"Okay, Ivani..." Zhou Ye smiled and reassured: "Your armor will be thrown on the ground because the Wright Knight just now was careless, don't complain..."

"He??" Evanie glanced disdainfully at Wright, who was standing beside him, with his head bowed and drooping... If you think about it, you know what's going on... It's just that she thought that her armor was nothing special, but it turned out to be covered by the armor. Weight has taught me how to be a man...

"Okay, put on your armor here..." Zhou Ye was really afraid that Evani would say something like [don't be brave if you don't have the ability] [a man like a weak chicken] and the like that would irritate Knight Knight. If you really said these words, if you don't say that, the Latt Knight will really jump off the city wall and apologize to death - it's good to slap the face and play, it's boring to cause people's lives...

In the face of Zhou Ye's orders, Ivani really didn't dare to be presumptuous... She was really afraid that Zhou Ye would teach her a lesson... Of course, that kind of lesson was not about beating or scolding, but the family law that she loved and feared...

"Okay, master!" Ivani nodded at Zhou Ye, and then began to put on her armor in front of John V——

With the help of Debra, Evanne put on the armor in just two minutes... After all, it is an optimized full-body riding armor, which is not as laborious to wear as the medieval knight armor...

John V actually felt that he had miscalculated this time when Evanie picked up the armor, but he was still a little unwilling to give up. He wanted to see if there would be any miracles... But it turned out that miracles did not will not appear...

When the fully-armed Evanie put on her armor, she took two steps forward - looking straight at John V.

"Cough cough... This lady, what's the matter?"

Of course, John V wouldn't think that Evanie was interested in him, no - to be precise, even if Evanie was really interested in him, he wouldn't dare to... In case of a fight, Evanie could kill him with a slap in the face ...

"Your Excellency, you still have my sword in your hand!" Ivani said without hesitation.

"Ah... I'm so sorry!" John V said, and hurriedly handed the knight's sword, which weighed more than 20 kilograms, to Ivani with both hands... There was no way, he couldn't lift it with one hand... …

"Thank you..." Ivani took her knight's sword and turned it around easily - then looked at Zhou Ye. "Master... If it's all right, then I'll go back to the lady first..."

"Well... let's go!" Zhou Ye nodded, and Evanne stepped forward, walking towards her young lady...

"That..." At this time, John V was really embarrassed to death. He wanted to buy other people's equipment, but he found out that even if other people's equipment was given to him, he might not be able to find someone who could wear it... This Ni Ma...

Just when John V didn't know what to say to ease the embarrassing scene, a servant dressed in gorgeous service quickly ran over and whispered a few words directly in John V's ear... …

"What----!! How dare he..." John V stood up in shock when he heard the waiter's words.

Chapter 1229

Chapter 1229

Zhou Ye was sitting not far from John V. Although the attendant's voice was extremely low, he did not hide it from his ears.

[Lord Lorraine has already left. Before leaving, he angrily accused Your Highness that you have no intention of sharing the worries of His Majesty Charles VI... He also said that next time, he will come with the army...]

The above is the whisper that Zhou Ye heard the attendant whispering in John V's ear...

Zhou Ye knew that Charles VI was the current ruler of the Valois dynasty and the king of France. It's just that this king was a bit miserable. He lost the battle with Britain and had to sign the Treaty of Troyes, which was almost a subjugation agreement... It can be said that he is the most failed monarch among the Valois dynasties. ,none of them.

But—what does this have to do with Zhou Ye? He has no interest in the war between these two countries... In Zhou Ye's opinion, the harder the two countries fight, the better... The more people who die, the better...

And John V, who heard the news on the other side, is really shocked and angry now...

He originally threw the Count of Lorraine in Nantes, the capital of the duchy, because he wanted to let the king's special envoy hang out a little, at least when he asked him to speak, he should not speak so loudly, and he could leave a little leeway...

However, I didn’t expect—the young king’s envoy was so impatient, and left as soon as he disagreed... Obviously, the next step—maybe the Principality of Brittany is about to usher in a war...

Do you want to ask King Henry V for help? After all - the Duchy of Brittany is now nominally British territory...

But——this idea just passed through John V's mind for a while, and immediately gave up the idea...

There are two reasons why the Duke of Brittany gave up this idea. First, if he asked Henry V for help, it would mean that he would submit to the banner of Henry V, which was committed to It is unacceptable for John V to remain independent.

