"My loyal people..." John V just said a word, but he was embarrassed to find that his voice was too low...

"Perhaps you need my help, Your Excellency!" Zhou Ye said, placing his hand on John V's shoulder gently: "Now, you can say what you want to your subjects... …”

"..." King John V didn't quite understand what Zhou Ye's actions meant, but he still chose to believe Zhou Ye, "Ahem... my loyal subjects..."

At this moment, his voice became extremely loud and reached the ears of everyone present.

This kind of strange thing made John V feel a little hope in his heart... Maybe, maybe this mysterious Mr. Zhou Ye can really help him win this war?

Thinking of this, John V's voice became a little louder. "We've lived here for generations, and we have a very different culture and language than France... But now—the French are trying to conquer us, tell me... do you want to be French?"

"I don't want to -- I don't want to..."

The soldiers under the city wall shouted in unison... Although they were only less than 10,000 people, their voices shouted the feeling of 100,000 people.

At this moment, John V became more confident. "They're going to invade our home, they're going to take our property, and they're even going to make us speak French and take the last silver coin hidden in our house... Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Kill them..."

"Kill them all..."

"Fight them..."

Although the answer this time is not very neat, but——the basic meaning is the same.

"Very good..., I think so too!" John V said, pointing to his wife and daughter, and said, "So, I brought my wife and children to the front line... Because I know, If I lose this battle, then I will have nothing, even my wife and daughter, will become other people's women... So, I will take them with me... If I lose this war, then -I will kill them with my own hands...I-your king, the master of the Duchy of Brittany, will never allow his property to be plundered by those hateful Frenchmen, even if I destroy them with my own hands. Not for the French..."

Hearing John V's words, everyone's eyes were red...

They're not excited, or even moved - they're pushing others, thinking of themselves...

Even their own kings have to make such preparations, so one can imagine how their families will be treated and what fate their wives will suffer if they lose the war... They have no way out. They can retreat, because behind them are their homes and their families...

"Get rid of those Frenchies..."

"Kill all those invaders..."

"Kill those French robbers..."

"We want independence, we don't want to be slaves to the French..."

Looking at the excited soldiers, John V felt relieved... In fact, he lied, his most important heir, his son... has been handed over to his brother, let him take him to the mouth of the Loire River Waiting at the pier here... If things go wrong, I will flee to England... The glory of the family cannot be in his generation.

Zhou Ye, who was standing beside John V, smiled slightly. He didn't expect that this John V also had a talent for being a speaker...

Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236

No matter how intense the pre-war speech, no matter how inspiring the king's words...

It's coming, it's coming...

When the dark French army came to John V, he was finally moved...

It is often said that there are 10,000 people and no boundaries...

Now, John V feels as if he is standing in front of the huge waves raised by the sea, and even his legs are shaking...

If Zhou Ye hadn't helped him a little, he might have sat on the ground...

In the French army, the Count of Lorraine, dressed in uniform, was riding on his horse, looking at the crooked Breton soldiers standing in front of the castle on a small hill in front of him. , smiled slightly.

"It seems that this time we will use a faster speed to complete our goal..."

Lorraine was not idle on this journey. As an ambitious nobleman, although he could not be proficient in everything, he had to do it. deceived...

You know, bullying is not a feature of China...

The human heart, no matter where it is, in any era - is basically the same.

Therefore, along the way, he kept discussing the difficulties that this war would face with his military experts, the Knights of the Ciel...

In Charles' view, if the Duke of Brittany really understands the military, then - he only needs to shrink his defense and focus on the city of Tours, then - relying on the towering city walls of the city of Tours. , it can also make them suffer a little loss... Of course, it's just a little bit. At that time, Charles will order to bypass the city of Tours and directly attack the interior of the Duchy of Brittany...

As for what you said, because the city of Tours is close to the Loire River, it will have an impact on the French logistics fleet? That's a small problem for the Ciel... as long as -- just loot and raid,

Of course——it's better not to do this kind of thing...

After all—they are not gangsters who just grab one vote and leave, and eventually this place will be the fief of the Earl of Lorraine... If the trouble is too harsh, it will be really unfavorable for the Earl of Lorraine to rule this territory in the future...

However, obviously-now, the best ending has come...because, Charles has seen the flag of the Duchy of Brittany at the top of the city, and the coat of arms of the Monfort family...That means that at least one Important members of the Monfort family are here...

Here, it is also good for his master to eliminate the resistance of the Duchy of Brittany to the greatest extent possible.

"It all depends on your performance...Sir Ciel, don't let me down..." Count Lorraine turned to the commander of this battle, Knight Ciel.

"Please don't worry, it won't take five hourglasses before I can present the flag of the city head in front of you!" Charles said confidently, looking at the castle that was not very tall...

"I look forward to your victory!" Count Lorraine said, took off the sword from his waist and handed it to the Ciel Knight--he knew that a good leader is not about doing everything by himself, but-- Leave the right things to the right people... Obviously, this Ciel knight in front of him is more suitable for commanding the army than him...

"I will do my best!" Ciel took the saber handed to him by the Earl of Lorraine, and then rushed to the front line with his own messengers. Only here can he be more clear. You can observe the battlefield situation more intuitively, and understand the trend of the entire war more intuitively. After all, there is no such high-tech thing as a telescope...

When the French army's front line was still five hundred meters away from the opponent, Charles ordered to stop... and put the sword and shield hand on the front of the line, and the two wings were the heavy knights who were ready to go...

In fact, the position on this gentle slope is very unsuitable for the charge of the heavy knights. Under such a slope, the heavy knights can easily stall. Without the speed, these knights are like tigers without fangs... They can't turn at all. what waves...

Therefore, Ciel placed the only two thousand knights on the flanks as a team to cover the formation...

On the other side - on the top of the castle wall, everyone has a different expression... John V's face is pale, his hands are clutching the boulder of the city wall... And the Duchess of Bellino, with a resolute look, obviously , she has become quite conscious of herself being brought to the battle by her husband...

As for Beatrice, there were tears in her eyes... She just heard that her father was going to kill her, for her, it was like a bolt from the blue... In her mind, like In a mess, all kinds of thoughts popped up... but they couldn't grasp a theme.

Confused, Beatrice couldn't help but cast her eyes on Zhou Ye who was standing on the other side of her father——

She suddenly discovered that this little white face, who used to be unpleasant to her eyes, still had her most unpleasant smile on her face... That kind of smile that seemed to be in control of everything was once the most unpleasant place for her... …

However, today——Beardoris actually discovered that the smile on this little white face was so contagious, and her originally messy mood, when she saw this smile, seemed to be relying on it, and became a lot calmer... …

"Sir...what should I do now??"

John V was already in a panic and went to the doctor. Perhaps because of Zhou Ye's calm smile, he subconsciously thought that the only person who could relieve his worries was this mysterious oriental man in front of him...

In the face of John V's question, Zhou Ye answered nonsense and said, "It's time to talk about our compensation..."

"You...you are taking advantage of the fire..." John V was almost pissed off by Zhou Ye's words...

"No, I'm just clearly stating the price..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "After all, if I help you win this war, if you choose to go back, there will be an unpredictable ending... ...that would be the result that neither you nor I wanted to see..."

"..." John V was really angry and angry at the moment, but——under the low eaves, he had to bow his head. "Okay... tell me, what do you want? Land? Title? Or... wealth?"

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