You must know that Wolverine weighs 88 kilograms just with an Edman metal skeleton, while Sonia's whole body armor weighs more than 160 kilograms, and the normal full body knight armor is only 30 to 40 kilograms... Six times, what kind of knight can wear it? ?

However, it was obvious that the Duke of Brittany, John V, did not know the shortcomings of these armors. When he heard that Sonia's full-body armor was actually presented by Zhou Ye, his eyes lit up instantly. "Then—is Mr. Zhou interested in starting a business? I want to buy a lot of equipment of the same quality as the armor you gave to your wife..."

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled and shook his head slightly.

Seeing Zhou Ye's actions, John V was a little anxious, of course - he didn't think Zhou Ye didn't want to sell him, but that Zhou Ye thought he couldn't afford it...

In fact, in Europe during this period, many lords held the title of earl and duke, and the poor were everywhere...

After all, they almost all rely on the land they entrusted to survive, plus their luxurious life, they can hardly save any money, and even some prodigal things are completely living by borrowing from businessmen... In this era, the bankrupt nobles are not absent... but everywhere.

Noble, really does not mean rich...

"Although the financial situation of the Principality of Brittany is not very good, I believe that I still have the money to buy your equipment..." John V was already anxious. In his opinion, these equipments are Brittany Guarantee of the independence of the Principality of Nigeria...

To put it badly, John V was ready to be slaughtered by Zhou Ye... However, what disappointed him was that even though he had said so, Zhou Ye was still shaking his head...

Is Zhou Ye short of money? This is almost a sure answer... Not bad for money, especially in this day and age - the gold in Zhou Ye's bracelet can be used as hard currency... It can be said that Zhou Ye paid Sonia to marry him. Victor's full twenty tons of gold...

money? Zhou Ye is really not bad... Besides, if you use money to measure Edman alloys, it is estimated that if you sell the entire Duchy of Brittany, you will not be able to exchange for a set of armors made of Edman alloys...

This thing is so valuable...

Of course, Zhou Ye couldn't say so bluntly [You can't even get me a set of armor even if you sell your duchy]... He would say that, either because of his emotional intelligence, or because Zhou Ye wanted to deliberately provoke a dispute. To occupy this principality...

Is Zhou Ye interested in this duchy? Cough-cough-I really have no interest... The entire peninsula has less than 100,000 residents, and there are mountains, forests and wilderness everywhere... Why do you occupy this place? Play a realistic version of European Conquest...

Facing the already anxious John V, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, turned his head and instructed his maid Debra, "Go to the sword guard and bring a suit of armor and a weapon..."

"As you wish, Master!" Debra smiled slightly and walked towards the gathering area of ​​ladies where Sonya was...

" are..." John V looked at Zhou Ye with some confusion. He didn't know what Zhou Ye meant by asking his maid to bring a suit of armor and weapons...

"Please wait a moment...I will give you an answer!"

"Okay..." When John V heard Zhou Ye's words, he could only hold back his eagerness, sat in his seat, and waited quietly.

It was not too late, Debra came over with a set of black armor and a knight's sword. She took it off from Sonya's maid... Of course, she was still wearing normal clothes under the armor, of course not. She would reveal her body or something. After all, she was Zhou Ye's woman. Zhou Ye didn't have the habit of letting others appreciate his woman's body.

Zhou Ye saw that Debra had completed his order, so he was not in a hurry to say anything, but turned to look at John V and said, "Your Excellency Duke, who is the bravest knight under your command??"

"..." Although King John V didn't quite understand what Zhou Ye meant, he still looked to his side, and a burly man in half-armor said, "The bravest knight under my command is, of course, Lord Wright... …”

Hearing the call of his lord, the burly Lord Wright stepped forward and stood beside John V, "Your Highness, I would like to serve you..."

"Okay, just this Lord Wright..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then turned to Debra and instructed: "Go, give the armor to Lord Wright..."

"Okay master!" Debra nodded slightly, then resisted the smirk's smile, walked to the Lord Wright, reached out and handed over the armor in her hand...

"This—!" Wright looked at Zhou Ye with some confusion, and then looked at his master... What does this mean? Do you want to give this armor to yourself? But——this smaller armor is obviously worn by a could he possibly wear it with his size? ?

Although hesitant, Wright reached out and took the armor and the knight's sword from Debra...

"It's a bit heavy, please be careful..." Zhou Ye reminded.

