This hall is very large, covering more than 1,000 square meters. At this time, in the hall, there are loud voices - there are clowns spraying flames, there are also girls with masks performing cartilage exercises, and even - there are Many ladies with masks and graceful figures wanted to come to hook up with Zhou Ye, a handsome young man.

But the hands they stretched out were all blocked by Zhou Ye without a trace... Zhou Ye wasn't very interested in these vampires who were so disorganized. His goal tonight was those three puppets. The beauties sitting in the most conspicuous position of the ball, those three beauties who are about to become vampire brides.

Chapter 1274

One thousand two hundred and seventy-four chapters

In the center of the stage, a group of musicians were playing fast-paced music. The music seemed gloomy and weird, but in this brightly lit hall, it was unexpectedly in tune.

"Gentlemen, ladies..." Dracula wore a red dress and stood in the center of the stage - as he spoke, the sound of the musicians behind him became almost silent, and all the people in the hall were chatting The guests all stopped their actions and faced the pig's feet of today's dance, Count Dracula.

"Today, I will marry Miss Verona of the Ivana family, Miss Allera of the Albernachu family, and Miss Mariska of the Ceauses family..." After Dracula said this sentence , paused for a while, and then said sarcastically: "Of course, given our special status, my wedding will not be officiated by those priests who claim to be servants of the gods... because I am afraid that those guys have just arrived. Here, I can't help but peeing my pants..."


"Lord Count is so funny..."

"I don't think those guys would ever officiate a vampire wedding..."

"Hahaha... That's right, those hypocritical guys..."

"How dare they come here??"

For a time, the whole hall was full of laughter and ridicule, as if a group of demons were dancing wildly—

The three beautiful girls who were about to become vampire brides sitting in front of the stage couldn't help shaking their whole bodies...

Especially Verona, as the daughter of a small nobleman, although her beautiful name has spread all over Romania, but - this beauty has brought her unimaginable bad luck now...

She still can't believe what happened that day...

It is precisely because of her beauty that her family has benefited a lot. Many young nobles who are known as the Romanian Principality have fallen in love with her beauty. Verona originally thought that she would choose a satisfactory husband. , and live happily ever after.

However, at her bar mitzvah, everything changed...

On that day, Dracula's men, armed with swords, snatched her from the banquet of the coming-of-age ceremony...

On weekdays, those young and handsome men who claim to protect her and love her all their lives are shaking like grass chickens. In the face of Count Dracula's subordinates, no one dares to stand up, even, even. Don't dare to say a word to stop...

It was not until she was brought to the castle by Count Dracula's men, and after meeting the other two sisters, that Verona knew through conversation that the three had almost similar experiences, and what was even more similar was-they Because of the strict family education, even the first words are still preserved, that is to say, they are all first daughters through and through——

To be honest, at that time - Verona was really terrified, because in the legend, the most favorite thing for vampires is the blood of the first daughter...

This guess made the three girls look pale with fright.

Until - at night, after being subjected to witchcraft, they were carried to the stage in this hall...

Originally—they thought they would be sucked dry by the legendary vampire... But now—Dracula's remarks made them all a little relieved, at least they held on to their lives...

Don't blame them for being cowardly - after all, with their three weak skills, it is not easy to hold their lives in the hands of vampires. Compared with life, other things are not impossible to give up...

But what is a common saying? Desire to Longwangshu - get some, want more...

Although, Verona is now sure that his life safety has been guaranteed, but-if there is another man to save him at this time, it will be even better... Just like in fairy tales, when the princess is in distress, There is always a prince to save them - they also want to hope that there is a prince who can save them.

Leaving aside these three girls who are waiting for the prince to save... just Count Dracula.

He watched with satisfaction as the guests under the stage all mocked the church loudly and cursed God... To him, it was like the most beautiful music in the world.

However, if he continues to listen, I am afraid that his wedding will have to be postponed... Thinking of this, Count Dracula gently raised his left hand and made a stop motion...

