Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the three girls became quiet. In this vampire's lair, the only one they could rely on was the crowned Saint Ye, whom Count Dracula had so much respect for...

Given their age, of course they wouldn't know that two hundred years ago, Zhou Ye, who was famous in Europe -- the reason why Dracula knew about Zhou Ye was because -- he was also from the 15th century... It's that simple. .

Dracula saw that Zhou Ye had released the black magic that he had cast on the three girls with just an understatement, and his expression suddenly froze, and the expression on his face became a little more respectful. "Your Majesty... If you are here for these three ladies, I am willing to give you the right to dispose of them..."

That's right, beautiful women are rare——but——beauties have to live to enjoy themselves...

In the face of Zhou Ye, a saint who slaughtered thousands of people, Count Dracula felt that he really didn't have the ability to grab women from him... The big deal, just find a few beautiful vampire brides in the future... There are more beauties in the world. Gone, but - life is only once.

Seeing Dracula's respectful expression, Zhou Ye smiled slightly...

He really didn't expect that Count Dracula was so knowledgeable... At first he thought there was going to be a war, but when he came, he was still thinking - how to save Dracula's life to facilitate the future of Princess Anna As for his favorability, the result—now that this guy is so well-behaved, Zhou Ye feels a little embarrassed.

"I like smart guys..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "You are very good... I am very satisfied with your attitude!"

"Since my business is over, let's not disturb your banquet..." Zhou Ye said, pulling up three girls in full costumes and walking out. "We'll meet again when there's a chance..."

Count Dracula watched Zhou Ye take the three daughters' backs away from him gradually, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, please wait a moment..."

When he shouted, it didn't matter. Those vampires who were at a loss because of Count Dracula's attitude were just as if they had received an order to attack. ...

When those vampires want to come, their master will never be so cowardly, this must be a conspiracy, now - it's time to see the poor...

After all—these descendants were basically absorbed from the nobles by Count Dracula in the past hundred years... They didn't know what the title of Sheng Ye was, let alone the meaning of those two words...


"Help - Your Majesty!"

"Am I going to die? Your Majesty..."

The three girls who were clinging to Zhou Ye suddenly screamed in fright. They couldn't help hugging Zhou Ye with both hands, just like a drowning person hugging a log floating on the water...

"Huh—?" Although Zhou Ye liked the feeling of Wen Yu in his arms now, but—he hated someone showing hostility to him, "A bat has to look like a bat, you are threatening me ??"

As Zhou Ye's words fell, all the vampires in the hall except Count Dracula were attracted to the ceiling by an invisible force... Looking around, there was no one on the floor of the entire hall. , Only the ceiling is densely packed with hanging vampires like bats.

If that's the case, it's nothing... After all, although hanging upside down is a little uncomfortable, it's only slightly uncomfortable for these vampires-but, the most terrifying thing is that they don't know when to hang on their heads. One more blood hole...

These hanging vampires, no matter how hard they struggle, they can't move one of their little fingers, their feet are like growing on the ceiling, they can't move, and the blood in their whole body follows their blood. Hanging upside down, they were all concentrated on their heads, and the blood on their heads was dripping down with the blood holes on their heads.

For a time - the whole hall, it was like a rain of blood - it looked terrifying.

"I'm curious..." Zhou Ye stood in the rain of blood, and said unhurriedly, "The power of vampires comes from blood, but what will happen if their blood is drained?? An interesting experiment, isn't it?? Come on, tell me, Verona... You know what happens to a vampire after it's been drained?"

"Will it turn into a mummified corpse??" The terrifying scene in front of her did not frighten Verona. She was even surprised by Zhou Ye's inquiry. At this moment, Zhou Ye was following the image of the prince she imagined. Slowly overlapping - so powerful, so handsome... This is not the prince in her dreams, who is it?

"Will it become a mummy?" Hearing Verona's words, Aleica Albernashu, who has long fiery red hair, replied not to be outdone. With a woman's intuition, she felt Verona's intuition. The transformation, although it is said that the two of them have been together for a long time, they can already be called sisters who share weal and woe, but- the high-quality man is the same as the peerless beauty, it is a rare item, let alone only today The sisters are the real sisters, and they should be robbed.

"No, I think they might die..." Marischka Ceauses retorted, shaking her blond hair.

Obviously, she also wants to join this silent war to snatch men. Don't blame them for thinking about being jealous before they escaped danger. It's really - fighting is the easiest way to induce feelings between men and women... Don't you know how many couples there are? Are all in danger to determine the relationship?

Besides, such a powerful, handsome, and mysterious Zhou Ye—has been

It's worth their looting regardless of sisterhood, you know—a woman's friendship...ha.

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276

"Your Majesty, I beg you to forgive their rudeness..." At this time, Count Dracula no longer had any doubts about Zhou Ye's identity.

Such a fiery temper, such a powerful and mysterious means, a strong man with such strength is disdainful of pretending to be someone else's name.

