Someone really called her teacher, Beatrice was the first, how could this not make Sonia excited?

Sonia walked up to Beatrice and circled around Beatrice a little... Then she nodded her head pretending to be seasoned, and said, "Your attire has barely passed the test... Now, start Let's run around this garden... well--twenty laps first!"

"Ah? Twenty laps??" Beatrice suddenly became a little confused. The whole garden is not small, and a circle is more than 500 meters... Twenty circles is more than 10,000 meters, which is quite Yu ten kilometers... Although she doesn't know this conversion unit, she knows - she can't run down.

"Why is it too much? Then you can give up practicing martial arts... A person may not have a bright mind or a talent for discernment, but if she doesn't even have the perseverance, in the end this person will only achieve nothing..." Sonia has Take out what your man once taught you, and educate your students.

Beatrice listened to Sonia's words, her heart swayed, her teeth clenched, "Okay, teacher, I'll run now..."

Zhou Ye watched Sonia being a teacher there for the first time, and couldn't help but want to smile... He knew that Sonia just took out her own training to train the princess... She didn't think about it at all, the physique of the two The world is different... This is to practice the rhythm of the dead...

But forget it, it's hard for this little girl to die if she is here... Let her suffer first...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye also smiled as he watched the duchess's daughter running madly in the garden...

And at this moment, in Paris, France - the Louvre.

This palace, which was built in the twelfth century, was originally used for defense purposes, but now it has become the palace of the king of France.

Charles VI is sitting in his bedroom, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. His pupils don't seem to have any focal distance. Obviously - he is in a daze...

He has been in this state for a whole night...and his attendants dare not disturb him, because—Charles VI is insane...his spirit has always been a problem, especially after being captured by the Duke of Burgundy, his The condition is more serious.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then—without waiting for Charles VI to speak, his door was opened from the outside, followed by a man dressed in gorgeous clothes. The old aristocrat, behind him, followed a young man, looking at the face, the two seem to be somewhat similar.

"Your Majesty, your good intentions have been misinterpreted..." As soon as the old nobleman came in, he stabbed in front of Charles VI and said, "The envoy you sent to the Duchy of Brittany did not fulfill your order, He let you down..."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty..." The young noble hurriedly bowed his head slightly and said, "I went to Brittany with your kindness and understanding, but there, I was ridiculed by that John V. He said—he Now that he is British, he will never hand over a grain of grain to our great monarch..."

"Kill...kill...kill him...kill those who have betrayed France..." Hearing the young nobleman's words, Charles VI's face revealed a hideous expression, obviously - the Duke of Burgundy captured him things that impressed him deeply.

"As you wish, Your Majesty, I will give him an unforgettable lesson..." Hearing Charles VI's words, a smile appeared on the wrinkled face of the old nobleman. Let the entourage behind him hand over the will that has already been drawn up to the court officials who are standing not far from Charles VI, because he holds the seal of Charles VI...

With this seal, he is equivalent to mastering the righteousness... This is a necessary procedure for this old man, the Duke of Orleans...

And with this will, the Duke of Orleans can justifiably incorporate the Duchy of Brittany into his own territory... This is why he sent his illegitimate son to serve as a special envoy...

The Duke of Orleans, who had already obtained the result he wanted, walked out of the palace of Charles VI with his son...

"Lorraine... This time, if I conquer the Duchy of Brittany, I will find a way to raise your title..." The Duke of Orleans looked at his illegitimate son and whispered, "Although I can't let you inherit My title, but—I can make you build a family!"

"Thank you Dad..." Lorraine had a smile on his face, and his eyes were full of greed. "I will definitely take down the Duchy of Brittany. With your support of 2,000 cavalry and 15,000 soldiers... I believe that the Duchy of Brittany will soon be incorporated into ours..."

"Pay attention to your own safety... Go!" The Duke of Orleans nodded, he knew the greed of his illegitimate son, but - in his opinion, being greedy is good, a nobleman who is not greedy is definitely not a good nobleman ...

Volume 2

Chapter 1232

Chapter 1232

Tours, the largest city next to the Principality of Brittany, is a military stronghold, where there are many castles and a lot of people...

Especially next to the city, next to the pier of the Loire River, the largest inland river in France, there are people coming and going, and there are young men carrying weapons and wearing all kinds of armor...

They may have been just a serf the day before, but today, they responded to their lord's call, took up arms, and gathered here...

The armor they wear is also various... The family is a little richer, and may be wearing that old leather armor. This leather armor is estimated to have been passed down for many generations.

Products, some of which you can't even tell from the oily surface what that thing is, it's so dirty...

The poorer ones have no armor at all. The only thing that can provide them with protection is the tattered burlap clothes on their bodies... Even the weapons in their hands are given to them by their lords. of……

If you look at it from the perspective of future generations, these guys can't be called soldiers at all, at most they are just a group of mob...