Immediately——the guests who attended the banquet under the stage stopped their words, and in the entire hall, except for the faint music on the stage, almost no other sound could be heard...

Count Dracula nodded with satisfaction, "Although I can't invite those god's lackeys to officiate my wedding, but——the wedding process that should be there is still necessary..."

Having said this, Count Dracula glanced at the guests under the stage and shouted, "Today, I am marrying these three beautiful girls. Does anyone in the audience have any objection??"

In the eyes of Count Dracula, asking this sentence is purely a formality... Under the stage, almost all of his descendants are descendants. How could anyone object? How dare they? ?

However, something unexpected happened to Count Dracula——

"I—have an objection!"

This loud voice immediately stunned Count Dracula...

As the voice sounded - the crowd in the hall automatically separated to the left and right, revealing a tall figure... It was none other than Zhou Ye.

Those separated vampires are not afraid of Zhou Ye, but are afraid of Count Dracula, they are afraid that they will be implicated by this voice...

"Who are you??" Count Dracula asked with a solemn expression, looking at the handsome young man walking slowly towards him.

"Well - who am I?? It's a good question..." Zhou Ye walked with a smile and replied, "Some people call me an executioner, some people say I'm a devil, and some people just want to curse me. Go to hell... Of course, some people love me, some call me a saint who walks in the world, and some people say that I am Jehovah's agent on earth. Of course, I don't recognize these titles—because—I It's me, I' Ye!"

Damn, I almost threw out [different fireworks]... Ma Dan's, jokes hurt people...

Zhou Ye touched his chin in embarrassment...

"Sheng Ye—Your Majesty...???" Count Dracula was stunned when he heard Zhou Ye's name...

He still remembered that when he was still a devout Christian, he had heard the deeds of this majesty.

This kind of holy relic made his heart surging, and he wanted to leave everything in his family behind and go on a pilgrimage to France... However, in the end, because of the opening of the holy war, he had to go to the front line, and the pilgrimage to France had to stop there...

Today, he finally witnessed the holy face of this saint, but—in the case that he has turned his back on God... This has to be said, it is too ironic. "Your Majesty - are you here to destroy me??"

Chapter 1275

Chapter 1275

"Destroy you? Why destroy you? Did you offend me??" Zhou Ye asked curiously when he heard Dracula's words.

"Your honor..." Count Dracula asked cautiously—"Why are you here?"

Of course, he knew that if anyone came out and claimed that he was Zhou Ye, he was so cowardly, and he really lost his identity. But, he really didn't dare to gamble, and he didn't dare to gamble that the Zhou Ye in front of him was. fake……

You know, according to the rumors, this saint walking on the ground is not a good-tempered person. On the title of his saint, he bears the grievances of tens of thousands of French soldiers... It can be said that Zhou Ye's title of saint is not because of his personality. How humble, how merciful he got it - his title is all about killing.

No matter how conceited Count Dracula is, he does not think that he can kill tens of thousands of French troops alone, let alone tens of thousands of French troops, thousands of French troops are enough...

"Oh... I'm here for these three beautiful young ladies..." Zhou Ye said as he pointed at the three girls who were sitting in front of the stage like puppets in full costumes, and suddenly——the three girls felt His limbs are conscious again, and he can follow the command of his brain again.

As soon as the three girls regained their mobility, they hurriedly rushed in front of Zhou Ye, knelt down in unison, hugged Zhou Ye by one leg, and shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, please save us..."

The black-haired Verona Ivana had no legs to hug because she moved a step too slowly, so she had to hug Zhou Ye's left hand, begging with a sad expression: "Your Majesty... we... Not willing to be his bride... please, save us..."

"Don't worry... I'm here to take you all..." Zhou Ye said with a smile while enjoying a full range of ball massage.

I have to say, these three vampire brides are really predictable... In other words, is it really so powerful for different races? Zhou Ye felt as if he had never encountered a ball below d in Europe. Europe is such a good place...

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