"What's wrong? My little baby!!" Isabel I was not at all angry with her daughter because her thoughts were interrupted. She always believed that this daughter was an angel bestowed on her by God, a pious recognition of her. Otherwise, why would a saint bless this little baby on the day she gave birth to Juana?

"Mother...I..." Little Juana looked at the large group of female officials standing behind her mother, who were all her mother's attendants, but——their loyalty was very questionable...

Looking at her daughter's eyes, Isabel I was instantly refreshed... She knew that there was only one situation where her daughter would be so cautious, and that was what she told her daughter to do...

"You all retreat!" Isabel I waved and ordered.

"Yes Your Majesty!" xn

The female officials standing behind Isabel I responded in unison, and then retreated into the distance... They have long been accustomed to the drama of their own queen and her daughter's whispering from time to time...

Although they disagreed with this, but——the queen's order is an order, and they did not dare to disobey the queen's order——although they did not feel that a ten-year-old little loli had nothing to do with their mother Confidential to say.

It wasn't until all the female officials, including the nearby guards, had withdrawn more than 100 meters, that little Juana grabbed her mother's sleeve and lay in her mother's ear and said, "Mother... I had that dream again last night. now..."

"That dream—!" Isabel I's pupils shrank when she heard her daughter's words, she knew what her daughter's words meant...

The first time little Juana told her about her dream was when she was seven—

She told Isabel I that she dreamed that she was in a valley like paradise, in that valley, flowers forgot the seasons, blooming with their own beauty, the river was crystal clear, and there was a field by the river with the architectural style of the palace A very different house...

The owner of the house is a very handsome, very handsome black-haired big brother...

He took her to play in the house, full of fun and novel toys - a square box (television) that could see other worlds, and a dark wooden box (sound) that could sing beautifully... There are many, many beautiful big sisters...

They played with her and told her various stories...let her linger...

When she asked her eldest brother's name curiously, the eldest brother told her that his name was Zhou Ye--he also said that he had met her when she was very young... He also said that if he had the opportunity in the future, he would Invite her to be a guest...

When little Juana woke up, she told the story to her brothers and sisters, but what they got was their laughter. They didn't believe that there were any boxes that could see other worlds, let alone that there was something wonderful that could be heard. The wooden box of the sound...

Only Isabel I was convinced of this...

Because, she had really met Zhou Ye—and, after the incident, she also found a court painter, and according to her description, she painted Zhou Ye's face... Although it is said that the drawn character is uglier than Zhou Ye himself too much……

But to some extent, there is a trace of Zhou Ye's outline...

When Isabel I showed Zhou Ye's portrait to his daughter and asked her if she was the big brother, little Juana said with some disgust, "It's a bit like...but, it's much uglier than the big brother!"

Therefore, Isabelle firmly believed that her daughter was led to the Pure Land by the saint in her dream... She told her daughter not to tell others about her dream, and besides—when she dreamed of the big brother again, she would definitely To tell her secretly...

That's why I say this because Isabel I didn't want her daughter to be used by careerists. As a member of the royal family - her words and deeds would be observed under a magnifying glass by those nobles. She just wanted her daughter to stay away from those conspiracies. ...

Cough-cough - far away...

When Isabel I heard that her daughter actually said that she had dreamed of Zhou Ye again, she hurriedly asked, "My dear, what did your elder brother say to you in the dream this time?"

"He said that I was welcome to visit the Devil's Valley in Santander..."

Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259

Of course, Isabel I knew about the Devil's Valley in Santander City, and even more that it once devoured the lives of more than 2,000 soldiers like the bloody mouth of a giant beast...

However, Isabel I really didn't expect that in his daughter's dream, the saint who once blessed his daughter actually asked his daughter to go to that strange place-is this an apocalypse? Or the whispers of the devil? ?

For a while, Isabel I, who has always been wise and martial, felt a little undecided.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" Little Juana looked at her mother's uncertain expression and said uneasy, "If you don't want to, I won't go..."

Isabel I looked down at her daughter's somewhat aggrieved expression, and instantly made up her mind. "Go - we must go!"

"Really?" Little Juana asked in surprise, "Is it true? Mother... Can I really go and play with my big brother?"

"Of course... but it's not you, it's us!" As Isabel I answered his daughter's words, he made up his mind - this time, whether it's for her daughter or to get rid of demons, you must go and see The one who has been famous since she was a child

The far-flung Devil's Valley, see what's hidden inside!

"Great..." Little Juana jumped up and down happily when she heard her mother's words... For a time, the whole corridor was filled with her silver bell-like laughter.

Of course, Queen Isabel I, one of the twin kings, travels, it is not so simple - just leave.

She also needs some reasons... otherwise, she will not be able to convince the nobles of the council.

In the end, she had to use the excuse of inspecting the territory of the Kingdom of Castile and condolences to the soldiers on the frontier - to propose a parade plan to the Castilian Parliament.

After some disputes, the nobles of the parliament finally agreed to the parade plan of their own queen - this is also something that can't be helped, after all, this time Isabel I is too tough... Therefore, they can only compromise, after all, political It's the art of compromise.

Of course, the queen can't just go out like an ordinary peasant when she travels. Just for the various utensils of the royal family, she has pulled a dozen carriages, nearly 500 servants and chores, plus 2,000 elites. The formation of the Queen's Guard - the entire team is nearly 3,000 people.

Ten days later—

With the resounding sound of the horn from the royal palace in the center of the ancient city of Toledo - the long Queen's parade slowly set off...

"Mother, when can we reach the big brother's valley?" Little Juana, sitting in the carriage, asked her mother impatiently. For a child, she could not wait to arrive at her destination as soon as she set off. ——

"Soon... baby!" Isabel I smiled while answering his daughter's question.

In fact, the decision to go to the Devil's Valley was also made by Isabel I after careful consideration...

In fact, she was a little hesitant the first time she heard her daughter say the name of the place - after all, the notoriety of the Devil's Valley has spread far and wide, but - after considering the achievements of the living saint, she felt that - It seems that this is also a normal thing.

You must know that at the time of the Battle of Brittany, the lord buried nearly 30,000 French troops in an instant - so it seems that his temper is in the past...

If—Isabel I was saying that if, if it wasn’t that adult in the Devil’s Valley, then she wouldn’t mind mobilizing a large army on the spot to completely level the valley. In this case, it could be considered to have eliminated heresies for the sake of our Lord.




Not to mention the Queen's parade that was heading north, just mention Zhou Ye who was in the Devil's Valley at the moment.

At this time, it is the hottest time of the year... mid-August.

In this season suitable for getting into the water, all the girls wore all kinds of swimwear and played to their heart's content by the river not far from the villa...

As for Zhou Ye, he was lying on a beach chair under the shade of a tree by the river, squinting his eyes lazily...

Behind him stood a serious Catherine in a black tuxedo.

"Catherine...Occasionally you have to take off your butler's clothes and enjoy some leisure time!" Zhou Ye gently picked up the red wine that Catherine had just poured, took a sip, and persuaded.

"Master—my duty is to serve you..." After Catherine said these words cherishly, she stopped saying a word.

"..." In the face of Catherine like this, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... I have to say, after Catherine was eaten by him, she was still like a pretty girl with a cold face, and she didn't give Zhou Ye a good look on weekdays...

But Zhou Ye knew that all this was just a disguise for this girl - just like a lobster, after peeling off the hard outer shell of her, you can taste the delicious and juicy taste inside... especially the kind of mouth that says He didn't want to, but his body was very honest, which Zhou Ye liked the most...

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