Zhou Ye complained about himself in his heart and said, "From today, Jeanne - you can accept a higher level of cultivation..."

"A higher level of practice??"

When Jeanne heard this, her eyes lit up... She had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Hearing what her master said - Joan of Arc couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Really? Master - can I really upgrade my practice??"

"That's right..." Zhou Ye nodded awkwardly.

The so-called practice-

Cough cough - to put it bluntly, just play some shy and shy games with Zhou Ye...

You know, Joan of Arc has always been a very devout believer. She used to believe in Christ, but now she believes in Zhou Ye.

In response to the extremely devout Joan of Arc, Zhou Ye formulated a so-called religious practice according to local conditions. In his words for Joan of Arc, Christ has Mass and recites the Bible in the morning and evening, and we have our own practice in the morning and evening...

Early practice is every morning - a good morning kiss belonging to the little loli...

Evening class - ahem, that's a shy game except for the last step.

This kind of homework made little Joan of Arc addicted... In her words, it was the first time that she truly felt the true meaning of the sentence "faith makes people happy", when she was doing homework with her master , really happy.

"I've been looking forward to this day... for a long time..." Joan said, throwing herself into Zhou Ye's arms with a happy face, stepping on her feet, and trying not to stop Zhou Ye. For her, this is not a manifestation of intimacy between men and women, but a kind of religious ritual - although, it is very happy to do so - but it is really a ritual...

Am I being too mean to do this? ?

Such thoughts, after feeling the softness and softness in his arms, were instantly thrown away by Zhou Ye...

Isn't the little loli raised and eaten by herself? If you are stupid, you will marry someone else after you have grown up... People who can do this—hehe.

Putting aside all the distracting thoughts, Zhou Ye was on the ten-square-sized boulder by the river, embracing the little Loli to the fullest...

In this age without satellites, Zhou Ye doesn't mind playing field games...

In this way, under the blue sky with thousands of miles of clear sky - the boulder as the bed, the blue sky as the quilt, the two of them carried out their own mass ceremony...

When other girls cried for the first time, they were all because of pain... Only Joan of Arc cried because of excitement-because she really became one with the only god in her heart, and she really did it You have me, and I have you.

Even the thunderous sound of the waterfall next to it could not suppress the voice of Joan of Arc shouting [Hallelujah]...

On this day, Zhou Ye finally devoured Joan of Arc, who had just turned seventeen, completely, and Joan of Arc also completely became Zhou Ye's saintess, a saint who belongs to Zhou Ye alone...



night falls--

Among the villas in Devil's Valley, the lights are bright... There are several long dining tables on the flat lawn outside the villas, all kinds of drinks and food are placed on them, and above the dining table, there are more than a dozen small lanterns. The colorful ribbons, the light from the lanterns obscured the dazzling galaxies in the sky.

The girls, wearing gorgeous long dresses of various styles, gathered in groups in front of the dining table...

They were either discussing the style of the clothes or the purpose of the banquet tonight.

This is the situation - if someone who doesn't know why sees it, I think I'm at the party scene in Beverly Hills... But in fact, this is indeed medieval Europe...

In fact, all the women knew why their men held a party tonight. To put it bluntly, it was to welcome the newcomers...

This is already the norm for the Zhou family...

When Beatrice joined, she held a party, and when Catherine joined, she also held a banquet...

Today - it was finally the turn of Catherine's sister Joan of Arc.

In the eyes of the girls, their men were simply unimaginably patient this time—you must know that even the most favored Sonia was eaten and wiped clean by her own man when she was fourteen years old. ... Zhou Ye was able to wait patiently until Joan of Arc was seventeen before eating her, which was already breaking the cognition of the girls.

"To be honest, Catherine, I'm a little jealous of your sister Joan of Arc now..." Beatrice, holding red wine in her hand, stood beside Catherine and said, "You know, that villain I don't know. For a month, he tricked me into the couch..."

"That's because your father sold you to dear!" Sonia said unceremoniously: "You know, dear bought you from your father at a much higher price than Catherine and the other sisters, you What else is there to be dissatisfied with? That's the lives of more than 20,000 people..."

"Haha... Mother Sonia is right!" Even though she had become Zhou Ye's woman, Catherine still regarded herself as her housekeeper...

Although Sonia said so, Catherine no longer cares about her sister being sold by her father. She is very satisfied with her current life and loves her master even more...

She was even a little grateful to her father. If he hadn't sold his sisters because of his wealth, then maybe what awaited her would be like an ordinary peasant woman, marrying a man she didn't like, and then turning her back on the loess.

A lifetime of work in the sky - where can there be such a wonderful life as it is now?

At this moment, the door of the villa opened, and Zhou Ye, who was wearing a black military uniform, walked out... Behind him, was a beautiful girl who made the girls' eyes shine.

I saw this blond girl following behind Zhou Ye. She was wearing a white skirt and armor. The long leg armors on her lower body were like silk stockings, which were hooped around her toned legs... Her long golden hair was draped over her body. Behind her, on her forehead, was a trident hair accessory that looked like armor but more like a headgear.

"I feel that today's Jeanne is so beautiful..."

"That's right, I didn't expect that Joan of Arc would be unexpectedly suitable to wear this skirt armor..."

Listening to the discussion of the girls, Zhou Ye was a little smug - I didn't expect that after he copied the equipment of Joan of Arc in the second dimension, and put it on the real Joan of Arc, the effect was so good... What a surprise. what.

"Cough cough... Okay, everyone be quiet!" Following Zhou Ye's words, all the girls stopped their discussions.

Zhou Ye glanced at her contentedly, and then brought the shy Zhendra behind him to his side. "Today's banquet was specially held for Jeanne... She is welcome to join our big family - now, I announce that the banquet begins..."

Chapter 1257

Chapter 1257

Time flies -- time flies like an arrow --

During the period of Zhou Ye's seclusion, the European continent was really turbulent - the fight was extremely lively.

The Hundred Years War between Britain and France finally came to an end, and the result was astonishing - France, which was originally at a disadvantage, actually rose up to resist and made an unimaginable turnaround when it lost a large area of ​​its territory... Directly removed England from the European continent completely. Driven out and drove the British directly back to the British Isles.

But——France was also unable to cross the sea to expedition to the British Isles because of years of wars. This war was completely brought to an end.

At this time, the Habsburgs are trying to conquer the whole of Europe in a way unique to their family, by means of marriage...

And the Habsburg family, also known as the family that conquered Europe with xxx...

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Zhou Ye—he just lives his own little life... Every day he goes fishing, and he takes his woman to various places to experience the beauty that may disappear in the future...

From time to time, I will kill a few unpleasant guys...

Until - half a century later.

Castile - the ancient city of Toledo.

It used to be the capital of the Kingdom of Castile, and now it is the capital of the Kingdom of Spain, where two kings coexisted.

Since the Princess of Castile, Isabelle, married Prince Fernando of Aragon, their marriage eventually led to the union of Castile-Leon and Aragon, and the unification of Spain.

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