"No no... I don't want land, land is useless to me... If I want to, I can get a land that is billions of times the size of the Duchy of Brittany... Title? Hehe... Your title is to me It's useless... Wealth? My wealth is so great that I can cover every inch of the Principality of Brittany with gold... Do you think I need that stuff?" Zhou Ye laughed.

"Then...then what do you want?" Hearing Zhou Ye's reply, John V was secretly happy... At least these things that he valued more don't need to be paid...

However, in the next sentence, Zhou Ye's words made John V stay where he was.

"I want your daughter, Beatrice."

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

"What??" John V was taken aback when he heard Zhou Ye's words... Then, an indescribable feeling filled his heart.

"But, but...you, you already have a wife..." John V stammered. It didn't mean that he was reluctant to give up his daughter. In fact, he just didn't want his daughter to be given to Zhou. Ye is just a lover, you must know that Zhou Ye has a wife... At least in Europe where Christianity is prevalent, don't care how messy their relationship between men and women is in private, at least on the surface, they maintain a monogamous relationship between men and women.

Also, divorce is very difficult...

"Haha..." Zhou Ye just smiled slightly in the face of John V's words, "I forgot to introduce you to our customs, where polygamy prevails... not monogamy!"

Regarding this point, Zhou Ye really didn't lie, at least in this era - the Ming Dynasty on the other side of the sea, polygamy was indeed prevalent.

"..." John V was speechless for a moment... He almost forgot that Zhou Ye was no longer European...

He looked at his daughter helplessly - in fact, at this moment, he already had the idea of ​​selling a girl to survive. No matter how good her daughter is, it is not as important as the crown on her head...

"..." Beatrice was on the side, and she clearly heard the conversation between Zhou Ye and her father——, she had an indescribable feeling in her heart, and the slightest feeling of favor towards Zhou Ye was rising in her heart. It's gone in this moment.

Even though this was telling the truth, Beatrice had already hated Zhou Ye to death...

But, she knew better - as a member of the Monfort family, she had no choice... If this little white face she hated could really save the crown on their family's head, she would have to submit to him...

Thinking of this, Beatrice clenched her own innocence and said to her father word by word: "Father, I am willing to marry him for the glory of the family... But, the premise is - he really It can...really help you win this war!"

"...Alas—!" John V sighed... The last thing that made him tangled, his daughter also let go... In his mind, he has no reason to shirk any longer. ...

Thinking of this, King John V turned his head to Zhou Ye and said solemnly, "We agreed to your conditions... and please—let your attendants appear!"

"The attendant... no no... there has been no attendant from beginning to end..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

"What—??" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, John V felt as if a thunderbolt sounded from the blue sky, and was instantly stunned...

"But—there is no attendant, it doesn't mean that I can't help you win this war!" Zhou Ye said, crossing John V and coming to his daughter, Beatrice, with a slight smile: "Didn't you always want to see my strength? Don't blink for a while..."

"I look forward to your victory!"

Beatrice looked at Zhou Ye with a cold face, clenched her teeth, and banged out word by word...

Her sense of Zhou Ye has dropped to the lowest point in history... After [Little White Face], Zhou Ye has in her mind there are [liar], [big talker] and [little person] who take advantage of others' dangers. nickname...

"By the way...how do you want these French guys to die?" Zhou Ye asked casually.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Beatrice said bitterly: "I hope - I hope that they will fall into hell and never have peace... I hope that these invaders, their souls will never stop in the land of the dead. wailing without redemption..."

Beatrice certainly had the right to hate these French guys. If it wasn't for these French guys, how could she be forced to marry Zhou Ye, the man she hated? If it weren't for these French guys... how could her country be invaded?

"Uh—it's a little difficult to do..."

Zhou Ye's words caused a sarcastic smile to leak from Beatrice's face. She was about to say "Didn't you say that you are good enough to rival God", but was frightened by Zhou Ye's next sentence. arrive……

"Hey, forget it... let's be troublesome... It's a big deal to be called the enemy of Christ... Anyway, I've already slaughtered so many gods, and I don't care about one more!" Zhou Ye said, stunned. Beatrice smiled slightly, "Then, dear Beatrice, this victory you were looking forward to is here for you!"

Before Zhou Ye's words had finished, his figure had already disappeared in front of Beatrice...

"Where did he go... What's going on??" Beatrice couldn't help rubbing her eyes, she couldn't believe that a big living person disappeared in front of her in such an instant...

"Where is he..."

Sonia's voice sounded faintly in Beatrice's ear——

Beatrice couldn't help but turn her head to look, she had absolutely no idea how her teacher appeared beside her... "Teacher, you..."

"Don't look at me... Look there..." Sonia pointed to the center of the empty space in front of the two armies, where there was a tall figure, standing there - relative to the two armies, his figure So thin, so lonely...

"Don't you often ask me, why do you condone your husband with such powerful power? He even gave him his maid and let him play with it..." Sonia asked leisurely.

"Well..." Beatrice listened to her teacher's words, with a feeling of unreality as if she was in a dream... Her mind was full of question marks—how did a person get away from her in an instant? Running to the front of the two armies? This is incredible...

"Because..." Sonia stared at Zhou Ye in the distance, as if in her eyes she couldn't hold another person besides Zhou Ye: "He is my teacher, and he is also my husband... But, He is even more of my god...for him I would give my all...to be his woman, his lover, even his slave...now—Belli, open your eyes, look Look, your man - what kind of power...he is our god..."

Following Sonia's scolding, Beatrice really widened her eyes and looked at Zhou Ye who was standing in the middle of the battlefield.

But at this moment, Zhou Ye, who suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield, startled everyone on both sides. Not to mention, there were suddenly more people in front of him. Whoever it is, everyone is afraid...

However, when the sword and shield players in the front row saw Zhou Ye, they laughed for a while...

In their opinion, a guy like a little white face is not a deterrent at all... Although this little white face is tall...

In the face of the French army's ridicule, Zhou Ye didn't get angry - he wouldn't be angry with a group of dead people... What's the point of being angry...

"Sorry, for the promise I made to my woman... So, can I ask you to die once?"

Zhou Ye's voice, which was not too loud, spread across the entire battlefield in an instant, and entered the ears of everyone on the battlefield...

In an instant - the entire battlefield fell silent... Quiet, even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard...

Chapter 1238

Chapter 1238

"Hahahaha... What is this little white face talking about??"

"Is he a court jester from Brittany...hahaha..."

"He actually said, actually said that he asked us to die once... Is he here to be funny?"

"Hahaha... No way, let me rest for a while... My stomach hurts from laughing!"

In an instant - the French army's laughter sounded, and countless soldiers were laughing loudly...

In their opinion, Zhou Ye's words were so ridiculous. With one person, standing in front of his army of tens of thousands, he said let them die once... Is this guy trying to laugh at them to death and win without fighting? ?

However, only Commander Ciel, who was standing in front of the formation, and Count Lorraine, who was in the center of the formation, did not laugh...

Those idiots who have no culture don't understand, how can they not know?

The voice can still be transmitted clearly across such a long distance. Such a strange thing... Saying that the other party is a clown is a bit too high for the clown...

At this moment—Charle suddenly realized that the sky was getting dark... He raised his head in surprise and looked towards the sky—

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