"Don't worry, Wright is the strongest in our Duchy of Brittany..." John V had not finished his words... In the end, he heard a [bang]—the sound of metal hitting the ground... Then, the sight in front of him A scene made John V feel dumbfounded...

I saw—the most valiant knight under his subordinates, with a flushed face, was pulling the pair of knight armor that looked one size smaller... and that pair of armor fell to the ground at this moment, and was paved by boulders. On the ground, a crack has been smashed by the armor...

Is this—does it count as being slapped in the face by the speed of light? ? ?

Chapter 1228

Chapter 1228

"...Wright, what are you doing??" John V was so angry that he almost jumped up. He just said that Wright was the most powerful knight in his duchy, but he turned his face and his face was swollen... Nima Yes, don't bring the chain off your master like this...

At this moment, John V has the heart to kill Wright...

And what about Knight Wright? ?

He is also very aggrieved...

To be honest, when he looked at the oriental boy's maid holding the armor with ease, he still had a disdainful feeling. In his opinion - the armor that can be carried by a woman, then What can be a good armor? ?

You must know that even the most inferior full-body armor is close to 40 kilograms... This weight is definitely not something that a weak and weak maid can easily carry.

However, when he took over the armor from Debra's hand - as soon as Debra let go, he instantly felt that he was not holding a pair of knight armor, but a boulder... an overweight boulder...

What is the concept of one hundred and sixty kilograms? That's three hundred and twenty pounds... and the burly Wright is only two hundred pounds. It would be too embarrassing for him to use one hand to lift something half his own weight...

But—— these are not reasons. Facing his master's scolding, Wright could only blushed and picked up the knight armor that fell on the ground with both hands...

Well, with both hands, Wright finally picked up the knight armor that fell on the ground... But, this is already his limit... Want him to move easily like Debra? It's something you don't even think about...

"..." At this time, John V also understood the taste a little... This armor doesn't seem to be heavy... What the hell, is it true...?

Of course, John V would not think that his subordinates were deceiving him together with Zhou Ye, but——faced with Wright's exaggerated expression, John V was a little bit unconvinced...

But it's okay, John V has his own way...

"Can this lady show me the knight's sword in your hand?" John V asked Debra, who was still holding a knight's sword.

"..." Debra looked at her master speechlessly, but what about Zhou Ye? Of course I don't mind completely dispelling this duke's unrealistic thoughts... So I nodded lightly.

"Okay, Your Excellency!" Debra said, holding up the knight's sword in her hand and handing it to John V...

"..." When John V took over the knight's sword that looked no different from an ordinary knight's sword in Debra's hand, his hands couldn't help sinking... My dear, it must weigh 20 kilograms, right? How could those women swing such a heavy weapon? ?

At this time, John V has already determined that his loyal, poor Lord Wright is not acting... This special code is really so heavy...

Thinking of this, John V looked at Lord Wright who was still standing there holding the armor, and said with some pity: "Wright, put that armor down..."

"Yes, yes... Your Highness!" After Wright said this, he didn't hold his breath, the armor in his hand could no longer be held, and with a bang - bang - bang, the armor fell to the ground. ...another poor boulder was smashed...

"This—is this really the armor your subordinates wear??" John V was really suspicious. Is such a heavy armor really worn by humans? And still a woman? ? Isn't this kidding me? ?

"Go and call Yvonne, put on her armor and show it to our Duke..." Zhou Ye didn't explain anything to John V... It's easier to speak with facts. As for why Zhou Ye knew Who does this armor belong to? That's because the collars of the armors have their respective names.

"Okay, master!" Debra smiled slightly, turned around again and walked towards the lady's area...

Soon, a tall and gorgeous girl with silver hair came over... As soon as she came over, she saw her armor that had been thrown on the ground, and immediately ran over in distress, picked up her armor, dissatisfied He complained: "Who threw my armor on the ground... Don't you know that armor is the second life of a knight??"

"..." Facing Yvonne's complaint, the knight of Wright, who claims to be the most courageous in the Principality of Brittany, blushed his cheeks...

He has already seen the way Evani easily picked up the armor...Comparing his performance just now, Wright has an urge to pull out his sword and wipe his neck to commit suicide...If it weren't for Christianity, suicide would not go to heaven , he might have actually committed suicide... It's really embarrassing.

He is not as good as a famous woman————

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