I saw—the entire sky, I don’t know when, was already covered with thick dark clouds, the clouds were extremely low, and the low ones seemed to be on people’s heads, and in the dark clouds, with flashes, a Lightning pierced through the sky, followed by a heart-wrenching muffled thunder that resounded through the ground, making the hearts of those shaken tighten...

"This... what's going on here??" Ciel really didn't want to associate this weird astronomical phenomenon with the boy standing in front of the formation, but——the boy opposite just said that he wanted to let everyone die once , There was such a strange scene in the sky, how could he not connect the two together?

"Kill that guy, kill him...he's a wizard..."

Ciel suddenly seemed to realize something, and he screamed frantically.

His shouting woke up all the sluggish soldiers, and those French soldiers didn't care what formation they had at this moment... They rushed towards Zhou Ye in a swarm, while rushing, shouting: "Kill him... Kill this Wizard...kill him..."

And on the castle wall—those who had never seen Zhou Ye reveal his abilities were stunned...

The ecstatic John V, the sluggish Duchess, and-- Beatrice who couldn't close her eyes... Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, the mighty power of nature was so great that it made them difficult to believe...

On the battlefield, Zhou Ye faced the French army that was sweeping towards him like a black tide... He glanced at the soldiers helplessly.

"Originally—you could live a little longer... Although, for you, that extra time is just the last moment of your life... But, it is better to live a long life than to die, to live a little longer is a while ...I really don't know whether to live or die..."

As Zhou Ye's words fell, a golden hexagram magic circle appeared out of thin air one meter behind him... The golden hexagram magic circle with a diameter of one meter seemed to be self-replicating, spreading rapidly towards his left and right. , did not stop until it was level with the entire French army...

Those French troops who were charging in front were frightened by the scene in front of them, and they desperately wanted to stop their footsteps...

However, how could a storm surge like an ocean wave stop as soon as it stops...

They couldn't help being pushed forward by their colleagues behind them... they couldn't stop...

It wasn't until they were pushed to only fifty meters away from Zhou Ye—that they gradually stopped—

It's not that they are strong enough to compete with the many soldiers behind them, but the soldiers behind them also discovered the strange magic wall behind Zhou Ye...

"Although, I think it's too low to kill you guys, but—no way, who told you to be my bargaining chips??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers lightly... "Pseudo-Wang Zhi treasure."

Clap—a sound.

This crisp and loud voice instantly spread throughout the battlefield...

At this moment, everyone witnessed a scene like a miracle...

I saw—the magic formation wall that appeared behind Zhou Ye, and as he snapped his fingers, streaks of golden beams of light spit out toward the French army formation—just like golden light cannons, Instantly cut through the air and directly penetrated their fragile bodies...

No matter if you are wearing hemp clothes or chain armor, no matter if you are holding a simple spear or a fine knight's sword, in front of these beams of light, they are all instantly evaporated...

Looking from the sky, the army formation composed of more than 20,000 French troops was like black soil at this time, and the sledges composed of golden beams of light left bloodstains on the plow... However, those French troops who were directly evaporated by the beam of light The soldiers are not the worst, the worst are the guys who pass by the beam of light...

"My arm... my arm..."

"My legs... Has anyone seen my legs..."

"Almighty Lord, have mercy on your lamb..."

A cry of mourning set off the entire battlefield like hell... Charles and Count Lorraine, who survived by chance, looked at the hell-like scene in disbelief. To see if you are in a dream...

However, the pain from their bodies clearly told them that all this was real - not an illusory dream... At this moment, both of them shouted in unison: "We surrendered -- we surrendered... "

"I want to surrender...I want to..."

The entire French army seemed to be startled by the order of their commander-instant silence, but after a while, they shouted loudly, "surrender...we surrender..."

"My lord... we surrendered..."

"I'm going home... Mom..."

"Surrender...we are willing to surrender..."

There were even quite a few French soldiers, kneeling on the ground, raising their weapons with both hands... shouting the word [surrender] loudly...

However - will Zhou Ye accept their surrender? Does he want these French prisoners useful? To be a slave? To feed them... to be servants? And beware of them stabbing knives in the back...

Therefore - Zhou Ye doesn't need slaves, let alone surrender...

For Zhou Ye, although there are a large proportion of European and American beauties in his harem, but—ahem, this does not mean that he also likes European and American men... For him, these guys are more than dead. Live well, what do you say?

The best enemy is the dead enemy.

Our Lady?




"Let Lin Dong record the last moments of your life..." Zhou Ye pulled out an almost evil smile.

Following his words, the demarcation line where he stood—

Behind him, the autumn sun shines brightly, and the sun is beautiful...

And in front of him, above the heads of those French soldiers - in the sky, dark clouds pressed against the top of the sky, lightning and thunder, - countless hail and snowflakes like pouring down, smashed down at them...

Chapter 1239

Chapter 1239

"Run away..."

"God...he's a devil..."

"I don't want to die... help..."

How were the serf soldiers managed in the medieval army? ? The easiest way is to send a military team composed of professional soldiers, holding weapons against the back of the serf soldiers, as long as they dare to turn back, the sword of the military team will not hesitate to insert into their backs - think. To survive, then go ahead desperately...

but now--

In the face of this supernatural phenomenon beyond their imagination, even the military team has been completely confused, not to mention-their commander and nobleman shouted surrender... What can they do? ?

The magic formation wall behind Zhou Ye stopped roaring, and countless hailstones fell in the sky, making it almost difficult for those who were blown by the wind to open their eyes...

There are many serf soldiers at the back of the queue who are thinking of running away...

They quietly moved their paces backwards in groups of three or five... As long as the time came, they would turn around and run...

In their opinion, they don't need to run fast, just running faster than their companions is enough...

However, they still don't know enough about the fate they are about to face...because the French army in front has no chance to tell them the reason why they can't run away...because...

They have all turned into crystal clear human-shaped ice sculptures...

I saw—in front of Zhou Ye, a white line of ice spread rapidly from the ground in front of him towards the French army. Where the line of ice spread, no matter whether it was people, horses, land or other places. It's weapons... all covered by a thick layer of ice, turning into lifelike ice sculptures.

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