But in fact, they are indeed soldiers... No way, in the Middle Ages, most of the so-called soldiers had this virtue, and it didn't mean that there were no professional soldiers-but, the professional soldier The Duke of Orleans must be reluctant to give himself too many illegitimate children... …

You must know that a professional soldier tops five or six serf soldiers, which is almost a recognized conversion unit in this era... Of course, this is not the most important, the most important thing is that at least five to ten serfs are required. Only the output can support a professional soldier.

It is conceivable that every professional soldier is precious to his lord.

Therefore, it is said that it is an army of 15,000, but in fact, there are only 3,000 professional soldiers, plus 12,000 serf soldiers...

With the huge wooden sailboats docked on the dock, these ragged serf soldiers, one by one, transported the materials piled up on the dock to the boat... Among them, there are soldiers in standard equipment, acting as supervising duties.

In the eyes of these soldiers, these mud legs are cannon fodder on the battlefield, but—it would be impossible without them, and—in their peasant-like cunning heads, there are often some big clever tricks, such as sneaking some Supplies from the army, etc... So, it's not enough to not look at them.

If you don't watch them carry the supplies, when they finish moving, it is estimated that the supplies will be at least half less...

As for those knights?

Except during wartime, they wouldn't appear in such a place where inferior people gather... At this time, they should be at the lady's house in the city, and tell the story of their bravery to those ladies in fancy dress... ...if they're lucky, they won't need to go back to the barracks tonight...because those ardent ladies will entertain these brave knights with their soft bodies.

"Bah... Damn it, the rye in my house hasn't been collected yet, and the war is about to start again..." Brudfan, who was wearing a captain's costume, spat bitterly. He was the son of a blacksmith. And his uneducated father simply gave him a very memorable name, Iron... I guess he wanted to make him a man as strong as Iron...

"There's no way..." The soldiers beside Bludfan also said helplessly: "Those nobles don't care about our lives... Anyway, tithes are not worth mentioning to them, not even comparable. The money they spent on a banquet..."

The tithe is the tax collected by the church, whether it is a commoner or a noble, even a king, it is the same to pay... Of course, that's what I said, there are too many things that can be manipulated...

What if you don't pay? Of course he'd be expelled from the church, and then—called a heretic...

Don't think that being expelled from the church is nothing, in fact, at this time - being expelled is basically the same as - dying without a place to die...

Just when the two were complaining, suddenly there was a commotion in the distance...

Bludfan looked up and saw a black carriage, under the escort of a dozen knights, driving into the port... The two hurriedly stopped talking, blushed, and raised their chests, as if they were devoted to their duties. .

But in fact - the nobles in the carriage didn't care about them...

At this moment, in the carriage, there was a young man with a rebellious expression, and he was gently poking his head to look outside...

When he saw the serf soldiers on the dock, who kept carrying supplies, he nodded his head slightly with satisfaction... Then he said to the burly man in bright chain mail sitting opposite him: "Dear Xia Sir, can all the supplies here be transported today?"

"Yes, Your Excellency Count..." Charles nodded and said, "We should be glad that Nantes is located in the lower reaches of the Loire River, which saves us at least half of our army expenses... It's a pity that we were able to The fleet called is too small, otherwise, we can use the fleet to transport troops and go straight to Nantes, the capital of the Duchy of Brittany, along the Loire!"

"That's also impossible..." Lorraine sighed and said helplessly: "Although we are in a truce with England, they have been keeping an eye on our shipyard, and we simply can't build too many large-scale ships. Ship..."

"Yeah..." Ciel is also well aware of this...

As the most junior knight under the Duke of Orleans, Charles was not taken seriously by the Duke... That's why he was the first to respond when the Duke asked for someone to serve his illegitimate son Lorraine...

Not for anything else, just for the rare goods to live in...

Ciel can fully see how the duke loves his illegitimate son... Only because of the church's death rule that illegitimate children cannot inherit the title, he cannot bring Lorraine back to the family...

Of course, even so, the duke still took great pains to get his illegitimate son into the palace, and tried every means to make Charles VI canonize his son and make him an honorary earl, although this earl has a lot of water, after all, only a famous In the eyes of the nobles, an earl who has no head and no fief is not even as good as a

A baron with a fief...

However, Charles believes that soon - the duke's illegitimate son will get a fief that matches his title... Isn't this war prepared for this?

Ciel decided to show off a little in front of his future lord. "However, please rest assured...Even if we can't use ships to transport soldiers, we can still win easily...With the transport capacity of the Loire, we can liberate at least five thousand serfs, so - armed them a little, you can Can be pushed to the front as a soldier!"

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