So Zhou Ye took Debra and sat next to the main seat, chatting nonsense with John V... while Sonia took her six maids and got into the bunch of ladies of the Duchess.

"Sonia, you are so powerful, why would you marry a playboy??" As soon as Beatrice came up, she planned to wave her little hoe and dig Zhou Ye's corner... "Don't deny it, I can see that the maid behind the guy is looking at him wrong... Although this guy has a face that makes angels jealous, but..."

"To shut up……"

Before Beatrice could finish speaking, she was reprimanded by Sonia...

For Sonia, she can tolerate others blaming her, but she absolutely cannot tolerate the man who is blaming her... That is her man, the man who taught her since childhood, the man who occupied her body and mind, he It was everything to her, and she would never allow others to speak ill of him. "What do you know?? Do you know how powerful the dude in your mouth is? Do you know how much the dude in your mouth loves me? Do you know how much I love the dude in your mouth? You don't have anything I know... so, please shut up your dick!"

Sonia's merciless words made Beatrice feel very wronged all of a sudden. Seeing her eyes turn red... Tears are about to fall...

The Duchess of Bellino hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Miss Sonia, Belle didn't mean it... In fact—she just wanted to know why you love your husband so much... I'm for her Misuse of words, apologies..."

"It's nothing..." Although Sonia knew that Duchess Bellino was forcibly explaining, but—everyone carries the bridal sedan chair, sometimes there is no need to make things so bad, and besides... Sonia has a princess disease. , but she is not stupid after all. "I love my husband deeply and I am so proud of him... It is because of his existence that I can be so happy..."

"Then what's so good about him??" Beatrice asked a little unwillingly...

"Hehe..." Sonia rolled her eyes at Beatrice, she was going to make a big move... What's the difference between a man's life and a salted fish? ?

So, Sonia plans to show off her man in front of this group of ladies...

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226

"My man...his family is very rich...there are tens of thousands of soldiers in his family...he is proficient in astronomy and geography, he knows all the truths in the world..."

Before Sonia could finish her words, she was interrupted by Beatrice, who was not convinced... "Ms. Sonia, aren't you defending your husband? A family with tens of thousands of soldiers? Your Could your husband be from a royal family in the East??"

It's no wonder that Beatrice is so picky. You must know that in medieval Europe, almost all those with tens of thousands of standing troops could be called great powers. The total number of soldiers employed was less than one million.

Look at it, the soldiers used in total, not the soldiers used in one battle...

In fact, the two countries on the European continent that claim to be big powers used only about 100,000 soldiers in a war, and they still used a lot of mercenaries. There is a difference between mercenaries and a country's standing troops. ...

It really looks like a professional soldier of later generations. In Europe during this period, each country died at most no more than 30,000...

It's not that these countries don't want to raise professional soldiers, they really can't afford to raise them... Just the terrible agricultural foundation in Europe? If they want to raise tens of thousands of standing troops, they have almost drained the last silver coin in their treasury... They are more mobilizing serfs and knights to participate in the war during the war.

Therefore, according to what Sonia said, the Zhou Ye family had tens of thousands of soldiers, so Beatrice, who thought she had caught the pain, targeted her...

"Cut--! Xia insects can't speak ice..." Sonia heard Beatrice's thorns, and said disdainfully in Chinese that she learned from her own man.

"What does this mean??" Beatrice looked bewildered... Is this a language? ?

"It's their language I learned from my husband..." Sonia did a popular science for Beatrice with bad intentions. "It means that a bug that can only live for one summer, how can you know the scenery in winter??"

"You..." Beatrice's chest heaved with anger... She understood this sentence, which meant that she was laughing at her ignorance...

However, before Beatrice could speak, her mother, the Duchess Bellino, interrupted her, "This is a philosophical statement, may I ask...Miss Sonia, your husband was born in the East. The mysterious empire?"

The Duchess of Bellino knew very well that her husband wanted to win over the couple, so she came out to smooth things out... Moreover, she also saw a bad sign from the depths of her daughter's eyes, and wanted to try her best to bring it back. This bad sign is wiped away...

"Yes... ma'am!" Since she was friendly, Sonia didn't mind showing her demeanor, it wasn't her who was angry anyway. "My husband, he comes from that mysterious transition in the East, he said... His country is thousands of miles in size, with a million armor... billions of subjects... There, the supreme ruler is called the emperor..."

