If it was in China, it is estimated that Zhou Ye would play the game of buying land and buy this place - but this is in Europe, Zhou Ye has no idea of ​​communicating with the local indigenous people... Occupied, so what? ?

Are these European guys still doing little about robbing other people's land?

Zhou Ye was too lazy to talk to the robbers about the law, so he simply set up a magic circle around the valley that he liked. In fact, he didn't use any big magic, but just activated dozens of thousand-year-old giant trees... Those like The giant-like guy is enough to turn the surrounding into a forbidden area that is difficult for mortals to reach.

Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255

"Honey, would you like a cup of black tea?" Sonia, who was sitting at the small round table, raised the delicate and gorgeous silver teapot in her hand and asked.

"Although I really want to attend your tea party, but I have other things to do now!" Zhou Ye said, walked to Sonya's side, put a sip on her cheek, and said, "So... I I can only say sorry!"

"Other things??" Beatrice rolled her eyes and looked behind her man... The shadow that always followed her man like a ghost didn't appear now?

Beatrice understood something in seconds... "My dear, are you going to bully her sister while your housekeeper is away??"


Zhou Ye felt that the expression on his face was definitely an embarrassing word... When are men the most embarrassed? Nothing is more than - when I wanted to pick up another girl, my wife found out...

However, Zhou Ye has already experienced too much in this situation, and he no longer feels embarrassed, "What is it like to bully little Jeanne while Catherine is away..."

"Isn't it??" Beatrice asked a little strangely, after all—every woman in the family knew about her man's intentions for little Joan of Arc. "Could I be wrong??"

"Of course—!" Zhou Ye said confidently, "I got Katherine's consent to bully little Joan of Arc... Bah, what is bullying... At most, it's just to teach little Joan of Arc some physical hygiene knowledge... ...how could I be willing to bully little Jeanne?"




The girls were stunned by the shameless remarks of their own man... But after a while, everyone couldn't help laughing and bending over... To be able to say that so openly, except for their own man, no one else now...

Facing the laughter of the girls, Zhou Ye touched his nose in embarrassment...

His actions like this made all the girls burst into laughter—really, it's really hard to see how his man looks when he's embarrassed, it's so cute.

Zhou Ye was annoyed by the laughter of the girls, and glared at them...

In an instant—the girls stopped their laughter as if their necks were stuck...

complacent complacent complacent — when complacent, it is inevitable to get lost.

They patronized and admired the embarrassing appearance of their men, but they forgot... their men would take revenge... the kind of revenge that makes them both love and hate, it's really hard to say... It's really uncomfortable .

"Come back and take care of you..." Zhou Ye said as he turned around and walked along the river to the beach.

Watching the figure of their man disappear into the woodland by the river, the girls couldn't help but look at each other.

"What to do... After I come back in a while, my dear will definitely take care of us... No, I don't want to be executed by my dear..." Beatrice couldn't help crying.

"You laughed the loudest just now..." Sonia said depressedly, "You can't laugh now, right??"

"Perhaps... the situation is not that bad!" Debra said hesitantly: "We can try to unite all the sisters... With Katherine sisters, we will have eleven sisters, so we are afraid that we will not be able to fight the master? ??"

"I'm afraid not..."

"We can do this, let Miss Bailey take the lead, but don't go too far, and beg for mercy immediately when you feel like it's going to die - then Miss Sonia will replace Miss Bailey, then me, and then the six swordsmen... After the lap, Miss Bailey almost recovered a lot, so that we can fight on wheels..." Debra came up with an idea.

"Well—it seems that this method is feasible..."

"Yes, just do it!"

The girls seemed to have been opened up to a new world by Debra. They talked about their own opinions, and some said that they should not beg for mercy at the end. Just like fighting, only 70% of their efforts were made, so that they could easily master weapons. Some people also say that...you can use some small means to make it difficult for your man to control himself...in short, you can say anything.

It's a pity that Catherine, who had already been defeated by Zhou Ye, didn't have the chance to participate in this sister meeting. Otherwise, she would have told her sisters that their so-called tactics were completely useless. , all conspiracies are scum.

Not to mention the group of chicks who had to do their best to think about how to deal with it in order not to be retaliated by their own men at night - just Zhou Ye, who went to find the little Joan of Arc.

Along the path between the trees by the river, Zhou Ye walked all the way towards the coastline... Although he could move in an instant, but when there was nothing particularly important, he preferred to walk down-to-earth.

After all, the scenery here is still very good, with a river more than ten meters wide.

On both sides of the road, there are lush mountain forests, listening to the rushing sound of the river and feeling the breeze blowing in the forest, isn't this a kind of enjoyment?

After walking along the river for about 1,000 meters, the water in the river suddenly became turbulent, and the undercurrents swirled in the river, hitting the boulders in the river, causing blooming waves...

Zhou Ye knew that his destination was not far away...

Because, ahead, is the estuary of the river...

The estuary of this river is a little different - the drop between the entire river and the sea level is more than 200 meters, and there is a huge waterfall at the estuary - and the place where Joan of Arc practiced swords was below the waterfall.

Zhou Ye walked slowly to the edge of the cliff, and looked down... I saw a blond girl in a white bikini, holding a giant sword two heads taller than her, standing on a piece of water under the waterfall On the boulder, he waved vigorously.

She didn't use any moves or anything, just simple slashing moves...

Up, down, left, right...

The heavy sword seemed to have no weight in the hands of this girl who didn't look strong or even weak. The movement was as fast as lightning, as fast as thunder...

"Little cutie...it's time to take a break..." Zhou Ye's voice came clearly into Jeanne's ears amid the roar of the rumbling waterfall...

Hearing this familiar voice, Joan's eyes lit up - she kicked her feet hard, and the whole person jumped up against common sense under the huge water pressure of the waterfall. The waterfall chops backwards.

Her thoughts were good, however—gravity taught her a lesson—demon, you thought you were Zilong.

"Ah—, I'm so pissed off!" Little Jeanne, who jumped to her master's side, thrust the giant sword in her hand into the stone, and asked angrily, "Master—when will I be able to be like Zilong? The waterfall has been beaten back... I have used the divine power you have given me, and I can't do this—how powerful is that Zilong."

"Uh--!" Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, he knew he wouldn't tell her the story of Saint Seiya. "Cough, it's almost... it's almost... After you have an epiphany, it's almost there!!"

"Epiphany? What is that??" Little Jeanne asked strangely.

"Uh—it's a mysterious and mysterious thing, a technique that can only be understood but not communicated in words!" What kind of epiphany does Zhou Ye know? ...

You let him pull the planet to travel around is better than letting him have an epiphany - but the little loli can't help but answer, who asked him to dig the hole? No way - that's just editing!

Chapter 1256

Chapter 1256

"Okay...my lovely little Joan of Arc!" Zhou Ye had to change the subject urgently for the sake of his own face. "I didn't come to discuss the topic of [Epiphany] with you!"

"Eh?!" Although there were still many questions in Joan's heart, she still nodded her head obediently and asked, "Then you came to me, do you have anything to do? "

"No, there's nothing you need to do, I'm just here to tell you, from today on—" Zhou Ye said, straightening his expression, trying to look as serious as possible... The beach suit he's wearing now, it's really a bit too hard for him to make a solemn and steady look.

I really regret it, I knew I should change clothes before coming out...

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