Therefore, except for the monasteries in the big cities, which have relatively accurate timing watches, such as the castles of the nobles, there are no clocks-of course, although they do not have mechanical clocks, they have timing waxes. The original fire clock.

However, obviously——the servant who was in charge of the clock hadn't started calling Beatrice yet...she was completely awakened by the noise outside.

"Damn it... Who the hell is in the garden..." Beatrice, who was still a little sleepy, staggered and sat up on the couch, then stepped on the thick carpet with her bare feet, and came to the window forward……

She gently pushed open the window and looked behind...

I saw that in the open space of the garden, there were a few vague figures moving back and forth quickly, and Beatrice, who was fast in shape, could not see clearly. I can't help but feel cold all over...

Beatrice's eyes widened, and they were so wide that they could hardly be closed...

It's not that she has never seen knights in the family compete, but the competitions of those family knights, compared with these figures, are as ridiculous as children's farce...

Beatrice picked up the hem of her nightgown and trotted out of her bedroom... It was her maid's room, "Fili, Fili..."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, I'm here..." Feili responded to her master's call almost as soon as she opened her eyes, which had almost become her habit.

"Change my clothes, I'm going out..." Beatrice said anxiously.

"But—Your Highness, not yet..." Fili was about to persuade her master, but was interrupted by Beatrice.

Beatrice widened her eyes and looked straight at her maid. "I said I was going out..."

"Okay, if you insist!" Since her own princess said so, Fili couldn't refuse.

She got up in a hurry and walked outside... She also had to inform her colleagues that the princess woke up and was going to wash and dress up...

As the daughter of the duke, Beatrice is of course more than one of her maids... Soon, some people were carrying water basins, some people were holding things for hairdos... Some people were holding a few sets of clothes, and they rushed in together. Beatrice's room...

"What color dress are you wearing today, princess??" Fili asked.

"Don't wear a skirt!" Beatrice said while sitting in front of the big dresser, letting her maid help her groom... "I want to wear a riding suit... Also, the hair doesn't have to be so complicated, Just stick it in the back of my head..."

"But...Princess, this is out of order..." Feili said with some embarrassment.

"I don't care about the rules and regulations, they will leave when you guys finish it for me..." Beatrice complained dissatisfiedly.

"All right……"

Since their own princess ordered this, then they can only obey the order... With the help of a group of maids, Beatrice took less than fifteen minutes to wash up...

Dressed neatly, she ignored the shouts of the maids behind her and ran to the garden in a hurry...

And now, in the garden—under Sonia's scythe, her six maids are already a little bit weak...

You must know that Sonia is exclusively the existence of a drop of Zhou Ye's blood. Every blow she makes weighs dozens of tons... This is still in the case of Sonia, if not... her six maids Almost at the beginning of the competition, he will be killed in seconds.

Of course, although these six vampire maids are not as strong as Sonia in terms of individual strength, but—they have a set of joint strike methods taught by their men, at least when Sonia is not using all their strength, they can still support them. for a while.

In fact - the only reason for Sonia to get up so early, and to bring her six maids to practice martial arts, is not to say how diligent she is...

She's just avoiding her man's morning shit... You know, last night she was taught a hard lesson by Zhou Ye for the reason that it was not a reason to cause trouble, and she could no longer bear her own man's morning shit. morning exercise...

Therefore, she had to run out... As for her six maids, it's actually the same, who told Zhou Ye to like to sit together...

Therefore, the tragic master and servant seven had to find a reason to practice martial arts and ran out ahead of time... As for leaving Debra there and facing the morning fire of his own man alone... that is also a last resort. ...

Who told them they couldn't take it anymore?

Cough-cough--a bit too far.

Just when the six vampire maids felt that they could no longer hold the weapons in their hands, their savior appeared...

Beatrice trotted all the way and rushed over... Because of her arrival, Sonia had to stop her attack... After all, there are some things that cannot be seen by outsiders, it is too shocking...

"Good morning, Miss Sonia..." As soon as Beatrice approached, she greeted Sonia regardless of her unbalanced breath.

"Good morning, Princess Bailey!" Sonia dragged her giant scythe and nodded to Beatrice.

"Did you guys have a test just now??" Beatrice asked curiously.

"No, I'm just urging them to practice..." Sonia shrugged her shoulders, she was right in saying that, who told her man to only discipline and not practice... Therefore, urge yourself

The heavy responsibility of her maid's practice falls on her shoulders...

Of course, this is not an exercise today, it's just that Sonia and her maid use an excuse to escape the morning fire of her own man. Unfortunately, this reason cannot be said...

"Did you teach them all their skills?" Beatrice's eyes lit up and she said eagerly, "Then can you be my teacher and teach me how to be a powerful woman like you?? "

"This--" Sonia was stunned for a moment... Studying martial arts is very boring and tiring... At first, because she didn't want to learn, she was ruthlessly cleaned up by her man many times before she could Today's achievements... There are still people who want to learn martial arts? Is this a joke? Must be joking, right? ?

However, whether Beatrice was joking or not, Sonia didn't intend to teach her...because, there are many things she can't learn at all...not to mention, there are many things she can't know..." I'm sorry... I'm afraid..."

However, before Sonia finished speaking, she was interrupted by a voice... "I think this is a good idea, Sonia, you can teach this Princess Beatrice..."

Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231

"Darling?" Sonia looked at Zhou Ye in surprise, she was a little strange, why did her man get up so early today?

You know, even though this guy Zhou Ye has surpassed the level of a god, all his rules of conduct are still like a human being.

Today, it is rare for him to stay in bed... This is really strange.

"Good morning, dear...why don't you sleep for a while?" No matter how surprised, Sonia was very happy to greet her and gave her man a belated good morning...

"Because I found out that my group of kittens ran away secretly, I was so sad that I couldn't sleep..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, both Sonia and the vampire maids blushed... Of course they knew who the kitten their man was talking about... Apparently, they secretly opened the window and were discovered by their man. ...

"Okay..." Zhou Ye patted Sonia's dolphin with a smile, and said, "I think you can teach this beautiful princess a lesson..."

"But, dear..." Sonia looked at her man for some unknown reason, with a questioning expression in her eyes, which meant—you didn't say it, don't show your superhuman side in front of outsiders?

"She won't be an outsider soon... You can take it as a warm-up..."

Of course, Zhou Ye didn't say these words in front of Beatrice, but lowered his head and whispered in Sonya's ear.

"Oh...that's such a careless guy..." Sonia understood her man's words in seconds, she knew—the duke's daughter in front of her had obviously been taken care of by her own man, and she couldn't run away...

But even though she said that, Sonia was not too jealous... To tell the truth - if she could stand her man, she wouldn't sneak out early in the morning... Sometimes men are too strong, and women are also very bitter. ...

"Okay..." Sonia turned her head to look at Beatrice, and said with a serious expression: "I will teach you... However, I do not guarantee that you can learn all of them..."

"Thank you, Teacher Sonia..." Beatrice was also a smart girl, and changed her tune right away...

Although it was said that Beatrice had always looked down on Zhou Ye, but this time, she still accepted Zhou Ye's favor in her heart. She knew that if Zhou Ye hadn't helped her, I'm afraid she would have just faced It's Sonya's refusal...

"Don't thank me first... I'm afraid you will hate me in the future..." Sonia was actually very excited, no matter what, she was just a sixteen-year-old girl, and her maid training was just boring. Moreover, what her maid learns is completely different from hers, and all she can do is to treat her maid as a training opponent.

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