" what that Venetian said true?? In the far east, there really is an incomparably powerful empire...?"

Listening to Sonia's remarks, many noble ladies couldn't help covering their little smirks and said in surprise.

The Venetian they were talking about was the great traveler who wrote [Marco Polo Travels], Marco Polo...

In fact, although Marco Polo wrote books about what he saw and heard after returning to Europe, and it became popular throughout Europe, most of these nobles regarded Marco Polo's books as novels, after all People - if you haven't seen it, you always think that what you've heard, including what's written in the book, is fake...

But today, for the first time, these ladies saw a living oriental man and listened to his wife tell them about the could they not be surprised?

"Of course it's true..." Seeing the surprised expressions of the ladies, Sonia and proud raised their little faces. "Everything about me is taught by my husband..."

"Miss Sonia... I'm sorry to interrupt... You said that your husband taught you everything? Does it also include your fighting skills??" A lady asked curiously.

"That's right..." Sonia said without hesitation, "My fighting skills are compared to my husband's... um—"

Sonia pondered, trying to find a suitable word to describe her husband's strength, but in the end she didn't find any suitable metaphor, and finally had to say: "Let's put it this way, if I compete with my husband...if If he is serious, he can make me completely admit defeat with just one finger..."

"...God...Aren't you really exaggerating your husband's force?"

"I can't believe that there are such powerful people in this world..."


When the ladies heard Sonia's words, they couldn't help but marvel... They had just seen Sonia's power. It can be said that in their minds, Sonia can already be called the most powerful knight in this era. Well...even though she's a woman...

Since, Sonia is already so powerful? So how powerful is her husband who can beat Sonia with one finger? ? They can't imagine...

Among the group of amazing ladies, there are two people who are quite quiet... One is Duchess Bellino, and the other is her daughter, Miss Beatrice...

From Duchess Bellino's point of view, Sonia's words may be a bit watery, but—— Zhou Ye's strength is definitely beyond doubt...

In the eyes of Miss Beatrice, Sonia must be lying... She must be trying to cover up her husband's incompetence, so she is desperately trying to add a halo to her husband... This just shows that Sonia is love her husband so much...

However, it was this that made Beatrice feel uncomfortable for a while...

As the focus of the whole party, Sonia, with a smile on her face, enjoyed the praise of the ladies...

She knows that these ladies may believe her words, or they may not believe it at all... But so what? Anyway, she's here to show men... She just needs to tell the truth and make them jealous and jealous. As for the rest, Sonia doesn't care...

On the other side, Zhou Ye, who was sitting beside John V, was also dealing with a certain Duke's inquiry.

"Mr. Zhou, since—Sonia is your wife, why did you let her participate in this knight competition? You know, in the competition, all kinds of accidents will inevitably happen... In case your wife... Vic The multi-lords will definitely be very angry."

Although John V's words were not finished yet, Zhou Ye already understood what he meant... Since she is your wife, aren't you afraid that she will be injured in such a savage sport as the Knights Tournament? ? Aren't you afraid that your daughter-in-law's father will come over and ask the guilt?

"Haha..." Facing John V's words, Zhou Ye just smiled slightly. "For Sonia... these so-called knights can't hurt her at all. Since she likes to play, as a husband who loves her, how can I restrain her?"

"..." It makes sense, but I was speechless.

After pondering for a moment, John V decided that it is better to go straight to the point, otherwise - if he goes around in circles, the guy in front of him will follow him to death. "Do you trust your wife so much because of the magical armor she wears??"

Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227

"Is that suit of armor a dowry given to his daughter by Lord Victor??" John V asked eagerly.

In his opinion, if he can get these magical equipment, then maybe he can arm a small elite knights, not everyone is as skilled in martial arts as Sonia, as long as there is a general average level, you can get rid of the current situation The British and French control themselves and completely gain independence.

In this era when more than 10,000 troops can be called a large-scale battle, there are 1,000 knights armed with this kind of invulnerability, cutting armor like melons and vegetables, basically defending the Brittany Peninsula completely. No problem at all.

"No...that's what I gave to my wife..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, this kind of armor made of Edman's metal, he couldn't make it even if Victor was exhausted... Besides, if it wasn't Sonia and the others have been transformed by his blood, and their bodies have been greatly strengthened. If they want to wear this armor, it is simply wishful thinking...

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