Today, in the palace of the ancient city of Toledo, all the nobles gathered in the hall, waiting for their queen, Isabel I, to give birth to a new heir to the kingdom...

Although it is said that their queen has given birth to a princess for the Kingdom of Castile, in the eyes of these nobles, girls are not as good as boys. If possible, they would prefer their future monarch to be a wise one. King...not queen.

In a bedroom not far from the hall where the nobles gathered, Isabel I was listening to the big belly, lying on the couch and screaming non-stop-even though she had already had the experience of giving birth... but that kind of The pain of the separation was still unbearable for her.

With a loud cry...

The sweaty Isabelle finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, a lady in charge of childbirth held the newly born baby in front of Isabel and whispered: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, it is a princess..."

"..." Isabel I looked at her daughter with some difficulty and felt a little sad... She knew that in this era, girls in the royal family are generally used for marriage... Few girls can inherit the throne , although they do have the right to inherit...

Just when Isabel I was a little silent, a lady had already passed the news of the birth of the little princess to the hall outside——

Some nobles kept sighing, while some nobles looked sad...

As one of the twin kings of the Kingdom of Spain, Fernando is also unhappy... He really wants a son to inherit his and his wife's throne... But at the moment, it still doesn't work...

And Isabel I, who was in the delivery room, listened to the sighs outside, and felt a little sad in her heart...

The sighs of the nobles are not the reason for her sadness. She is really sad because, as her husband, Fernando didn't even come in to see her...

"What a beautiful girl..."

At this moment, Isabel I suddenly realized that the daughter who had just been born beside him was gone, and then——a soft voice sounded in her ear...

When Isabel I realized that the owner of this voice was a male, there was a feeling of hairs bursting from the whole person. What was going on? Is it a rebellion? an assassin? Is it witchcraft? ?

You must know that when the royal family is giving birth, men are not allowed in the room, even the husband of a pregnant woman must avoid suspicion... Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for a male voice to appear in the delivery room...

Isabel I, who was already very tired, tilted her head reluctantly and looked towards the place where the voice came from...

I saw a handsome young man in a gorgeous white robe standing beside her couch. In his hands, he was holding her daughter--"You, who are you??"

"Me?" The handsome young man glanced at the sweaty Isabelle with a smile, and said, "Well—my name is Zhou should have heard this name before!"

"Saint Ye!"

The moment Isabel I heard this name, the whole person was stunned...

As a devout Catholic, how could Isabel I not know this name, you know - this name is inseparable from the recent miracle... She once wanted to go to Jerusalem for a pilgrimage, but the road is too long after all So she had to give up - but she had really visited the holy ruins in the Duchy of Brittany...

At that time—she was stunned by the hell-like scene...

While being frightened, Isabel I's heart of faith became much firmer...

She really didn't expect - she would meet this living saint one day, you know - this is a saint recognized by the Pope...

"You, you..." Isabel I was so excited that regardless of her weak body, she wanted to go down to the ground and kiss Zhou Ye's shoes... But her shoulder was held down by Zhou Ye...

"Don't be so anxious..." Zhou Ye said, gently teasing the baby girl in his arms. "what is her name??"

"Juana... Your Majesty..." Isabelle replied respectfully.

"It's a good name..." Zhou Ye said as he gently touched the baby girl's eyebrows. "I gave her some small gifts, hoping that in the future - she will be the happiest princess in the world..."

With that said, Zhou Ye gently placed the baby girl beside Isabel again... "Goodbye then, Her Majesty..."

"Please don't go... Your Majesty..." Isabelle excitedly wanted to reach out and grab Zhou Ye's hand, but she grabbed an empty one... Beside her, there was no one there - as if there was no one there. ...

"Your Majesty? What's wrong with you??" A lady's voice woke Isabel...

Isabel I asked anxiously: "Did you see the crown of Saint Ye just now?? He just came..."

"No, Your Majesty... No one has ever come in..." The lady was frightened by her queen's reaction, and she dared to swear with her own life—in this room, no one has ever come in...

"'s like this..." Isabel I lay down on the couch in frustration, and she began to think it was an illusion caused by her being too tired...

However, when she looked at her daughter, she believed again that the saint in this world had come here...because, her daughter was showing her a know, newborn babies are basically crying. nonstop...except

Don't block her with food, or she'll cry and make you want to kill someone.

However, Juana, who had just been born, did not cry, but stared at her mother with her big eyes and kept laughing...

"Darling... You are really a lucky little guy. As soon as you were born, a saint blessed you..." Isabel I looked at his daughter and couldn't help smiling. The depression of not being able to give birth to a son was completely at this moment. of smoke disappeared.

Chapter 1258

Chapter 1258

Ten years later————

"Your Highness... Your Highness, this is not pasture... This is Her Majesty's favorite violet..."

"What does it matter..." A little loli with long black hair let out a silver bell-like laughter while avoiding the pursuit of the court lady behind her...

Perhaps it was because Juana had been blessed by the legendary Saint Ye, and Isabel I was particularly fond of this daughter—never reluctant to scold her, even if she later gave birth to a boy as she wished...

Although Fernando, the husband of King Isabel I, did not like this somewhat naughty daughter, but in the face of the strong Isabel, he did not dare to say anything... He could only let his wife dote on this daughter.

"Mother, mother..." Juana, who was trotting all the way in the palace, saw her mother from a distance, she excitedly moved her calf and ran over, hugging her mother, "I miss you... …”

"My lovely baby!" Isabel I squatted down with a smile and hugged his favorite daughter, "What are you doing today??"

"I...I...I accidentally fed your violets to my horse..." Juana also knew that those violets were her mother's favorite flower, so she felt a little uneasy...

"..." When Isabel I heard his daughter's words, he really had a feeling of crying and laughing. He fed his violets to the horses, thanks to this little guy thinking...

But looking at his daughter's courage to admit her mistakes, Isabel I decided to forgive her... "Next time - don't do it again, you know?"

"I see, mother!" Little Juana nodded her little head very obediently...

It's a pity that her mother will not be deceived by her appearance - she knows her daughter too well and has the courage to admit her mistakes - she will never change it.

This is her daughter's character.

However, the good thing is that Juana was not spoiled by herself as a lawless little bully, at least she got along very well with her sisters and brothers...

This is what Isabel I was most satisfied with.

And little Juana is also very smart. To a certain extent - Isabel I felt that her daughter was a child who had been blessed by a saint. Among all her children, she was the smartest - simple In other words, Juana's IQ can easily crush her sisters and brothers.

If it weren't for her husband's strong disapproval, Isabel I would have wanted Juana to inherit her throne.

You must know—although it is said that Spain is currently unified, but—in fact, in this country there are still two kings standing side by side, that is to say—there are two more parliaments and two sets of leadership in this country... independent of each other.

The Kingdom of Castile has the parliament of the Kingdom of Castile, and the Kingdom of Aragon has the parliament of the Kingdom of Aragon... She and her husband, Ferdinand II, handle the government affairs of their own countries...

When will Spain be truly unified? Perhaps his own son, Juan can do this, and then let him inherit the throne of the two families...

Just when Isabel I was deep in thought, little Juana beside her tugged at her sleeve. "Mother...Mother..."

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