Second, although Brittany was assigned to England, Brittany's borders are bordered by all parts of France... If he really asks for help like Henry V, then he will be regarded as a traitor by the surrounding lords... ...that's the worst.

War, John V is not afraid to fight with France - but, he can't fight...

Don't look at the French can't beat the British, but - that doesn't mean, Brittany

Can also stand alone against the French army, if Brittany had such war potential, he would have declared independence long ago...

This——, it's really embarrassing to die for the Duke of Brittany...

At this moment, John V suddenly saw Zhou Ye sitting next to him, leisurely, his eyes suddenly lit up... "Mr. Zhou Ye, how many attendants did you bring with you on this tour of Europe??"

John V didn't ask for too much. As long as Zhou Ye brought a thousand or so attendants, he would be worth the Valois dynasty... He estimated that even if it was a war, the Valois dynasty could gather 20,000 soldiers. Even if it is a lot, after all - France has just experienced the Hundred Years' War, and the land is devastated, where are there so many soldiers...

Don't look at the fact that there are only more than 20,000 French soldiers, but - John V couldn't even afford more than 20,000 soldiers... No way, medieval Europe was a bad time.

"Haha..." Zhou Ye understood John V's thoughts in seconds. He smiled slightly and said, "Does Your Excellency the Duke want to hire my attendant to participate in this war??"

"...Yes, Mr. Zhou Ye! I want to hire your entourage to help me win this war." John V couldn't help but figure out why Zhou Ye knew what he wanted to do. The idea of ​​how to deal with this coming war. "Do you have a thousand attendants? Are they all powerful knights equipped with that kind of super armor?"

"...You..." Zhou Ye just wanted to refuse the employment of John V, after all—he was not interested in helping foreigners fight... But when he heard a melodious voice from the Lady's District in his ear After the voice, he instantly changed his mind. "Of course there is no problem, Your Excellency, I can accept your employment. My attendants are not many, but—enough to help you win the war at hand... However, my asking price is not low..."

"Price is not a problem, Mr. Zhou Ye... How about the employment price of your subordinates, ten silver coins a day?" John V tentatively asked, this price is not too low, you know, even the famous Switzerland The mercenaries are only five silver coins per person a day.

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and shook his head, "Don't worry... We Easterners are different from you Westerners. After we win this war for you, let's discuss the price issue..."

"Hmm..." John V pondered for a moment before finally nodded and agreed to Zhou Ye's request.

Of course he knew that Zhou Ye didn't talk about the price now. It didn't mean that Zhou Ye was a good person and would help him win this war for free, but that Zhou Ye wanted more...

But does John V still have a choice at this moment? Unless he is willing to turn to the King of England for help, he has no choice...

Now go to Switzerland to hire mercenaries there? Are you joking? What era do you think it is now? After going back and forth, it is estimated that the Duchy of Brittany will be destroyed...

It can be said that John V, who has nothing to do now, is ready to be slaughtered by Zhou Ye... Of course, he also has a little bit of luck in his heart. It is best for Zhou Ye's attendants to be in this war. , fight to the death with the French army... In this way, maybe he won't even have to pay the final employment fee...

How could John V's little thought be able to hide from Zhou Ye?

But Zhou Ye didn't care, no one could rely on him... let alone a duke of the Duchy of Brittany, what about the emperor of the empire? Want to rely on his account...hehe...

The two negotiated the employment matters, and then asked the clerk to initialize an employment agreement... The scene became lively again, and the big stone in John V's heart finally fell to the ground.

With great interest, he introduced Zhou Ye to the parade that was being held under the city...

At this moment, the corpses of the dozen or so knights killed by Sonia, their horses, and others have been cleaned up... Maybe the guards, or maybe the squires of those knights, in short, the parade that was terminated started again. ...

This time, no knights are taking the lead anymore... Although there are still many knights in the field, but—they have been scared by Sonia... No one wants to join the parade...

Now, in the front of the parade are ladies dressed in fancy dress, and in the middle are all kinds of jugglers... Then there are some serfs and businessmen watching the fun...

Although there are no knights riding high-headed horses to clear the way, those who participated in the parade still had a great time, as if the massacre just now did not happen...

Chapter 1230

Chapter 1230

early morning--

Beatrice was awakened by the sound of steel colliding. She rubbed her sullen eyes and looked out the window. She was using the intensity of the sunlight outside the window to guess the current time...

In this era, clocks have indeed been invented, but-because of the unqualified metallurgical technology, the size of clocks in this era is simply touching... Moreover, the price is very expensive, and it is easily damaged...

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