a case, because the location of the knight competition was chosen in the downtown area, and finally because of the feuding world in the competition, the frantic revenge of the nobles almost destroyed the entire prosperous city block.

John V didn't want his city to end up like this...

Cough-cough - far away...

At this moment, Sonia, who had already completed her feat of one-to-seven picks, was standing in front of the castle with pride. When she was receiving the cheers from the crowd, a voice suddenly came, which made her tremble a little...

"Dear Sonia baby, it looks like you're having a good time..."

It was just these unhurried words that made Sonya's heart tremble... Because the person who said these words was not someone else, but her man Zhou Ye...

In fact, Zhou Ye had already arrived here, but he was too lazy to spoil his women because of these European barbarians, so he simply sat in the crowd and ignored the massacre... But since Sonia has already Enough of the trouble, then Zhou Ye plans to take her away...

"Dear..." Sonia hurriedly turned her face, took off her helmet, and gave her man a flattering smile. "It's not that I want to bully them, it's them who scold me first..."

"Well, I know, that's why I didn't stop you from killing them..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "But now you've finished venting... Should we leave here??"

"But... I haven't received my reward yet..." Although Sonia thought so much, she didn't dare to go against her man's words. As soon as she pulled the reins of Nightmare, she would follow her man away. here……

Zhou Ye's appearance made the ladies on the city wall exclaim again... They have never seen such a handsome young man before, so it can be said that if possible, they are really willing to give everything to spend time with this young man. At night, even sending troops to take him to his castle, he would not hesitate.

It's a pity that this young man is the man of the Valkyrie. Just by looking at that Valkyrie's ingratiating smile at the young man, they know that they are out of play...

On the other hand, Beatrice clenched her teeth tightly, holding the solid boulder on the city wall in her hand - she had a feeling of indifference, why - why... you are so powerful, yet To leak such a smile to a man? Although this man is a little more handsome... but that's not the reason why you please him...

You should be more proud, you should be dismissive of that man...

That little white face must have charmed you—it must be like this...

Thinking of this, Beatrice couldn't help but glared fiercely at Zhou Ye, the existence of the goddess of war who had charmed her in her mind.

"Huh—?" Zhou Ye is so sensitive to breath...

He felt this deep and malicious gaze in an instant, and following the feeling, Zhou Ye looked at the owner of that gaze...

Just this one glance, Zhou Ye was stunned, she was actually a girl, and a very beautiful girl... This Nima was embarrassed.

Zhou Ye has felt envious, jealous and hateful gazes too much, but they are almost all from the same sex, and it is the first time that Zhou Ye feels the malicious gaze from the opposite sex. Could it be that his charm has disappeared? ? ?

But what about her... Zhou Ye is really too lazy to care about a woman...

"Okay, let's go..." Zhou Ye said, and he was about to leave here with Sonia... The Knights Tournament, just watch the fun... There's no need to be serious.

However, just when Sonia pushed the nightmare under her crotch and planned to leave here with her man, a voice sounded from the head of the city. "Excuse me, this lady knight, what is your relationship with Lord Victor??"

Chapter 1225

Chapter 1225

The one who asked this sentence was none other than John V sitting on the observation deck.

The reason he used such a polite tone was because he wanted something from Sonia... Let's put it this way, Corporal Li Xian, he must have something...

"I'm Sonia, Victor is my father, who are you?" Hearing John V's words, Sonia stopped her steps temporarily and looked up.

"This is the Duke of Brittany, the ruler of the Duchy of Monfort, the owner of the Brittany Peninsula, His Royal Highness John V!"

It was not John V who answered Sonya's question, but the attendant next to him... the messenger dressed like a clown.

"..." Sonia was speechless for a while, you have so many titles, are they useful to me? "Oh...is there something wrong?"

John V was still waiting for Sonya to be polite to him, but after waiting for a long time, he got a [Is there something wrong? 】... This made him have to cough twice in embarrassment...

However, he also knew that the title of Duke sounded very catchy, but that was just a catchphrase. Strength represents everything... Obviously Victor is not false at all, otherwise he would not be able to move him... From Sonia's attitude, John V can basically judge Victor's attitude towards him what an attitude.

After sorting out his mood, John V asked again: "Miss Sonia, are you here to participate in the knight competition?"

"Yeah...but haven't I already won the first place?" Sonia asked strangely.

"Cough cough..." John V was speechless for a while, and he didn't know what to say. Fortunately, his daughter helped him clear the siege: "No, in fact, Miss Sonia, the knight competition has just begun. In the opening parade, there are also various competitions, including horse competitions, ground competitions, and empty-handed fights... Wouldn't it be a pity that you just left?"

Hearing Beatrice's words, Sonia was moved again, and she launched a star-eye cuteness attack on her man again... Zhou Ye was defeated, and was defeated... "Come as you think, Sonia. baby……"

"It's great, thank you dear..." Sonia leaned forward happily, and a loud snort came on her man's cheek.

"Since Miss Sonia is planning to participate in the knight competition, it's better to stay in the castle temporarily, so that you can better watch the competition..." Beatrice said this, her heartbeat was fast, she was really afraid that she would It would be embarrassing to be rejected by Sonia...

"No need..." Zhou Ye interrupted Sonia before she could finish her sentence.

"That's great... We just didn't bring a tent..." Zhou Ye said—he is now a little interested in this woman who hit him... He was curious, what would this girl do?

Sonia looked at her man in a daze, what are you kidding? When they were camping outside, when did they live in tents? Didn't he live in his own magic carriage all the time? The place in the carriage with a size of more than 300 square meters is enough for them to live very comfortably...

Although Sonia has all kinds of questions, she is smart enough not to question her man's words. She knows that - her man has his plans... It's better not to disrupt the layout of her own man... Save pp suffers.

On the other side, although Beatrice on the city wall was a little unhappy, she replied that it was the little white face, but the excitement of being able to get in close contact with the Valkyrie she longed for diluted this slight unhappy, she was getting The first time Zhou Ye answered, he hurriedly turned his head and ordered the guards behind him. "Quick, open the gates of the castle...Welcome our distinguished guests!"

The guards looked at John V with some embarrassment. It wasn't until John V nodded slightly that they quickly ran down. As they ran, they ordered the gate of the castle to be opened, and Zhou Ye and others were welcome to enter...

"Master, have you fallen in love with that beautiful young lady?" Debra, who was sitting behind Zhou Ye, leaned gently beside her master's ear, and said with a low voice, "I guess this beautiful young lady is absolutely I can't escape your grasp!"

"Haha...you guessed it wrong now, this beautiful young lady doesn't like me, but Sonia!" Zhou Ye replied in a low voice with a smile.

"...How could it be??" For Debra, same-sex love is still a little too profound and difficult to understand...

At this moment, the gate of the castle in front of Zhou Ye opened... Everyone rode their horses into the duke's castle one after another.

After handing over the horses to the soldiers, Zhou Ye and the others walked up the wall under the guidance of the attendants...

After some tedious introductions to each other, Zhou Ye and others joined the city wall to watch the battle...

Of course, Sonia was directly dragged away by Beatrice... Zhou Ye didn't care about that... He had absolute confidence that his woman would not be broken...

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