"I'm extremely grateful that I didn't kill them on the spot..." Zhou Ye turned around and pushed Dracula step by step. "What made you have the illusion that you are qualified to negotiate with me? Is it my kindness?? Or is it because of my good mood today?"

As Zhou Ye approached Dracula step by step, Dracula felt his heart beating so violently—in his eyes, the figure of Zhou Ye, who was slowly walking towards him, kept growing upwards. After a few steps, Dracula had to kneel on the ground and look up at Zhou Ye, who was like a mountain in front of him...

"Mian, Your Majesty... I beg you... Please forgive my disrespect..." Dracula felt that he knew at this moment why Zhou Ye's title of saint was deeply taboo in the European continent. Moody...and, most intolerant of provocation. "I...I just...just want to ask for your shelter...protect me..."

"Oh? Interesting..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly when he heard Count Dracula's words, and temporarily stopped his mental oppression of Dracula. Otherwise, this guy might not even be able to speak clearly...

"Give me a reason—I have to protect you..." Zhou Ye said, snapped his fingers lightly, and suddenly a gorgeous bench that had been placed in the distance suddenly appeared behind Zhou Ye... ... He sat down without hesitation, and slowly raised Erlang's legs. Looking at Count Dracula, who was kneeling at his feet, he said, "I will give you an hourglass time to convince me, otherwise, what awaits you will be a late judgment!"

The three daughters who originally followed Zhou Ye closely, saw Zhou Ye sitting on the chair, Verona and Alera moved very fast and leaned tightly against Zhou Ye's sides. The bench for two people, after sitting for three people, didn't seem crowded. I have to say-these girls are in such good shape.

Malishka, who took a step too slowly and missed the opportunity, simply stood directly behind Zhou Ye, put her hands on Zhou Ye's shoulders, and pressed lightly - just like giving Zhou Ye a massage.

"Yes...Yes, Your Majesty..." Count Dracula bowed his head and knelt at Zhou Ye's feet. He was really afraid...Dracula, who has lived for hundreds of years, is no longer the one who was once angry. The hot-blooded youth who cursed Jehovah, and the enjoyment for hundreds of years has turned him into an aristocrat who is greedy for life and fear of death. In the face of weak youth, he is a superior person who has no choice but to control the fate of others.

However, when faced with an existence that controls his life and death, and can make his life worse than death at any time, he is a poor creature crawling on the ground and trying to survive.

In the scene just now, Zhou Ye had already proved his identity to him, and he had also shown him that powerful force that made him despair. How could he have the right to negotiate terms with such a powerful god-like Zhou Ye? ? All he can do now is try to find a reason for Zhou Ye to protect him...

Just as he was thinking about how to make this majesty protect him, he suddenly saw the jade feet of the two women sitting beside Zhou Ye...

This gave him an idea...

Keke - don't get me wrong, Count Dracula wasn't hitting on those two women's ideas, but finally thought of Zhou Ye's preferences...

In the past, among the legends of this crowned prince, there were also some not-so-positive legends - for example, this crowned prince was actually to get the Duke of Brittany, the daughter of John V, Princess Beatrice, That's why they slaughtered tens of thousands of French troops...

Originally, Count Dracula, who was a hot-blooded young man, thought that this was just a rumor made up by a pagan in order to attack the reputation of his majesty——

However, it seems today—it seems that this majesty has an unusual preference for beautiful women...

"Your Majesty...you walk like the sun on this wicked land, and wherever you go, you bestow your favor on those beautiful lambs...those lambs bathed in your holy light, so it is Happiness..." Count Dracula opened with a flattery, making Zhou Ye feel a little embarrassed.

"Cough cough... Don't talk about other things, quickly explain the reason..."


"Your Majesty, the earl's ancient Latin attainment is a bit low... In a short sentence, he said three words wrong!"

"It's just..."

The three girls felt that they were standing by Zhou Ye's side, so safe that even the tall Count Dracula had to kneel at the feet of his majesty, begging for his forgiveness...

For women, power is second only to the temptation of youth, and precisely, Zhou Ye made them experience this sense of superiority. At this time, they really wanted to dedicate their everything to this mysterious and powerful His Majesty Zhou Ye.

"Cough cough... as you wish, Your Majesty!" Count Dracula coughed a little embarrassingly at the words of the three girls. No matter how angry he was, he would not dare to attack. Now the three daughters are obviously Under the protection of this majesty, how dare he hand his paws to these three girls? "Your Majesty, what I want to say is - where there is light, there is darkness, you walk in the light, and the dark things are always invisible to you... I am willing to be in the dark for the sake of Your Majesty. in the midst of, be your crown in the dark

Advocate...I can even collect..."

Count Dracula said this, glanced at the girls on both sides of Zhou Ye, and then respectfully lowered his head again...

Zhou Ye understood the meaning of Count Dracula in seconds. This is the meaning of collecting beauties for himself... Interesting, really interesting. "Oh? Are you willing to be my voice in the dark?"

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

"And search for beautiful women for me??"

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